Delightes for ladies to adorne their persons, tables, closets, and distillatories with beauties, banquets, perfumes and waters.
Plat, Hugh, Sir, 1552-1611?

44. To mold of a Lemmon, orenge, peare, Nut. &c. and after to cast it hollowe within, of sugar.

FIll a woodden platter halfe full of sande, then presse downe a Lemmon, peare, &c. therein to the iust halfe thereof, then temper some burnt Alablaster with faire water in a stone or copper dish, of the bignesse of a great siluer boll, and cast this pap into your sande, and from thence clap it vppon the Lemmon, Peare, &c. pressing the pap close vnto it. Then after a while take out this halfe parte with the Lemmon in it, and pare it euen in the insides as neere as you can, to make it resemble the iust halfe of your Lemmon, then make 2. or 3. litle holes in the halfe (viz in the edges therof) laying it downe in the sande againe, and so Page  [unnumbered]caste an other halfe vnto it, then cut off a peece of the top of both your partie moldes, & cast thereto another cap in like manner as you did before. Keep these three parts bound together with tape till you haue cause to vse them: and be∣fore you cast, lay them alwaies in water, and drie vp the water again before you poure in the sugar. Coloury our Lemmon with a lit∣tle saffron steeped in Rosewater; vse your sugar in this manner: Boile refined or rather double re∣fined sugar and Rosewater to his full height, viz. till by powring some out of a spoone, it will run at the last as fine as a haire; thē ta∣king off the cappe of your molde, poure the same therein, filling vp the mold aboue the hole, and pre∣sently clap on the cap, and presse it downe vppon the sugar, then swing it vpp and downe in your hande, turning it rounde, and bringing the neather parte some Page  [unnumbered]times to be the vpper parte in the turning, and è conuerso. This is the manner of vsing an Orenge, Lemmon, or other round molde: but if it be long as a pigs foot will be, beeing molded, then roule it, and turne it vp and downe longe waies in the aire.