The booke of common prayer, and administration of the sacraments and other rites and ceremonies of the Church of England.
Church of England.
Adhaesit pauimento.

MY soule cleaueth to the dust: O quickent thou mee accor∣ding to thy word.

I haue knowledged my wayes, and thou heardest me: O teach me thy statutes.

Make me to vnderstand the way of thy commandements: and so shall I talke of thy wonderous workes.

My soule melteth away for very heauinesse: comfort thou me according vnto thy word.

Take from mee the way of lying: and cause thon mee to make much of thy Lawe.

Page  [unnumbered] I haue chosen the way of trueth: and thy iudgments haue I said befor me.

I haue stiken vnto thy testimontes: O Lord confound me not.

I wil runne the way of thy commandements: When thou hast set my heart at libertie.