Omnibus & singulis. Affording matter profitable for all men, necessarie for euery man; alluding to a fathers aduice or last will to his sonne. Now published for the vse of all men, and particularly of those that doe inhabit Great Brittaine and Ireland.
Scot, Patrick.


AS doing good is better thē not doing euil, so (for the better exercising your selfe in the practice of Ver∣tues) I doe rather recom∣mend vnto you, honest so∣cietie, then as Melancho∣lous and Heremitish life; but in the choyce of your companie, great care is to be had,t that you conuerse with none, but such whose Page  53 disposition is honest, and vertuous; affect not multi∣tude of friends, (remem∣bring that ancient saying, He that hath many Friends, hath eaten too much Salt at Meales) but (after good ad∣uice) settle your friendship with such, who reuerencex friendship, as the habit of a continued loue, procee∣ding from a true vertuous disposition; vniting two soules in one will, and e∣steeme the conuersing of friends, their mutuall parti∣cipating, eyther priuate sor∣rowes, or conceyued plea∣sures, to bee the true end of friendship; for this cause did Theseus choose Perithous, O∣restes, Pilades.

Let your friend be such, Page  54 who accounteth beauty but a blaze, wealth a fickle fauor of Fortune; but friendship to be the precious chayne of humane societie, and of such Vertue, that neytherx time nor fortune can corrupt.

In friendship abandon (as an infectiue poyson) suspici∣ous Iealousie, andy com∣municate not onely your minde, but your most waightie affaires to your friend; and if sometime you keepe vp any thing from him, let it be to auoid suspi∣cion of facilitie.

Vse not your friends like Sutes of Apparrell, in wea∣ring them thred-bare, and then call for new, but re∣member thou owest him foure dueties;z with thy Page  55 purse, with thy person, with thy comfort, and counsell.

In true friendship pati∣ence is specially required: for there is no man that hath not somewhat to bee misli∣ked, and shall not iustly mis∣like something in you; if your friends faults bee few, swallow and digest them, if many, smother them to o∣thers, but louingly notifie them to himselfe.

Let nothing but death & villainie diuorce you from your friend, but still follow him so farre as is eyther pos∣sible or honest, and thena leaue him with sorrow.

In your gesture and words bea courteous to all men, by this means you shal procure loue, and keep friendship fast.