The booke of common prayer, and administration of the sacraments and other rites and ceremonies of the Church of England.
Church of England.

Iudica Domine. Psal.35.

P Leade thou my cause, * O Lorde, with them that striue with me: and fight thou against they that fight against me.

Lay hande vpon the shield and bucklcr: and sand vp to helpe me.

Bring forth the speare, and stop the way against them that persecute me: say vnto my soule, I am thy saluation.

Let them be confonded and put to shame that seeke after my soule: let them be turned backe, and brought to confusion, that imagine mischiefe for me.

Let them be as the dust before the winde: and the Angel of the Lord scattering them.

Let their be as the dust before the winde: and the Angel of the Loard scattering them.

Let their may be darke and slipperie: and let the Angle of the Lord persecute them.

Page  [unnumbered] For they haue priuily layd their net to destroy me withhout a cause: yea, cuen without a cause haue they made a pit for my soule.

Let a sudden destruction come vpon him vnawares, and his net that he hath laid priuily catch himselfe: that hee may fall into his owne mischiefe.

And my soule, be ioyfull in the Loes: it shall reioyce in his saluation.

All my bones shall say, Lord, who is like vnto thee, which deliuerest the poore from him that is too strong for him: yea, the poore and him that is in miserie, from hun that spoileth him.

False witnesse did rise vp: they laide to my charge thigs that I know not.

They rewarded me euill for good: to the great discomfort of my soule.

Neuerthelesse, when they were sicke, I put on sackcloth, and humbled my soule with fasting: and my prater shal turne into mine owne bosome.

I behauted my selfe as though it had bene my friend, or my brother: I went heauily as one that mourneth for his mother.

But in mine aduersitie they reioyced, and gathered them together: yea, the very abiects came together against me vnawares, making mowes at me, and ceased not.

With the flatterers were busie mockers: which gnashed vpon me with their teeth.

Lord, how long wilt thou looke vpon this: O deliuer my soule from the calamities which they bring on mee, and my darling from the Lions.

So will I giue thee thankes in the great Congregation: I will praise thee among much people.

Olet not them that are mine enemies triumph ouer mee vngodly: neither let them winke with their eyes that hate me without a cause.

And why: their communing is not for peace: but they imagine deceitfull wordes against them that are quiet in the land.

Page  [unnumbered] They gaped on mee with their mouthes, and sayd: Fie on thee, fie on thee, we saw it with our eyes.

This thou hast seene, O Lord: hold not thy tongue then, goe not farre from me, O Lord.

Awake and stand vp to indge my quarell: auenge thou my cause, my God and my Lord.

Iudge me, O Lord my God, according to thy righteousnesse: and let then not triumph ouer me.

Let them not say in their hearts, There, there, so would we haue it: neither let them say, we haue deuoured him.

Let them be put to confusion and shame together that reioyce at my trouble: let them be clothed with rebuke and dishonour that boast themselues against me.

Let them bee glad and reioyce that fauour my rightcous dealimng: yea, let them say alway, Blessed be the Lord, which hath pleasure in the prosperitie of his seruant.

And as for my tongue, it shall be talking of thy righteousnesse: and of thy praise all the day long.

Dixit iniustus. Psal. 36.

MY heart sheweth mee the wigkednesse of the vngodly: that there is no feare of God before his eyes.

For he flattereth himselfe in his owne sight: vntill his abhominable sinne be found out.

The words of his mouth are burighteous, and full of deceit: hee hath left off to behaue himselfe wisely, and to doe good.

He imagineth mischiese vpon his bcd, and hath set himselfe in no good way: neither doth he abhorre any thing that is euill.

Thy mercie, O Lord, reacheth vnto the heaucns: and thy faithfulnesse vnto the clouds.

Thy righteousnesse standeth like the strong mountaines: thy indgements are like the great deepe.

Thou Lord shall saue both man and beast, how excellent is thy mercie, O God: and the children of men shall put their trust vnder the shadow of thy wings.

They sbalbe satisfied with the plenteousnesse of thy house: and thou shalt giue them drinke of thy pleasures, as out of Page  [unnumbered] the riuer.

For with thee is the well of life: and in thy light shall she fee light.

