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¶ A Martiall Conference, betweene Captaine Skill and Cap∣taine Pill.
GEntleman, wel ouertaken, I hope you are riding towardes London, whither my selfe am likewise trauailing, and would be glad of good company.
I am trauelling towards London indéede sir, and am glad I haue met with so good company as your selfe doe séeme to be, but I pray you sir, let me craue your name.
Sir, you shal vnderstand that I am by profession a souldier, and haue serued in the French and Low country seruices diuers times, and in some other expeditions I haue had charge, and therefore by such as know me, I am called by the name of Captaine Skill.
Truely sir, I doe loue you so much the better, for I my selfe am likewise a professor of Armes, and am called by the name of Captaine Pill: and therefore I must loue soul∣diers, nay more, I do reuerence them, nay more yet, I doe honor them: and I beléeue, that on•• selfe same occasion hath now drawne on our acquaintance, and I thinke we goe to London both of one arrand.
And I pray you sir, what might that be as you doe thinke?
Mary I thinke that this mustering in euerie parte of the realme, and this preparation for the making ready of