Delightes for ladies to adorne their persons, tables, closets, and distillatories with beauties, banquets, perfumes and waters.
Plat, Hugh, Sir, 1552-1611?

32. Diuers excellent kinds of bottle Ale.

I Cannot remember that euer I did drinke the like sage ale at a∣ny time, as that which is made by mingling two or three droppes of the extracted oyle of sage with a quart of Ale, the same beeing well brued out of one pot into ano∣ther: Page  [unnumbered]and this way a whole Stand of sage ale is very speedily made. The like is to bee done with the oyle of Mace or Nutmegs. But if you will make a right gossips cup that shall farre exceed all the Ale that euer mother Bunch made in her life time, then in the bottling vp of your best Ale, tunne halfe a pinte of white Ipocras that is newly made, and after the best re∣ceipt, with a pottle of Ale, stoppe your bottle close, and drinke it when it is stale: Some commend the hanging of roasted Orenges prickt full of Cloues in the vessell of Ale till you find the taste ther∣of sufficiētly graced to your own liking.