The booke of common prayer, and administration of the sacraments and other rites and ceremonies of the Church of England.
Church of England.
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Attendite popule. Psal. 78.

HEare my Lawe, * O my people: encline your eares vnto the words of my mouth.

I wil open my mouth in a parable: I wil declare hard sentences of olde.

Which we haue heard and knowen: and such as our fathers haue tolde vs.

That wee should not hide them from the children of the generations to come: but to shewe the honour of the Lorde, his mightie and wonderfull workes that hee hath done.

He made a couenant with Iacob, and gaue Israel a Law: which he commanded our forefathers to teach their children.

That their posteritie might knowe it: and the children which were yet vnborne.

To the intent that when they came vp: they might shewe their children the same.

That they might put their trust in God: and not to forget the workes of God, but to keepe his commandements.

And not to bee as their forefathers, a faithlesse and stub∣burne generation: a generation that set not their heart a∣right, and whose spirit cleaueth not stedfastly vnto God.

Like as the children of Ephraim: which being harnessed and carying bowes, turned themselues backe in the day of battaile.

They kept not the couenant of God: and would not walke in his Law.

But forgate what he had done: and the wonderfull worke that he had shewed for them.

Marueilous things did hee in the sight of our forefathers in the land of Egypt: euen in the field of Zoan.

He dinided the sea, and let them goe through: he made the waters to stand on an heape.

In the day time also he led them with a cloud: and all the night through with a light of fire.

Hee claue the hard rockes in the wildernesse: and gaue them drinke thereof, as it had bene out of the great depth.

Page  [unnumbered] He brought waters out of the stonie rocke: so that it gushed out like the riuers.

Yet for all this they sinned more against him: and prouoked the most highest in the wildernesse.

They tempted God in their hearts: and required meat for their lust.

They spake against God also, saying: Shall God prepare a table in the wildernesse?

Hee smote the stonie rocke deede, that the water gushed out, and the streames flowed withall: but can hee giue bread also, or prouide flesh for his people?

When the Lord heard this, he was wroth: so the fire was kindled in Iacob, and there came vp heauie displeasure a∣gainst Israel.

Because they beleeued not in God: and put not their trust in his helpe.

So hee commaunded the cloudes aboue: and opened the doores of heauen.

Hee rained downe Manna also vpon them for to eate and gaue them food from heauen.

So man did eate Angels foode: for hee sent them meate ynough.

Hee caused the Cast winde to blowe vnder heauen: and through his power he brought in the Southwest winde.

He rained flesh vpon them as thicke as dust: and feathered foules like as the sand of the sea.

He let it fall among their tents: euen round about their ha∣bitation.

So they did eate and were well filled, for hee gaue them their owne desire: they were not disappointed of their lust.

But while the meat was yet in their mouthes, the heauie wrath of God came vpon them, & flue the wealthiest of them: yea, and smote downe the chosen men that were in Israel.

But for all this they sinned yet more: and beleeued not his wonderous workes.

Therefore their dayes did he consume in vanitie: and their yeeres in trouble.

When hee flewe them, they sought him: and turned them Page  [unnumbered] earely, and enquired after God.

And they remembred that God was their strength: and that the high God was their redeemer.

Neuerthelesse, they did but flatter him with their mouth: and dissembled with him in their tongue.

For their heart was not whole with him: neither conti∣nued they stedfast in his couenant.

But he was so mercifull that forgaue their misdeedes: and destroyed them not.

Yea many a time turned hee his wrath away: and would not suffer his whole displeasure to arise.

For hee considered that they were but flesh: and that they were euen a winde that passeth away, and commeth not a∣gaine.

Many a time did they prouoke him in the wildernesse: and grieued him in the desert.

They turned backed, and tempted God: and mooued the holy one in Israel.

They thought not of his hande: and of the day when hee deliuered them from the hand of the enemie.

How he had wrought his miracles in Egypt: and his won∣ders in the field of Zoan.

He turned their waters into blood: so that they might not drinke of the riuers.

He sent lice among them, and deuoured them vp: & frogs to destroy them.

He gaue their fruite vnto the Caterpiller: and their labour vnto the Grashopper.

He destroyed their Vines with hailestones: and their Mul∣berie trees with the frost.

He smote their cattel also with hailestones: and their flocks with hot thunderbolts.

He cast vpon them the furiousnesse of his wrath, anger, dis∣pleasure, and trouble: and sent euill angels among them.

Hee made a way to his indignation, and spared not their soule from dearth: but gaue their life ouer to the pestilence.

And smote all the first borne in Egypt: the most principall and mightiest in the dwellings of Ham.

Page  [unnumbered]But as for his owne people, he led them foorth like sheepe: and caried them in the wildernesse like a slocke.

He brought them out safely that they should not feare: and ouerwhelmed their enemies with the sea.

And brought them within the borders of his Sanctuarie: euen to his mountaine which hee purchased with his right hand.

He cast out the heathen also before them: caused their land to be diuided among them for an heritage, and made the tribes of Isael to dwell in their tents.

So they tempted and displeased the most high God: and kept not his testimonies.

But turned their backes, and fell away like their forefa∣thers: starting aside like a broken bow.

For they grieued him with their hill altars: and prouoked him to displeasure with their images.

When God heard this, he was wroth: and tooke fore displeasure at Israel.

So that he forsooke the Tabernacle in Slid: euen the rent that he had pitched among them.

He deliuered their power into captiuitie: and their beautie into the enemies hand.

Hee gaue his people ouer also vnto the sworde: and was wroth with his inheritance.

The fire consumed their young men: and their maydens were not giuen to mariage.

Their Priests were slaine with the sword: and three were no widowes to make lamentation.

So the Lord awaked as one out of sleepe: and like a Gi∣ant refreshed with wine.

Hee smote his enemies in the hinder parts: and put them to a perpetuall shame.

He refused the Tabernacle of Ioseph: and chose not the tribe of Ephraim.

But chose the tribe of Iuda: euen the hill of Sion, which he loued.

And there he builded his temple on high: and laid the foun∣dation of it like the ground which he hath made continually.

Page  [unnumbered]He chose Dauid also his seruant: and tooke him away from the sheepe foldes.

As he was following the Ewes great with yong ones, he tooke him: that he might feede Iacob his people, and Israel his inheritance.

So he fed them with a faithfull and true heart: and ruled them prudently with all his power.