The harmonie of Holie Scriptures vvith the seuerall sentences of sundry learned and vvorthy vvriters : collected for the comfort of all such as are desirous to seeke after theyr soules health / by I.B.

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The harmonie of Holie Scriptures vvith the seuerall sentences of sundry learned and vvorthy vvriters : collected for the comfort of all such as are desirous to seeke after theyr soules health / by I.B.
Bentley, James.
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"The harmonie of Holie Scriptures vvith the seuerall sentences of sundry learned and vvorthy vvriters : collected for the comfort of all such as are desirous to seeke after theyr soules health / by I.B." In the digital collection Early English Books Online 2. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed October 31, 2024.


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¶ What the will and desire of Almighty God is concerning men: and how louingly he admo∣nisheth euery one to come to repentance: pro∣mising mercy & forgiuenes to all those that amend.

2. ESDRAS. 7. verse. 20. 21.
Many perrish in this life, because they despise the Law of God that is appointed. For, God hath di∣ligently admonished such as came, so oft as they came, what they should doe to haue life; and what they should obserue to auoyd punishment.
¶ What the will of God is. &c.
§. 1.

THis is the will of God, (as saith the Apostle) euen our sanctification:* 1.1 that we should abstaine from forni∣cation: that euery one of vs should knowe howe to possesse his vessell in holi∣nesse and honour: and not in the lust of concupiscence, as doe the Heathen which know not God: that no man oppresse or defraude his brother, in any matter; for the Lord is the auenger of all such things.

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He therefore that despiseth these things,* 1.2 despiseth not man but God, who hath gi∣uen vnto vs his holy Spirit.

And, whose will is, that all men should* 1.3 be saued, and come vnto the knowledge of the truth.

For, it is not the will of God that one of* 1.4 the least should be lost.

§. 2.

Deerely beloued, (saith S. Peter) be not* 1.5 ignorant of this one thing; that one day is with the Lord, as a thousand yeeres, and a thousand yeeres as one day. The Lord is not slack concerning the promise [of his comming,] (as some men count slacknes,) but is patient toward vs; & would haue no man to perrish; but would haue all men to come to repentance.

For, GOD would not that man should* 1.6 perrish.

But, vnto them that will repent, hee gi∣ueth* 1.7 them grace to returne; and exhorteth such as faile vvith patience: and sendeth them the portion of the veritie.

Amend your liues therefore, and turne,* 1.8 that your sinnes may be put away, when the time of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord.

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And, as it came into your minde, to goe* 1.9 astray from your God, so endeuour your selues tenne times more, to turne againe, & to seeke him.

For, he that is Lord ouer all, is rich vnto* 1.10 all that call vpon him.

§. 3.

Make no tarrying to turne vnto the* 1.11 Lord: neither put it off from day to day: for, suddainly shall the wrath of the Lord breake forth, and in thy securitie thou shalt be destroyed: & thou shalt perrish in time of vengeance.

VVherefore, as the holy Ghost sayth:* 1.12 To day, if yee shall heare his voyce, harden not your harts.

Yea;] this day, if yee heare his voyce,* 1.13 harden not your harts.

For, it is a fearefull thing, to fall into the* 1.14 hands of the liuing God.

§. 4.

VVee finde in the eyghteene of Eze∣chiell, and the 23. verse, that the Almigh∣tie, by the mouth of the same Prophet, ex∣horting the Children of Israell to repen∣tance, first maketh this demaund of them;* 1.15 saying: * Haue I any desire that the wic∣ked

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should die? or shall hee not liue if hee returne from his wayes?

Then followeth in the 27. and 28. ver∣ses,* 1.16 sundry promises of Gods loue & mer∣cie, vnto him that truly repenteth, and for∣saketh his sinnes.

And, in the 31. & 32. verses of the same chapter, he thus concludeth all his former speech held with them to that purpose, say∣ing: Cast away from you all your trans∣gressions, whereby you haue transgressed: and make you a newe heart, and a nevve Spirite; for vvhy vvill yee die, ô house of Israell?

For, I desire not the death of him that dieth: cause therefore one another to re∣turne, and liue.

§. 5.

