The booke of common prayer, and administration of the sacraments and other rites and ceremonies of the Church of England.
Church of England.

Domine, refugium. Psal. 90.

LOrde, * thou hast beene our refuge: from one generation to another.

Before the mountaines were brought foorth, or euer the earth and the worlde were made: thou art God from euerlasting, & world without end.

Thou rurnest man to destructi∣on: againe thou sayest, Come a∣gaine ye children of men.

For a thousand yeeres in thy sight, are but as yesterday: seeing that is past as a watch in the night.

As soone as thou scatterest them, they are euen as a sleepe: and fade away suddenly like the grasse.

I the morning it is greene, and growth vp: but in the Page  [unnumbered] euening it is cut downe, dryed vp, and withered.

For wee consume away in thy displeasure: and are afraid at thy wrathfull indignation.

Thou hast set our misdeedes before thee: and our secret sinnes in the sight of thy countenance.

For when thou art angry, all our dayes are gone: we bring our yeeres to an end, as it were a tale that is told.

The dayes of our age are threescore yeeres and tenne, and though men be so strong that they come to fourescore yeeres: yet is their strength then but labour and sorowe, so soone pas∣seth it away, and we are gone.

But who regardeth the power of thy wrath: for euen ther∣after as a man feareth, so is thy displeasure.

O teach vs to number our dayes: that we may apply our hearts vnto wisedome.

Lurne thee againe (O Lord) at the last: and bee gracious vnto thy seruants.

O satisfie vs with thy mercie, and that soone: so shall wee reioyce and be glad all the dayes of our life.

Comfort vs againe now after the time that thou hast pla∣gued vs: & for the yeres wherein we haue suffered aduersitie.

Shewe thy seruants thy worke: and their children thy glorie.

And the glorious Maiestie of the Lorde our God be vpon vs: prosper thou the worke of our hands vpon vs, O prosper thou our handy worke.

Qui habirat, Psal. 91.

WHo so dwelleth vnder the defence of the most High: shall abide vnder the shadow of the Almightie.

I will say vnto the Lord, Thou art my hope and my strong holde: my God, in him will I trust.

For he shall deliuer thee from the snare of the Hunter: and from the noysome pestilence.

Hee shall defend thee vnder his wings, and thou shall bee safe vnder his feathers: his faithfulnesse and trueth shall be thy shield and buckler.

Thou shall not be afraid for any terrour by night. Nor for the arrow that ftyeth by day.

Page  [unnumbered] For the pestilence that walketh in darkenesse: nor for the sickenesse that destoyeth in the noone day.

A thousand shall fall beside thee, and ten thousand at thy right hand: but it shall not come nigh thee.

Yea, with thine eyes shalt thou behold: and see the reward of the vngodly.

For thou Lord art my hope: thou hast set thine house of de∣fence very high.

There shall no euill happen vnto thee: neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.

For he shall giue his angels charge ouer thee: to keepe thee in all thy wayes.

They shall beare thee in their hands: that thou hurt not thy foote against a stone.

Thou shall go vpon the Lion and Adder: the yong Lion and the Dragon shalt thou tread vnder thy feete.

Because he hath set his loue vpon me, therefore shall I de∣liuer him: I shall set him vp, because hee hath knowen my Name.

He shal call vpon me and I wil heare him: yea, I am with him in trouble, I will deliuer him, and bring him to honour.

With long life will I satisfie him: and shew him my salua∣tion.

Bonum est confiteri, Psal. 92

IT is a good thing to giue thankes vnto the Lord: and to sing praises vnto thy Name, O most Highest.

To tell of thy louing kindnesse early in the morning: and of thy trueth in the night season.

Vpon an instrument of tenne strings, and vpon the Lute: vpon a loud instrument, and vpon the Harpe.

For thou Lorde hast made mee glad through thy workes: and I will reioyce in giuing praise for the operations of thy hands.

O Lord, how glorious are thy workes: and thy thoughts are very deepe.

An vnwise man doeth not well consider this: and a foole doeth not vnderstand it.

When the vngodly are greene as the grasse, & when all the Page  [unnumbered] workers of wickednes do florish: then shal they be destroyed for euer, but thou Lord art the most highest for euermore.

For loe, thine enemies (O Lorde) loe thine enemies shall perish: and all the workers of wickednesse shal be destroyed.

But my horne shalbe exalted like the horne of an vnicorne: for I am annoynted with fresh oyle.

Mine eye also shall see his lust of mine enemies: and mine eare shal heare his desire of ye wicked that rise vp against me.

The righteous shall flourish like a palme tree: and shall spread abroad like a Cedar in Libanus.

Such as bee planted in the house of the Lord: shall florish in the courts (of the house) of our God.

They also shall bring foorth more fruite in their age: and shalbe fat and well liking.

That they may shew how true the Lord my strength is: and that there is no vnrighteousnesse in him.

Dominus regnauit. Psal. 93.

THe Lorde is king, * and hath put on glorious apparell: the Lord hath put on his apparell, and girded himselfe with strength.

He hath made the round world so sure: that it cannot be mooued.

Euer since the world began hath thy seate beene prepared: thou art from euerlasting.

The floods are risen (O Lord) the floods haue lift vp their voice: the floods lift vp their waues.

The waues of the sea are mightie, and rage horribly: but yet the Lord that dwelleth on high is mightier.

Thy testimonies, O Lord, are very sure: holinesse becom∣meth thine house for euer.

Deus vltionum. Psalm 94.

O Lorde God, to whom vengeance belongeth: thou God to whome vengeance belongeth, shew thy selfe.

Arise thou iudge of the world: and reward the proud after their deseruing.

Page  [unnumbered]Lord, how long shall the vngodly: how long shall the vn∣godly triumph?

How long shall all wicked doers speake so disdaincfully: and make such proud boasting?

They smite downe thy people, O Lord: and trouble thine heritage.

They murther the widowe and the stranger: and put the fatherlesse to death.

And yet they say, Tush, the Lord shall not see: neither shal the God of Iacob regard it.

Take heede yee vnwise among the people: O yee fooles, when will ye vnderstand?

He that planted the eare, shal he not heare: or he that made the eye, shall not see?

Or he that nurtureth the heathen: it is hee that teacheth man knowledge, shall not he punish?

The Lord knoweth the thoughts, of man: that they are but vaine.

Blessed is the man whom thou chastenest (O Lord:) and teachest him in thy Law.

That thou mayest giue him patience in time of aduersitic: vntill the pit be digged vp for the vngodly.

For the Lord will not faile his people: neither will he for∣sake his inheritance.

Untill righteousnes turne againe vnto iudgement: all such as be true in heart shall follow it.

Who will rise vp with me against the wicked: or who will take my part against the euill doers?

If the Lord had not helped mee: it had not failed but my soule had bene put to silence.

But when I said, my foote hath slipped: thy mercie (O Lord) held me vp.

In the multitude of the sorowes that I had in my heart: thy comforts haue refreshed my soule.

Wilt thou haue any thing to doe with the stoole of wicked∣nesse: which imagineth mischiefe as a law?

They gather them together against the soule of the right∣teous: and condemne the innocent blood

Page  [unnumbered]But the Lord is my refuge: and my God is the strength of my confidence.

He shall recompence them their wickednesse, and destroy them in their owne malice: yea, the Lord our God shall de∣stroy them.