Certayne sweete prayers of the glorious name of Iesus, commonly called Iesus Mattens with the howers therto belonging
Seuse, Heinrich, 1295-1366.
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The Antheme.

O Thou wisedome which procée∣ded out of the mouth of ye hyest, that reacheth from one ende of the world to an other, who doth strong∣ly place all thinges in a comely or∣der: come and teache vs the way howe to attayne thy wisdome.

Lorde heare my prayer.

And let my crye come to thée.

Let vs pray.

O Lord who by thy wisdome whi∣che is eternal, as thou thy selfe art, created man who before was not, and when he was vtterly loste, did most mercyfully redéeme him: graunt we beséeche thée, that tho∣row the inspiration of the said wis∣dome Page  [unnumbered] into our hartes, we may loue thée with all our minds, and runne to thée with all our harte: through our sayde Lorde Iesus Christe thy sonne, who liueth & raigneth with thée in the vnitie of the holy Ghost, God world without ende. Amen.

Blesse we the Lorde.

Thankes be to God.

The euerlasting wisdome blesse & kéepe our minds & bodies. Amen.