We finde likewise in the prophecie of E∣say, that the Lord, beeing there desirous to withdraw that wicked & obstinate people of Israell, from their greeuous offences, (in which too long they had wilfully con∣tinued;) beginneth also first with a gentle admonishment, saying: * VVashe you:* 1.17 make you cleane; take away the euill of your workes from before mine eyes: cease to do euill; learne to doe well; seeke iudge∣ment;

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relieue the oppressed; iudge the fa∣therlesse; and defend the widdow.

And, hauing thus fore-told them vvhat they ought to doe, hee then presently ad∣deth: * Come nowe, and let vs reason to∣gether;* 1.18 though your sinnes were as Crim∣son, they shall be made white as snowe: though they were redde, like Skarlet, they shall be as vvooll.

Declaring heereby vnto vs, howe readie he is to receiue them that truly repent; and how prone to put all their former offences, cleane out of his remembrance.

As may further appeare againe, euen by the witnesse of his owne wordes in the 18. chapter of the afore-named Ezechiell; vvhere hee saith: * If the wicked will re∣turne* 1.19 from all his sinnes that he hath com∣mitted, & keepe all my statutes, & do that which is lawfull and right; hee shall surely liue, and shall not die.

All his transgressions that he hath com∣mitted,* 1.20 they shall not be mentioned vnto him: but in his righteousnes that hee hath done, he shall liue.

Moreouer; VVhen the wicked (saith* 1.21 hee) turneth away from his wickednes that he hath committed, and doth that which is

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lavvfull and right, hee shall saue his soule aliue.

Because hee considereth, and turneth a∣way* 1.22 from all his transgressions that he hath committed, hee shall surely liue, and shall not die.

Againe; vvhen I, saith the most Merci∣full,* 1.23 shall say vnto the wicked, Thou shalt surely die: if hee turne from his sinnes, and doe that which is lawfull and right; to wit: If hee restore the pledge, and giue againe that hee had taken away by robberie, and walke in the statutes of life, without com∣mitting iniquitie, then shall hee surely liue, and not die.

None of the sinnes that hee hath com∣mitted,* 1.24 shall be mentioned vnto him, [or any more thought vpon,] for, insomuch as he doth nowe the thing that is lawfull and right, hee shall surely liue.

§. 6.

These places of Scripture onely, if no moe such could be found, might serue suf∣ficiently to proue▪ that God delights not in a sinners death. Yet notwithstanding, for our greater comfort, and as it were more certaine assurance, the Lord, besides his promise, hath vouchsafed to giue his oath

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to this effect. And because he knewe none, eyther in heauen or earth, greater to sweare by, hee hath therefore sworne vnto vs by himselfe, saying: * As truly as I liue, I haue* 1.25 no pleasure in the death of the vvicked: but rather, that the wicked shoulde turne from his euill way and liue.

And, to make yet a little more manifest how greatly he desireth our good; he spa∣reth not by sundry other speeches, both in the old and New-Testament, to expresse his kindnes and compassion towards vs, in this poynt. As namely, in the fift Booke of Moises, vvhere hee saith: * Oh that there* 1.26 were such a hart in my people, as to feare mee, and to keepe all my cōmaundements alway: that it might goe vvell vvith them, and with their children for euer.

Behold, (saith he) I stand at the doore &* 1.27 knock: if any man heare my voyce, and open the doore, I will come in vnto him, and will sup with him, and he with me.

Also; by the voyce of his Gospell, hee daily more nowe then euer heretofore, ma∣nifesteth his euerlasting loue towardes vs: in that he therby vouchsafeth cōtinually to call vs; saying: * Come vnto mee, all yet* 1.28 that are weary & laden, and I wil ease ou▪

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Take my yoake on you, & learne of me,* 1.29 that am meeke and lowly in hart; and yee shall finde rest vnto your soules. For, my yoake is easie, and my burden light.

§ 7.

Clense [therefore] your hands, yee sin∣ners;* 1.30 and purge your harts yee vvauering minded.

Circumcise the fore-skin of your hearts,* 1.31 and harden your necks no more.

Returne vnto the ord; and he will re∣turne* 1.32 vnto you.

Cease from your sinnes, and forget your* 1.33 iniquities, and medle no more from hence∣forth with them: so shall God leade you foorth, and deliuer you from all troubles.

Yea, let the wicked forsake his wayes, &* 1.34 the vnrighteous his ovvne imaginations; and returne vnto the Lord, and hee vvill haue mercy vpon him: and to our GOD, for, hee is very ready to forgiue.

