Omnibus & singulis. Affording matter profitable for all men, necessarie for euery man; alluding to a fathers aduice or last will to his sonne. Now published for the vse of all men, and particularly of those that doe inhabit Great Brittaine and Ireland.
Scot, Patrick.
Page  44


NExt vnto the knowledge of God & your duty to him (hauing the approbatiō of a goodp Conscience) seeke for a good reputatiō among men, not by close carriage or concealing your faults, but by eschewing all those vices that may iustly deserue re∣proch: for it is hard to doe good, except a man bee thought good: therefore wisely* foresee and con∣sider, that a good name and reputation (being the Manna & Nepenthe of generous Spi∣rits) is so delicate, that the least excesse doth blemish, an vniust action doth dishonor it, an act of in discretion, neg∣ligence, or idlenesse, defaceth Page  45 it, and a sinister successe ruins it: and as Glasse crackt is easi∣ly broken, so is a Mans good name once iustly tainted.

Obserue diligētly, that the* Arch-Enemie to Man, the World & your own corrupt affections (with whom you are to enter Combat) are 3. dāgerous enemies, & (so long as breath entertaynes your Earthly Mansion) shall ne∣uer leaue to assault you: the first is Cruell, Diligent, and Trecherous: the second, false and inconstant (beeing rightly called* Mundus, à mo∣uendo, Page  46 because it is in conti∣nuall motion without any stabilitie) & the third (being aa Domestical Enemie, or ra∣ther troopes of inmate foes) will haue their hands in the Dish with you, and yet Iu∣das-like) euer readie to be∣tray you with a kisse.