☞Wherefore then do papistes preferre single lyfe?
☞ There hathe euer bene deue∣lyshe and fantasticalle spirites, which haue denied that mariage was lawefull vnto Christen men as Tatinus & Hierax. Although
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☞ There hathe euer bene deue∣lyshe and fantasticalle spirites, which haue denied that mariage was lawefull vnto Christen men as Tatinus & Hierax. Although
papistes wyll not be thoughte to condempne mariage yet doe they deforme it verye muche, for they dreame yt they doe rather deserue remission of synnes and iustyfi∣cation with their single lyfe, then other menne. Afterwarde fayne they that single lyfe is perfection of the Gospell, wherein they doe greately erre. For there haue ben many whyche were maried that were as perfecte (As Abrahame, Isaacke, Iacobe, Dauid &c) as mani virgines. Single life is no perfection, but the perfection of the gospel is to acknoweledge the in firmite of mankind, and to be affrayed, and agayne to be vphol∣den with fayth. In suche exerci∣ses standeth the perfection of the Gospell, yf there be anye so to be called,