A reply to a notorious libell intituled A briefe apologie or defence of the ecclesiasticall hierarchie, &c. Wherein sufficient matter is discouered to giue all men satisfaction, who lend both their eares to the question in controuersie betweene the Iesuits and their adherents on the one part, and their sæcular priests defamed by them on the other part. Whereunto is also adioyned an answere to the appendix.
Charnock, Robert, b. 1561.
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❧ The Contents of the Chapters, with the page wherein euery Chapter beginneth.

  • Chap. 1. HOw the Author of the Apologie playeth at All hid with his Rea∣der, and while he is couered vnder the name of vnited Priests, he discouereth himselfe to be a Iesuite. pag. 5.
  • Chap. 2 A Table of some notorious falshoods and apparant shiftings which are contained in the Apologie. pag. 8.
  • Chap. 3 An answere to those calumniations which the Apologie-maker set∣teth out in a booke intituled, Of certaine principall deceits, fals∣hoods, and slanders. pag. 18.
  • Chap. 4 How the Author of this Apologie followeth that counsel which Achi∣tophel gaue to Absalom 2. Reg. 16. that other seeing how he a∣bused his Holinesse, might the more desperately adhere vnto him. pag. 39.
  • Chap. 5 How the Apologie-maker by the same reason which he giueth for the publishing of his Apologie, doth giue light to his Reader to conceiue the iust cause which the priests had to print their books. pag. 55
  • Chap. 6 How this present controuersie about the abuse of this new Subordina∣tion, is deduced from Iohn of Gaunt, and other matters most im∣pertinent thereunto. Apol. cap. 1. pag 63.
  • Chap. 7 How this Author of the Apologie while he would inueigh against dan∣gerous and temerarious propositions, engageth himselfe further then becommeth a Catholike. Apol. cap. 2. pag. 105.
  • Chap. 8 How this Author layeth his plot for the disgrace of Secular priests, and draweth on his Reader with diuers idle stories. Apol. cap. 3. pag. 142.
  • Chap. 9 How this Author pursueth his impertinent discourses of troubles a∣mong the English in Flanders, France, Italy, and Spaine. Apol. cap. 4. pag. 147.
  • Chap. 10 Howe the stirres in the English Colledge at Rome beganne, the cause whereof this Apologie-maker doth seeke to colour and to lay it, where it should seeme it was not. Apol. cap. 5. pag. 151.
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  • Chap. 11. How this Author be stirreth himselfe to lay the fault of the scandalous diuision in Wisbich, vpon those Priests, who would not subiect themselues to that insolent Agencie of the Iesuits. Apolog. cap. 6. pag. 153.
  • Chap. 12 How this present controuersie is dissembled, and fetched from a head in Flanders, by the Apologie-maker. Apol. cap. 7. pag. 158.
  • Chap. 13 How the Authour of the Apologie to cloake the Iesuits their dealings concerning the institution of the new Subordination, perswadeth his Reader that his holinesse was moued thereto by certaine letters which were long after written. Apol. cap. 8. pag. 171.
  • Chap. 14 How this Apologie-maker perswadeth his Reader that his Holinesse was mooued to imprison the two priests who went first to Rome by certaine letters which were written long after his resolution to imprison them, and how he iuggleth about that which chanced vn∣to them in Rome. Apo. cap. 9. pag. 228.
  • Chap. 15 How this Apologie-maker shuffleth off the true cause of this present controuersie, and layeth the blame therof vpon the Secular priests. Apol. cap. 10. pag. 264.
  • Chap. 16 How the two bookes against which the Apologie is written, are slight∣ly run ouer with a few cauils against them. Apol. c. 11. pa. 300.
  • Chap. 17 How this Author busieth himselfe to purge F. Parsons of his expul∣sion out of Baliol Colledge at Oxenford, and other matters where∣with he is charged. Apol. cap. 12. pag. 322.
  • Chap. 18 How the Secular Priests appealing to Rome and going to his Holinesse for iustice against the vniust slanders of the Iesuits and their adhe∣rents, are falsly and with great ignominie to the Sea Apostolicke, compared by this Apologie maker to Alcymus and to Simon, who went to Demetrius and Apollonius, heathen persecuters of Gods people and his Priests. Apol. cap. 13. pag. 331.
  • A Reply to the Appendix of the Apologie. pag. 341.