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Title:  The practice, proceedings, and lawes of armes described out of the doings of most valiant and expert captaines, and confirmed both by ancient, and moderne examples, and præcedents, by Matthevv Sutcliffe.
Author: Sutcliffe, Matthew, 1550?-1629.
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to fight. TheIntentior quā vnquam nte a muniendi, exer∣cendi{que} militem cura ducibus Volscorum erat. Liu. 4.Volscians hauing bin oftentimes foyled by the Romanes, and determining to set vp their rest, tooke great care in arming and exercising their men, as if that were the onely meanes to harten and harden their souldiers. And sure much good doth exer∣cise and teaching, as well in warre as other artes, where the leaders are skilfull. Tit.Liu. 23.Sempronius by exercising his young souldiers, taught them to followe their ensignes, and keepe rankes both stan∣ding, and fighting in array of battell, and obteined by them diuers victories against the enemie.Liu. 34.Cato likewise in his voyage into Spaine, tooke no small paines in exercising of his men, before hee brought them to see the enemie; whereby he so fashioned them, that he gaue diuers repulses to the enemie. Tullus Hostilius, when the mindes of the Romanes were mollified ky long peace, in the dayes of his predecessor Numa, yet by exercise obteined so much, that they durst encounter, and were not inferiour to olde souldiers.Epaminondas by framing and excercising the Thebanes, made them of a base nation, the most warlike people of Greece, and with them ouerthrewe the Lacedemonians, which from their youth vp were trayned vp in the exercise of armes. In the first warres with Car∣thage, the Romanes perceiuing that for want of skill in Sea causes, they were inferiour to the Carthaginians, practised their men in imaginarie Sea fightes, and so long exercised them therein, that at lenghth they ouercame them aswell by sea, as by land.Liu. 24.Statorius the Romane teaching the souldiers of Syphax to followe their leaders, and to keeperankes, and other orders of warres, in short time made them of nouices so expert, that after that Syphax doubted not to encoūter the Carthaginians. This caused Tissaphernes the Persian, to make such reckoning of Phalinus, a Grecian, for that hee was. exped. Cyr. 2. Xenoph.skilfull in ordering of men, and teaching them to fight in armes. Of English men Philip of Comines giueth this testimonie, tha al∣though when they first come into France they haue small skill, yet with exercise they first come into France they haue small skill, yet with exercise they become good souldiers: and therefore seeing most of our souldiers are yong, and of small experience in warres, by reason of our long peace, they are diligently to be exercised before that they see the enemie.Cassius quan∣tum sine bello dabatur, reuocat priscum morem, exercet legio∣nes. Tacit. 12,Cassius the Romane according to the olde guise of the Romanes, exercised his souldiers at all idle times, albeit many of them were expert in warres.Much more therefore ought we to exercise our young souldiers, 0