Certayne sweete prayers of the glorious name of Iesus, commonly called Iesus Mattens with the howers therto belonging
Seuse, Heinrich, 1295-1366.
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Iesus the wisedome of the father, geue vs health both of body & soule.

Conuert vs God our Sauiour.

And turne thy wrath away frō vs.

O God make spéede to saue me.

O Lord make hast to succour me.

Glory be to the father, to the son, and to the holy ghost.

As it was in the beginning, is nowe, and euer shal be world with∣out ende. Amen. Alleluia.

The Psalme.

LIghten mine eyes that I neuer sléepe in death, lest mine enimie at any time say, I haue preuayled ouer him.

Those that persecute me will re∣ioyce Page  [unnumbered] if I be moued, but I trust in thy mercy.

My harte shall reioyce in thy sal∣uation.

I will sing vnto our Lorde, who hath geuen me good things: and sing to the name of the hyest.

Glory be to the father. &c.

As it was in the beginning.

The Antheme.

I dwell in the hyest places, and my throne is in the pillers of the cloudes.

The Chapiter.

WIsedome teacheth sobrietie, righteousnes and vertue, which thinges be most commodious for vs in this life.

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Answere. Thanks be to God.

Response. In good quietnes, I will sléepe and take my rest.

Versicle. If I sléepe and take a nappe with mine eyes.

I will sléepe and take my rest.

Glory be to the father. &c.

In good quietnes I wil sléepe, and take my rest.

The Hymne.

Nowe Iesus rules in peace,
Which tongue can not expresse:
My minde desires & will not cease,
But néedes wil haue to him accesse.
The Saintes in heauen glad,
To prayse thée be not slacke:
Iesus gladdes the world bad,
And for vs peace wt god doth make.
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Iesu to heauen did ascende,
Vnto his Princely throne:
My harte is after Iesus wende,
And lefte me all alone.
All wisedome be to thée,
And to thy father glory,
The holy ghost prayse we,
One God in persons thrée. Amen.

Versicle. His place is made ready in peace.

Ans. And his habitation in Sion.

The Antheme.

O glorious king.

The song of Simeon.

LOrde nowe lettest thou thy ser∣uant depart in peace, according to thy worde.

For mine eyes haue séene thy Page  [unnumbered] saluation, which thou hast prepared before the face of all people.

A light to lighten the Gentiles, and to be the glory of the people Israel.

Glory be to the father, to the son, and to the holy ghost.

As it was in the beginning, is nowe, and euer shal be world with∣out ende. Amen.

The Antheme.

O glorious King, who art alwayes praysed among thy Saintes, and yet no man can speake so worthy∣ly of thée as thy Maiestie requireth, thou Lorde art among vs, and thy holy name is called vpon by vs, for∣sake vs not our God, but at the ex∣treme Page  [unnumbered] day of Iudgement, vouchsafe to place vs among thy chosen ser∣uaunts and Saintes, moste blessed king.

Lorde heare my prayer.

And let my cry come vnto thée.

Let vs pray.

Mercyfully (O Lorde) looke vpon our frayltie, and fauourably geue vs a taste of thy celestiall wisdome, that when we haue tasted of the merueylous swéetenes thereof, we may despise all worldly vanitie, and continually with burning de∣sire cleaue vnto thée, who arte the chéefest goodnes that may be: tho∣rough our sayd Lorde Iesus Christ Page  [unnumbered] thy sonne, who liueth and reigneth with thée in the vnitie of the holy ghost, God worlde without ende. Amen.

Blesse we our Lorde.

Thankes be to God.

The euerlasting wisedome blesse and kéepe our mindes and bodyes.

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