The booke of common prayer, and administration of the sacraments and other rites and ceremonies of the Church of England.
Church of England.
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The Gospel.

IEesus sayd vnto his Disciples, * Except your righteousnes exceed the righteousnes of the Scribes and Pharises, ye cannot enter into the kingdom of heauen. Ye haue heard that it was sayd vnto them of olde time, Thou shall not kill: whosoeuer killeth, shall be in danger of iudgement. But I say vnto you, that whosoeuer is angry with his brother vnaduisedly, shall be in danger of iudgement. And whosoeuer saieth vnto his brother, Racha, shall be in danger of a Counsaile. But who∣soeuer saith, Thou foole, shal be in danger of hell fire. There∣fore, if thou offerest thy gift at the alter, and there remembrest that thy brother hath ought against thee, leaue there thine of∣fering before the alter, and goe the way first, and be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift. Agree with thine aduersarie quickely, whiles thou art in the way with him, least at any time the aduersarie deliuer thee to the iudge, and the iudge deliuer thee to the minister, and then thou bee cast into prison. Verily I say vnto thee, thou shalt not come out thence, till thou hast payed the vttermost farthing.