Omnibus & singulis. Affording matter profitable for all men, necessarie for euery man; alluding to a fathers aduice or last will to his sonne. Now published for the vse of all men, and particularly of those that doe inhabit Great Brittaine and Ireland.
Scot, Patrick.


FOr* laying the first foundati∣on of Religi∣on (without which al other grounds are to no effect.)

a That there is a GOD Page  2 Omnipotent, Mercifull and Iust, Gods Works doe suffi∣ciently demonstrate.

cIf he build, it is a World: if he be angrie for the sinnes of the World,d hee sends a Deluge. If hee will shew the loue hee beares to the World,e he sends his Sonne,f and suffers him to dye vp∣on the Crosse, to saue the World: If hee will reward the godly, it is withg Para∣dise; when hee armes, the* Angels march vpon the head of his Troupes,h the Elements are the Marshals of his Campe, the Rocks remooue from their Centre and follow to giue it Water,i the Cloudes guide by day, and Pillars of fire by night,k the Sea opens to giue Page  3 them passage,l and the Sun stayes to end their victories. To inlarge the wonderful∣nesse of his Works,m Ba∣laams Asse shall speake, and reprooue his Master:n Wa∣ters turne into Wine, theo dead are raised to life,p the Blind see,q the Deafe beare,r the Lame goe,s and thou∣sands of people are fedde, with some few Loaues and Fish.

If hee will shew Mercie,t Peter, after that he had de∣nyed Christ, shall weepe bit∣terly,u and be made Pastor of his sheepe.* Paul, of a Persecutor, become an Elect Vessel and faithful Preacher of the Gospell; when hee will exalt the humble,x lit∣tle Dauid shal be taken from Page  4 the sheepe, and bee made both Kingy and Prophet:z humble Ioseph from the Prison, and preferred to bee Pharoes High Steward:a Da∣niel from the Lions Den, and clothed with Purple.

When he will execute Iu∣stice,b Sodom is deuoured with Fire and Brimstone:c Iudas hanging himselfe, confessed that hee had be∣trayed the Innocent:d Iulian the Apostata, tearing out his bowels, (in the horrour of his Conscience) cryes out, Vicisti tandem, Galilaee.

When hee will humble the proud, Idolatrouse Na∣buchadnezar shall eate grasse amongst the beasts of the field: the basest of GODS Creatures shall make hard-hearted Page  5 Pharaof send for Moses, and confesse the true God. Finally, in all his works of Power, Mercy, & Iustice, (out of the fierie Furnace)g Shedrach, Meshach, & Abed∣nego, shall proclayme his Glorie.

Thus you see, that Gods Workes declare that hee is God, Powerfull, Mercifull, and Iust, and that the mea∣nest of these Workes are of force eyther (by the least dramme of Grace) to con∣uert the most obstinate A∣theist, to the true knowledge of God, or in Iustice to con∣found him.