Delightes for ladies to adorne their persons, tables, closets, and distillatories with beauties, banquets, perfumes and waters.
Plat, Hugh, Sir, 1552-1611?

38. To colour sugar plate with seuerall colours.

YOu may mixe Roset with your fine sacred sugar vntill the co∣lour please you, and so shall you haue a faire murrey colour. Sap-greene must be tempred in a little Rosewater, hauing some gumme first dissolued therein, and so laye it on with a pensill vpon your paste in apt places. With saffron you may make a yellow colour in the like manner, first drying and pow∣dering your saffron, and after it hath coloured the Rosewater suf∣ficientlie, by strayning it through fine linnen. The powder of Cina∣mon, Page  [unnumbered]maketh a walnut colour, and ginger and Cinamon together a lighter colour.