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Title:  The practice, proceedings, and lawes of armes described out of the doings of most valiant and expert captaines, and confirmed both by ancient, and moderne examples, and præcedents, by Matthevv Sutcliffe.
Author: Sutcliffe, Matthew, 1550?-1629.
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their associats were ranged on the left corner, & within them foote∣men: in the midst were placed the Romane legiōs diuided after their vsual maner into three parts: hard before them & ioyning with them were archers and slingers placed, and before them other archers, and slingers and other light armed souldiers, of which consisted the first range of the battel. Annibal set his slingers, archers, and light armed foremost on the front of the battell, the Spanish, and French horse he placed on the left wing against the Romane horsemen, the Numidi∣an horsemen on the right. The midbattel he strengthened with foote∣men, placing the Africans equally diuided in the right, and left cor∣ner, the Gaules and Spaniards with their aray in forme of a wedge auanced somewhat forward being in the midst. The charge was be∣gunne by the archery and light armed, afterward did the left wing of the Gaules and Spanish horsemen meete with the right wing of the Romanes: then followed the encountre of the armed men.Liui. 22.In dextro cornu Romanos equites locauit, deinde pedites: laeuum cor∣nu extremi equites sociorum, intra pedites; ad medium iuncti legionibus Romanis tenuerunt iaculatores. Ex caeteris leuium armorum auxilijs prima acies facta. Annibal Balearibus aliáque leui armatura praemissa, Gallos, Hispanos{que} equites laeua in cornu aduersus Romanum equitatum, dextrum cornu Numidis equitibus datum media acie peditibus firmata, ita vt Afrorum, vtra{que} cornua essent, interponerentur his cuneo aliquan∣tum prominente medij Galli, at{que} Hispani. Pugna leuibus primum armis commissa: deinde equitum Gallorum, Hispanorum{que} laeuum cornu cum dextro Romano concurrit, deinde peditum coorta pugna.Scipio fighting against Asdrubal in Spaine, did thus dispose his army: he strengthened both the corners of his battell (diuided from front to backe after the vsual maner) with Romane souldiers, his associats he bestowed in the midst, his horsemen and light armed hee sent out against the corps de garde of the Carthaginians placed in the gates of their campe, and in conuenient places neere. When the Carthaginians came foorth against them, hee receiued his horse∣men and light armed within his battaillions, and diuiding them in∣to two partes, placed them behinde the corners of the battell. Per∣ceiuing where the enemie was weakest, hee there beganne the charge, with that part of his army that was strongest. The first bat∣tell of the enemies being discomfited, he chargeth the midbattell with his Regiments of Romanes on the sides, with his associats that were 0