The booke of common prayer, and administration of the sacraments and other rites and ceremonies of the Church of England.
Church of England.

The Gospel.

THE father and mother of Iesus went to Hierusalem, * after the cu∣stome of the feast day. And when they had fulfilled the dayes, as they returned home, the childe Iesus abode still at Hierusalem, and his father anb mother knew not of it: but they supposing him to haue beene in the companie, came a days Iourney, and sought him among their kinsefolke and acquaintance: Page  [unnumbered] and when they found him not, they went backe againe to Hierusalem, and sought him. And it fortuned, that after three dayes they found him in the temple, sitting in the middest of the doctors, hearing them, and posing them. And all that heard him, were astonied at his vnderstanding and answeres. And when they saw him, they marueiled. And his mother sayd vnto him, sonne, why hast thou thus dealt with vs? behold, thy father and I haue sought thee sorow∣ing. And he sayd vnto them, How hapned it that yee sought me? wist ye not that I must go about my fathers businesse? And they vnder stood not that saying which hee spake vnto them. And he went downe with them, & came to Nazareth, and was obedient vnto them. But his mother kept all these sayings together in her heart. And Iesus prospred in wise∣dome and age, and in fauour with God and men.