§. 8.

Returne then vnto the Lord, and forsake* 1.35 thy sinnes: make thy prayer before his face, and take away the offence.

Turne againe vnto the most High: for* 1.36 hee will bring thee from darknes to whol∣some

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light: forsake thine vnrighteousnes, and hate greatly all abhomination.

Learne to know the righteousnesse and* 1.37 iudgements of God; stand in the portion that is sette forth for thee, and in the prayer of the most high GOD: and goe in the portion of the holie world, with such as be liuing and confesse God.

Also; if thou be withered and worne a∣way* 1.38 of sin, renew thy selfe againe, through hartie sorrow, and true repentance.

For godly sorrowe, causeth repentance* 1.39 vnto saluation; not to be repented of: but worldly sorrow causeth death.

And, the best remedy if thou hast offen∣ded,* 1.40 is true repentance, and amendement of life.

§. 9.

But to the ende we may some-what the better vnderstand what true repentance is, I will heere rehearse some fewe places col∣lected frō diuers of the diuine Doctors of the Church: and first of all, from S. Au∣gustine, vvhere, speaking to this purpose, hee saith: * True repentance, is greatly to* 1.41 deplore sinnes past, and fully to resolue in minde & hart, neuer to commit any heere∣after.

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It consisteth of three parts: namelie, Contrition of hart; Confession of mouth; and Satisfaction of deede. For, vvee haue (saith hee) offended God three manner of wayes; by the delight of thought: by the lapse of tongue: & by the pride of works: And these three are to be cured by three contrary remedies. Delight of thought, by the inward sorrow & contrition of the hart. The lapse of tongue, by the confession of the mouth. And the pride of works, by our vpright liuing, and vncorrupted satis-fac∣tion.

Contrition, is a hartie sorrowe & inward* 1.42 greefe, taken for the sinnes which we haue already committed: with a full inten: and purpose of confession and satisfaction; & heereafter not to commit any more.

For otherwise, thy repentance is no true* 1.43 repentance, but rather seemeth to be fai∣ned; if thou pollute thy selfe againe vvith thy former offences: & thy penitent teares are to small purpose, if thou multiply thine iniquities. For, true repentance is to cease from sinne.

Wee ought also, in the true contrition of* 1.44 hart, to be sorowfull for these three things; First, for the sinnes wee haue committed:

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Secondly, for the good wee haue omitted: Thirdly, for the time we haue lost.

And this kinde of contrition, is more a∣uailable* 1.45 in the sight of God, then to goe on pilgrimage throughout the world.

§. 10.

Confession, which hath the second place* 1.46 in true repentance, is the health of the soule; an expeller of vices; a restorer of vertue; an impugner of wicked spirits: & an impediment of the deuill.

By it, the lurking disease of the soule is* 1.47 opened, to the praise of God: & through it, we obtaine hope of pardon for all our offences past.

Besides; vvhen the confession of the* 1.48 hart, proceedeth forth of the mouth, then the vengeance of GOD ceaseth to pursue the penitent person.

And, hee likewise that accuseth himselfe* 1.49 of his sinnes, preuenteth thereby the deuill of his purpose; so that hee cannot accuse him at the day of iudgement: if in confes∣sing his sinnes vnto God, he blot those of∣fences out by repentance, which hee hath cōmitted: and cease to renew those sinnes againe, which he now is sorry for.

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For, those sinnes shall neuer be condem∣ned* 1.50 in iudgement, which were purged be∣fore, with confession & true repentance.

Neither is Iesus Christ any longer theyr* 1.51 Iudge, but their Aduocate, vvho accuse themselues by their owne confession.

So that confession, ioyned with true con∣trition,* 1.52 openeth the gates of heauen, and stoppeth the mouth of hell.

§. 11.

Satisfaction, beeing the third & last part* 1.53 of repentance, is; cheefely to cutte off the causes of such sinnes, as in former time we haue loued; & not to cherrish henceforth by suggestions, any entrance into them.

For, wee doe not truly satis-fie, although* 1.54 wee cease from iniquitie; vnlesse wee per∣secute by opposite bewailings, the euils which heere-to-fore wee haue most affec∣ted; & endeuour with all our might, dai∣ly to with-stand all such kind of pleasures, as prouoke men to sin and wickednes.

