Certayne sweete prayers of the glorious name of Iesus, commonly called Iesus Mattens with the howers therto belonging
Seuse, Heinrich, 1295-1366.

The Hymne.

O Iesu clearer then the sunne,
No swéeter balme than thée:
No swéete like thée, not one,
Aboue al things most frée.
Thou art the ende of loue,
That giueth delight of minde:
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My glory eke art thou,
That sauedst all mankinde.
Encreace of mercy euermore
Thou art, and hope of ioy:
Of grace the well and store,
That sheldest from anoy.
To father thine all glory be,
Al wisedome eke to thée most pure,
The holy ghost in Trinitie,
Be praysd for euer to endure.