¶ The buyldynge of the tower of Babell. The cō∣fusyon of tongues. The generacion of Sem the son∣ne of Noe vntyll Abraham whiche goeth with Lot vnto Haran.
ANd all the worlde was of one tongue, and one language. And as th••y came frome the east, they founde a playne in the lande of Synear, and there they dwelled. And they sayde one to another: come on, let vs make brycke and burne it wi••h fyre. So brycke was their stone, and slyme was their morter. And they sayd: Come on, let vs buyld vs a cytie and a towre, that the toppe maye teache vnto heuē.* 1.1 And let vs make vs a name afore we be scatered abrode ouer all the earth. And the Lorde came φ downe to se the cyte & the towre which the children of Adam hadde buylded. And the Lorde sayde: See, the peo∣ple is one, and haue one tongue amonge thē all. And this haue they begon to do, and wil not leaue frome all that they haue purposed to do. Come on, let vs descende, and myngle [ B] their tonge euen there, that one vnderstonde not what an other sayeth. Thus the Lorde skatered them from thence vpon all the earth. And they lef••e of to buylde the cytie. Wher∣fore the name of it is called Babel, because that the Lorde there confounded the tongue of all the Worlde. And because that the Lorde frome thence scatered theym abrode vppon all the earthe.
These are the generacions of Sem: Sem was an hundred yere olde and begat Arphach∣sad .ii. yere after the floude. And Sem lyued after he hadde begote Arphachsad .v. hundred yere and begat sonnes and daughters.
Andφ 1.2 Arphachsad lyued .xxxv. yere and be∣gate [ C] Sala, and lyued after he had begat Sa∣la .iiij. hundred yere and .iij. and begate son∣nes and daughters. And Sala was .xxx. yere olde and begat Eber, and lyued after he hadde begot Eber .iiij. hundred and thre yere, & be∣gat sonnes and daughters. When Eber was xxxiiii. yere olde, he begat Peleg, and lyued af∣ter he had begot Peleg foure hundred and .xxx yere, and begat sonnes and daughters.