O continue foorth thy louing kindnesse vnto them that know thee: and thy righteousnesse vnto them that are true of heart.

O let not the foote of pride come against me: and let not the hand of the vngodly cast me downe.

There are they fallen (all) that worke wickednesse: they are cast downe, and shall not he able to stand.

Noli aemulari. Psal. 37.

FRet not thy selse, * because of the vngod∣ly: neither be thou enuious against the euill doers.

For they shall soone bee cut downe like the grasse: and he withered euen as the greene herbe.

Put thou thy trust in the Lord, and be doing good: dwell in the land, and berily thou shall he fed.

Delight thou in the Lord: and hee shall giue thee thy hearts defire.

Commit thy way vnto the Lord, and put thy truft in him: and he shall bring it to passe.

He shal make the righteousnesse as cleare as the light: and the iust dealing as the noone day.

Hold thee still in the Lord, and abide patiently vpon him: but grieue not thy selfe at him whose may doeth prosper, a∣gainst the man that doeth after euill counsailes.

Leaue off from wrath, and let goe disleasure: fret not thy selfe, else shall thou be mooued to doe euill.

Wicked doers shall be rooted out: and they that patiently abide the Lord, thofe shall inherit the land.

Yet a litle while, and the vngodly shalbe cleane gone: thou shall looke after his place, and he shalbe away.

But the meeke spirited shall possesse the earth: and shalbe refresed in the multitude of peace.

The vngodly feeketh connsaile against the lust: and Page  [unnumbered] gnasheth vpon him with his teeth.

The Lord shall laugh him to scorne: for he hath seene that his day is comnnng.

The vngodly haue drawen out the sworde, and haue bent their bow: to cast downe the poore and needy, and to slay such as be of a right conuersation.

Their sword shall go though their owne heart: and their bow shall be broken.

A finall thing that the righteous hath: is better then great riches of the vngodly.

For the armes of the vngodly shalbe broken: and the Lord vpholdeth the righteous.

The Lord knoweth the dayes of the godly: and their in∣heritance shall endure for euer.

They shal not be confounded in the perilous time: and in the dayes of dearth they shall haue ynough.

As the vngodly they shal perish, and the enemies of the Lord shall confume as the fatte of lambes: yea, euen, as the smoke shall they confume away.

The vngodly horoweth, and payeth not againe: but the righteous is mercrifull and liberall.

Such as be bleffed of God, shal possesse the land: and they that be curfed of him shalbe rooted out.

The lord ordereth a good mans going: and maketh his way acceptable to himselfe.

Though he fall, he shal not be cast away: for the Lord vp∣holderth him with his hand.

I haue bene yong, and now am olde: and yet sawe I ne∣uer the righteous forsaken, nor his feede begging their bread.

The righteous is euer mercifull, and lendeth: and his seed is blessed.

Flee from euill, and doe the thing that is good: and dwell foreuermore.

For the Lord loueth the thing that is right: hee forsaketh not his that be godly, but they are preserued for euer.

The righteous shalbe punished: as for the seede of the vn∣godly, it shalbe rooted out.

Page  [unnumbered] The righteous shall inherite the land: and dwell therein for euer.

The mouth of the righteous is exercised in wisedome: and his tongue will be talking of iudgement.

The law of his God is in his heart: and his goings shall not slide.

The vngodly feeth the righteous: and feekeeth occasion to slay him.

The Lord will not leaue him in his hand: nor condemne him when he is iudged.

Hope thou in the Lord, & keepe his way, and he shall pro∣mote thee, that thou shalt possesse the land: when the vngod∣ly shall perish, thou shalt see it.

I my selfe haue seene the vngodly in great power: and flo∣rishing like a greene Bay tree.

And I went by, and loe he was gone: I sought him, but his place could no where be found.

Keepe innocencie, and take heede vnto the thiug that is right: for that shall bring a man peace at the laft.

As for the trausgressours, they shall perish togrther: and the end of the vngodly is, They shall be rooted out at the last.

But the saluation of the righteous commeth of the Lord: which is also their strength in the time of trouble.

And the Lord shall stand by them, and saue them: he shall deliuer them from the vugodly, and shall saue them, because they put their trust in him.