Wee ought also to vnderstand, that in* 1.55 the worke of true repentance, satis-faction is to be made three seuerall waies. First, vn∣to God: to wit, when through faith and confidence, wee humbly present our selues

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in prayer before him, and earnestly intreate his maiestie, that he will vouchsafe, to ac∣cept the passion and death of his Sonne Christ, as a perfect, full, and sufficient sa∣tisfaction, for all the sinnes which we haue committed.

Secondly, satis-faction is to be made vn∣to the Church, after Excommunication, for such offences as we haue done: testify∣ing thereby, both in the sight of God and man, our humble submission and vnfained repentance.

Thirdly, satisfaction ought to be made vnto our neighbour or brother, if we haue any way wronged him, either in vvord or deede: namely thus; hee must be recom∣pensed by confessing the fault vnto him: and restitution must likewise be made, ac∣cording to the damage we haue done him: otherwise, our repentance is greatly to bee suspected of hipocrisie, if (beeing able) we make not recompence by restitution.

Againe; in making satis-faction, the re∣conciliation,* 1.56 ought to be equall to the pre∣cedent offence; and thou oughtest to bee as ready to lament, as thou wast to offend. And, as thine intent was before to offend, such also ought now thy deuotion to be in

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repenting: For, according to the greatnes of thy sinnes, ought the greatnesse of thy greefe & sorrowe to be: and as thy delight and loue was before, to those things which were euill; so ought now thy hatred & lo∣thing to be against those things vvhich are euill.

§. 12.

Vnderstanding novve by these fevve former speeches vvhat true repentance is; * Let vs, (according to the counsell which* 1.57 the Prophet Ieremie giueth,) search & try our wayes, and turne againe vnto the Lord. Let vs lift vp our harts with our hands vn∣to God in the heauens.

Yea, let vs, (as Erasmus willeth,) returne* 1.58 againe vnto the Lord our God, with hartie sorrow, and true repentance; humbly con∣fessing before him, the faultes which vvee haue committed; and earnestly desiring of him, that hee vvill alvvaies heereafter, so strengthen vs with his grace, that wee may daily more & more, dutifully becom obe∣dient to his holy will, & euer study to please him, our whole life time following.

For, if we acknowledge our sinnes, God* 1.59 is faithfull and iust, to forgiue vs our sinnes, and to clense vs from all vnrighteousnes.

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Hee that hideth his sinnes, shall not pro∣sper;* 1.60 but hee that confesseth, & forsaketh them, shall haue mercie.

Wherfore, if the testimony of thine own* 1.61 conscience, doe at any time accuse, vexe, or trouble thee, for any euill conceiued or done; confesse thy fault speedily, deferre not the time; dally not with God; but bee earnestly repentant; trust in his mercy, and seeke not to hide thine iniquity from him: so will he haue compassion on thee, & not impute sinne vnto thee.

Besides; when thou truly repentest, and askest pardon of God for thine offences:* 1.62 then cannot thy sinnes disquiet thee, nor haue any power to hurt thee. But vvhen thou art vnrepentant, and ceaest to call for mercie, then thy sinnes rage ouer thee, and cry dailie vnto God for vengeance against thee.

Also; the sinne that is not foorth-with* 1.63 clensed, and purged by repentance, doth speedily draw on another with his weight.

Sleepe not therefore without repentance* 1.64 for thy sinnes done and past.

§. 13.

It behooueth a man so to liue (saith Ba∣sill,)* 1.65 that hee looke for death euery howre:

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and to be alwaies in a readines for the com∣ming of death.

For, as God findeth thee to bee when he* 1.66 calleth thee, so will he iudge thee.

And, as the tree falleth, so shall it be ta∣ken* 1.67 vp.

Trouble not thy selfe then with taking* 1.68 thought how thou maist liue long, but ra∣ther be careful to liue well: and forasmuch as thou ar vncertaine in what place Death abideth fo thee▪ be thou ready prepared in eac plac to m••••te him.

Let not thy ea be layde downe to rest,* 1.69 before thou hast considered how thou hast bestowed the day past: If thou hast vvell done, giue thanks to God; if otherwise, re∣pent, and aske him forgiuenesse.

Also; if thou intend to doe well, deferre* 1.70 it not till to morow; for thou knowest not what may chaunce vnto thee this night.

