The gunner shevving the vvhole practise of artillerie: vvith all the appurtenances therevnto belonging. Together with the making of extra-ordinary artificiall fireworkes, as well for pleasure and triumphes, as for warre and seruice. VVritten by Robert Norton, one of his Maiesties gunners and enginiers.
Norton, Robert, d. 1635., Bry, Theodor de, 1528-1598,
The first Example.

Let there be an Iron Shot of 8 inches high, which by solid measuring, (as aboue is taught) is found to containe 268 inches, and ⅔: By the said first Theoreme, as 1000, to 268 ½, so is 4333 the lowest number of the Colume Page  [unnumbered]

[illustration] [measuring several cannonballs]
Tract. 3. cap. 5.

Mesure qui montre le pois des balles selon leur calibre.
Mas darauff•• gewicht der kugcln nach ere. Calibro verzeichnet.

Patron duquel en haste on peult Calibrer diuerses sortes de balles
Model durch welchen in cill vnderschiedliche kugeln konuen Calibrert werden

Pour montrer combien de vent il faillt donner a la balle
Wee viel lufft man einer kugcln geben muss.
Page  89of Iron, vnto 1162 ounces which being diuided by 16 (the ounces of the Haberdepoise,) amounteth vnto 72 lb, and 10 ounces the weight sought.