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Title:  A challenge concerning the Romish Church, her doctrine & practises, published first against Rob. Parsons, and now againe reuiewed, enlarged, and fortified, and directed to him, to Frier Garnet, to the archpriest Blackevvell and all their adhærents, by Matth. Sutcliffe. Thereunto also is annexed an answere vnto certeine vaine, and friuolous exceptions, taken to his former challenge, and to a certeine worthlesse pamphlet lately set out by some poore disciple of Antichrist, and entituled, A detection of diuers notable vntrueths, contradictions, corruptions, and falsifications gathered out of M. Sutcliffes new challenge, &c.
Author: Sutcliffe, Matthew, 1550?-1629.
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non homo operibus suis vllis, sed deus promissione sua sit author salutis; vt omnia pendeant, portentur, seruenturque in verbo virtutis suae. So it appeareth, that Bellarmine cutteth off the ende of Luthers sentence, and addeth these words: opera ille non curat, to make his doctrine odious. In the same booke and chapter likewise Bellarmine falsifi∣eth another place of Luther, making him to speake thus. tam diues est homo Christianus, vt non possit perire si velit, quan∣tumcunque malè viuat. But Luthers wordes in his booke de Capt. Babyl. c. de baptismo, of the edition aboue mentioned, stand thus: tam diues est homo Christianus, vt volens non pos∣sit perdere salutem suam quantiscunque peccatis, nisi nolit cre∣dere. These wordes quantumcunque malè viuat, are added by Bellarmine, to make Luthers doctrine seeme contrarie to good workes. He would make his reader beléeue, that Caluin should say, that God is cause of sinne.De notis ec∣cles. c. 9. The place quoted instit. lib. 1. c. 18. doth acquite Caluin, and shew Bellarmine to be a falsary. for he doth not teach any such matter, nor hath any such words. These wordes he setteth downe as taken out of Caluins instit.Ibidem.lib. 1. c. 18. §. 2. non solum permissu, sed voluntate dei homines peccant, ita vt nihil ipsi deliberando agitent, nisi quod deus apud se decreuerit, & arcana directione constituit. but he forgeth these words, quod dei voluntate homines peccant, and altereth the latter end of the sentence.Lib. 3. instit. c. 23. §. 24. dicit Caluinus saith Bellar. lib. de notis ecclesiae c. 9. dei non solum praeuisione, & permissione, sed etiam voluntate in peccatum lapsum esse Adamum. But these wordes are no where to be found in Caluin. for he hath onely these wordes: lapsus est primus homo, quia dominus ita expe∣dire censuerat. Likewise he affirmeth that Caluin hath these wordes lib. 3. instit.Ibidem.c. 24. §. 14. quod aliqui verbum dei audire contemnunt, ipsorum est prauitas, sed in hanc prauitatem à deo addicti sunt. but these words à Deo are Bellarmines addition. Speaking of Philip Melancthon: dicit saith he, ita fuisse o∣pus dei Iudae proditionem, Pauli conuersionem. and these wordes saith he, are found in his commentaries vpon the eight 0