Neuer trust too much to time; for it sud∣dainlie* 1.71 deceiueth them that trust thereto.

Thinke not, that another time vvill be* 1.72 soone enough for thee to repent, if thou now feele thy conscience touched with the remembrance of thy sinne.

For although we finde, that God in ma∣ny* 1.73 places of his holy Word, hath promised

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pardon to the penitent; yet we no where read, that euer hee promised to morrowe vnto a sinner.

§. 14.

Certainly, (saith Aurelius,) those men* 1.74 doe liue very euill, that are alwaies begin∣ning to liue well: forasmuch as theyr often beginnings, doe make theyr liues still more and more vnperfect.

Well therefore saith Zenophon, that to* 1.75 see, is a small matter; but to fore-see, is a token of good wit.

And the difference betweene a wise man* 1.76 and a foole is this: the one is prouident to preuent an euill before it come; the other wisheth for remedy, when it is too late.

As may for example more plainelie be perceiued, by reading the different doings of these two men following. Baltazar the king of Babel, (as Daniell affirmeth,) euen in the time of his banquetting amongst his* 1.77 thousand Princes, perfectly discerned the hande of a man, writing vppon the plaister of his wall, and was greatly (for the time) terrified thereby; insomuch, that the verie ioynts of his loynes were loosed, his coun∣tenaunce changed, his thoughts troubled, and his knees smote one against the other

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for feare of Gods iudgements. Yea, by Da∣niels diuine interpretation, hee also vnder∣stood* 1.78 the misticall meaning of those words which were written; the summe vvhereof, cōtained no lesse (for his offences) then the speedy subuersion of his whole kingdom, and his owne vtter ouerthrovve for euer. Yet seeing, and knowing all this, but wan∣ting grace to fore-see, & preuent the dan∣ger by true repentance, hee perrished the* 1.79 same night, according to the saying of the Prophet.

Contrariwise; by Samuell it is affirmed: that king Dauid did not only see the foule∣nesse of his offence, wherein too long hee had (in a manner) sencelesly liued, so soone as the shril-sounding voyce of Nathan, had once (by denouncing Gods anger) tho∣rowly* 1.80 awaked him out of his deadly slum∣ber: but also presently fore-saw, by belee∣uing the speech of the Prophet, & speedi∣lie preuented, by his vnfained repentance and amendement, the heauy wrath of the Almighty; which otherwise was likely for his iniquitie, to fall vpon him.

Marke therefore, what counsell Sirach giueth to this purpose, and endeuour dili∣gently to follow the same, where he sayth:

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My * sonne, hast thou sinned? doe so no* 1.81 more; but pray for thy former sinnes that they may be forgiuen thee. Flee frō sin, as from a Serpent; for if thou commest too neere it, it will bite thee: the teeth thereof, are as the teeth of a Lyon, to sley the soules of men.

Make much [also] of time; and eschew* 1.82 the thing that is euill.

Remember that death tarrieth not, and* 1.83 that the couenaunt of the graue is not shewed vnto thee.

Defraude not thy selfe of the good day;* 1.84 neither let the portion of good desires o∣uer-passe thee.

Giue and take, and sanctifie thy soule:* 1.85 vvork thou righteousnes before thy death, for in the hell there is no meate to finde.

Neither is there any more place or time* 1.86 of repentance left for any man, after hee is once departed out of this vvorlde: life is heere either lost or wonne: euerlasting sal∣uation is onely heere prouided for, by the due worshipping of God, and the fruites of fayth.

And no man is letted, eyther by sinnes* 1.87 or by yeeres, to come to the obtaining of saluation: for, as long as the soule is yet

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abyding in the body, no repentance is in vaine. And, what-soeuer is truly doone, is neuer too late done.

Yet thus much alwaies vnderstand, that* 1.88 thy repentance is then most acceptable to God, when thou doost offer the same in the prime of thy youth, and in the time of thy perfect health: For, such as neuer cease to sin, till sin (through age & feeblenes) be∣gin to forsake them; it may greatly be fea∣red, that they in the meane while, daily drinke vp the dreggs of Gods wrath.

§. 15.

Furthermore; although there be indeed,* 1.89 * many in the vvorld, which are not asha∣med to sinne, but are ashamed to repent; yet if thou looke for fauour in Heauen, thou must both confesse and forsake thy sinnes heere on earth.

