The sanctuarie of saluation, helmet of health, and mirrour of modestie and good maners wherein is contained an exhortation vnto the institution of Christian, vertuous, honest, and laudable life, very behoouefull, holsome and fruitfull both to highest and lowest degrees of men ...
Lemnius, Levinus, 1505-1568., Kinder, Hugh.
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How great the thankefulnesse of man toward God ought to be.

CHAP. 4.

This thing ought chieflie to stirre vp man •… loue God entirely and worshippe him sin∣cerely, that when as man was abandoned from God, and cast downe into euerlasting death, for breaking his commandement, our heauen∣ly father for the singular fauour and merites of Christ,* receiued him into fauour againe: for Christ hauing cōpassiō on the calamitie of 〈◊〉 reconciled man to his father, being purged by his bloud, and conquering death, and shaking off the tyrrannie of our most cruell enimie, •… whome man was bound and as it were in deb∣ted, deliuered and brought man safe againe into the libertie which he had lost, and resto∣red him vnto the inheritance of the kingdome of heauen, so that as Saint Paul witnesseth, we are no more foreiners and strangers with God,* but citizens & heyres, finally his friends and of his houshold, being builded vpon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets, Ie∣sus Christ being the head corner stone, by whome we haue accesse and entrance in one spirit vnto the father.* Wherefore sith that e∣uery one of vs by the helpe of wholsome and sound doctrine, is graft into Christ by faith Page  7 and by the fountaine of regeneration, and as Saint Paul saieth, *Hath obtained grace and in∣heritance by the renewing of his holy spirit, which he hath poured forth vpon vs richly: It is meete, and the restauration of our sauing health dooth require, that all our hope and trust being reposed in so bountifull a father, and his sonne Iesus Christ, who hath abolished death and sinne, we submit our selues to him, and direct our life, conuersation, desires, de∣lights and studies vnto his good will and plea∣sure, and with purenesse of heart, holy and vn∣blameable manner of liuing,* and continuall and feruent praier knit our selues and cleaue fast vnto him, and endeuour all that euer wee can, to seeke and get his fauour and grace, by and through Iesus Christ our onely aduocate with the father, the onely propitiation for our sinnes.