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Title:  The high vvay to Heaven by the cleare light of the Gospell cleansed of a number of most dangerous stumbling stones thereinto throwen by Bellarmine and others. In a treatise made vpon the 37. 38. and 39. verses of the 7. of Iohn: wherein is so handled the most sweete and comfortable doctrine of the true vnion and communication of Christ and his Church, and the contrarie is so confuted, as that not onely thereby also summarilie and briefly, and yet plainly all men may learne rightly to receiue the sacrament of Christs blessed bodie and blood, but also how to beleeue and to liue to saluation. And therefore entitled The highway to Heauen. By Thomas Sparke Doctor of Diuinitie.
Author: Sparke, Thomas, 1548-1616.
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therefore wine is made water, the spirit of God, or God, the heartes of men, or the seruants of God themselues; as we heere see him that hath beene alwaies in the forme of God, said to haue beene made in the forme of man, by his taking vnto himselfe the forme of a seruant. And though most certaine it be, and therefore most vsuall in the scriptures also (the bet∣ter to note the true, reall, essentiall, and per∣sonall vnion, betwixt the sonne of God, and the nature of man) to heare those things that properly appertaine to the manhood to be affirmed of our blessed God and Sa∣uiour, and also those things that properlie belong vnto him onely as he is God, spoken of the man Christ: yet to make it euident, that as it is heretical, to confound the one nature with the other, that so it is also, and hath beene euer so accounted of all those who by the motion of Gods spirit, and not of their owne, haue written the scriptures to cōmunicate properly the special proper∣ties of the one vnto the other, they haue ne∣uer so spoken or writ, but speaking of these two natures in the concrete, that is, as the wordes vsed to signifie the same not the person subsisting in the essence and neuer speaking thereof in the abstract, as the 0