For, hee that heere in this life, receiueth* 1.90 not remission of his sinnes: shall haue no part with the godly, in the felicity to come.

Followe therefore, for thine owne good, the example of King Dauid; and with the like humility of heart, be ready to say vnto God, as he said: * Lord haue mercy vpon* 1.91 me; and heale my soule, for I haue sinned against thee.

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Or, as Manasses King of Iuda, in his pe∣nitent* 1.92 prayer, said: * I haue sinned, ô Lord, I haue sinned, aboue the number of the sand of the Sea. My transgressions are mul∣tiplied, my offences: are exceeding manie: and I am not vvoorthy to behold and see the height of the heauens, by reason of the multitude of mine iniquities. For, I haue prouoked thy wrath, and done euill before thee. I did not thy will, neyther kept I thy commaundements.

Nowe therefore I bowe the knee of my hart, beseeching thee of grace. I haue sin∣ned, (ô Lord) I haue sinned: & I acknow∣ledge my transgressions: but I humbly be∣seech thee to forgiue mee. O Lord for∣giue mee, and destroy mee not vvith my transgressions. Be not angry with mee for euer, by reseruing euill for mee: neither condemne me into the lower parts of the earth.

For, thou art the God, euen the God of them that repent: and in mee thou vvilt shew all thy goodnes: for, thou (ô Lord) vvilt saue mee, that am vnvvoorthy; ac∣cording to thy great mercie: therefore I will praise thee for euer, all the dayes of my life. &c.

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Or, as the prodigall sonne spoken of by Christ, in the gospell did: remember thine owne estate in time: liue no longer like a slaue to sinne, and a stranger from the fel∣lowship of the faithfull; but rather returne home, & say vnto God thy Father, as hee said to his: * I haue sinned, ô Father, a∣gainst heauen, and before thee; and am no* 1.93 more worthy to be called thy sonne: make me as one of thy hired seruaunts.

And thou shalt surely finde, if thou make an vnfained conuersion, that the Lord thy God will be ready to receiue thee. For, there * is more ioy among the Angels in* 1.94 Heauen, for one sinner that conuerteth; then for ninetie and nine iust men, vvhich neede none amendement of life.

Yea; at the true repentance and conuer∣sion* 1.95 of sinners, the Father reioyceth; the Sonne reioyceth; and the holy Ghost re∣ioyceth. The first, figured in the prodigall Sonne. The second, in the lost sheep. The third, because they are the temple & cho∣sen vessels of the holy Ghost, euen all the Angels in heauen doe reioyce.

§. 16.

O how good a thing is it then, (as Sirach* 1.96 saith,) so soone as thou art reprooued, to

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manifest thy repentance! for thereby shalt thou escape wilfull sinne.

Who so hateth to be reformed, is in the* 1.97 way of sinners: but hee that feareth the Lord, conuerteth in hrt.

Seeke the Lord [therefore] vvhile hee* 1.98 may be founde: call vpon him while he is neere.

For, hee vvill be founde of them that* 1.99 tempt him not; and appeareth vnto such as proue not vnfaithfull vnto him.

Get thee righteousnes before thou come* 1.100 to iudgement. Learne before thou speake, and vse phisicke or euer thou be sicke.

Examine thy selfe, before thou bee iud∣ged;* 1.101 and in the day of the visitation thou shalt finde mercy.

Humble thy selfe, before thou be sicke:* 1.102 and whilst thou maist yet sinne, shewe thy conuersion.

Let nothing let thee to pray alwayes vn∣to* 1.103 God: and deferre not vnto death to be reformed: for the reward of GOD endu∣reth for euer.

And, in what place or state soeuer a man* 1.104 shall be founde, when he departeth out of this life, in the same state and degree, the last day of the worlde shall finde him.

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For, such as euery man shall be in the day* 1.105 of his death; [concerning eyther his ver∣tue or vice,] euen such shall hee appeare againe before God, in the day of generall iudgement.

And, except wee be conuerted, & be∣come* 1.106 as little children, wee shall not enter into the kingdome of heauen.

Not chyldren in vnderstanding, but as* 1.107 concerning maliciousnesse, [or any other euill,] we must be children: and, in vnder∣standing of a ripe ag.


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