Collectanea. Out of St. Gregory the Great, and St. Bernard the devout, against the Papists who adhere to the doctrine of the present Church of Rome, in the most fundamentall points betweene them and vs.
Panke, John.

§. 8. There is no freedome in the will, to good & holy actions, except it be made free.

SVperna pietas prius agit in nobis aliquid sine nobis,* vt subsequente quo{que} nostro libero arbitrio bonum quod iam appetimus agat nobiscum. The heavenly grace doth first of all without vs worke somewhat in vs that our freewill following, he may do with vs that good, wherevnto wee are now become willing.

Divina nos bonit as vt innocentes faciat praevenit, eandem gratiam nostrum liberum arbitrium sequitur. The goodnes of God preventeth vs to make vs innocent, and Page  17our freewill followeth the same grace.

Quod verba praedicationis Dei ab auri∣bus ad corda descendunt, solo divino mune∣re agitur &c. Per internam gratiam solus omnipotens Deus praedicantium verbis ad corda audientium invisibiliter aditum prae∣stat. Insomuch that the words of the prea∣cher, doe descend from the eare to the heart, it commeth to passe by the onely gift of God who by inward grace invisi∣bly giueth passage for the wordes of the preacher to the harts of them that heare.

Ipsa perfectio nostra culpa non caret nisi hanc severus iudex in subtili lance exami∣nis misericorditer penset.* Our very perfec∣tion is not free from blame, vniesse God in the precise ballance of his merciful ex∣amination do mercifully weigh the same.