The sanctuarie of saluation, helmet of health, and mirrour of modestie and good maners wherein is contained an exhortation vnto the institution of Christian, vertuous, honest, and laudable life, very behoouefull, holsome and fruitfull both to highest and lowest degrees of men ...
Lemnius, Levinus, 1505-1568., Kinder, Hugh.

Of the maiestie and power of the most high∣est, and how many diuers titles and names are attributed and ascribed vnto that one onely substance of GOD, distinct and di∣uided into three equall persons. By the contemplation whereof, mans minde con∣ceiueth tranquillitie and comfort, and most effectuall faith and trust towards God.

CHAP. 59.

*BEcause GOD that most excellent, most mightie and puissant nature, and the very eternall minde or spirite free and cleare from all mortall mixture and congelation, exten∣deth himselfe so exceedingly, as cannot bee measured, and dilateth, stretcheth, and shed∣deth foorth himselfe so farre on euery side, as cannot bee comprehended, who ruleth and Page  213 gouerneth euerie thing,* and endueth them with his power: for that cause that same one deitie, for this vertue, power, excellent and mightie operation, is highly entituled with diuers names, and nobly renowmed, celebra∣ted, and adorned with many glorious testifi∣cations of prayse and honour, both of the Hebrewes, and also among other nations that haue had anie knowledge of the Godhead. So in the sacred and holie historie the Lorde is called El, Eloim, Adonai, Emanuel:* Of the which names euery one signifieth pecu∣liar strength, and might, and attributeth great power vnto GOD, the which hee exerciseth and executeth on thinges here beneath. For which cause when hee set foorth, published, and ordained the commaundements of his lawe to bee carefully kept and obserued of the Iewes, to the ende that greater authori∣tie and higher worshippe might the more honourablie and reuerentlie bee giuen and ascribed vnto him, hee saith, *I am the Lorde thy God, which brought thee out of the lande of Egypt and house of bondage. Thou shalt haue no straunge Gods before mee. *By this holy and wonderfull name, he ascribeth vnto himselfe the rule and dominion of all thinges that haue their being. For sith that he is the foun∣tayne, spring, and beginning of all vniuer∣sally, and sith that hee alone hath his perma∣nent Page  214 being and perpetuall abiding by him∣selfe, hee onely giueth power and strength to all things to haue their being and abiding. Wherefore it is meete and decent,* that all mortall men obey his commaundements and ordinaunces, and bee subiect vnto his lawes, and not seeke protection, health, helpe, and saluation of any other, but of him, nor turne themselues vnto any other, but vnto him, who onely is from euerlasting. This name which the Hebrewes call Iehoua, the Greekes 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉, the Latines call the same Existentem, that is, being. Therefore the nomination of the di∣uine substance, is deriued of many thinges. Namely, of his first and perpetuall power and might to bee, of his eternitie, of his mag∣nificence, Maiestie, rule and dominion, to the which all things are subiect and vnder obe∣dience, and by which hee ruleth all creatures, and guideth and gouerneth them by his most effectuall and principall prouidence. GOD hath also a name assigned vnto him of his placabilitie or mildnesse,* in that his displea∣sure is so soone appeased and so easily miti∣gated, of his meekenesse, mercie, and com∣passion, which he vseth towards men, which doe humbly beseech and lamentably desire his ayde, his helpe and succour in their neces∣sitie, distresse and miserie. For the hebrewe word, El, expresseth the clemencie or mercie Page  215 of God ioyned with his righteousnesse,* wher∣with hee comforteth, strengtheneth, and pre∣serueth the godly, and chastiseth, punisheth, and correcteth the wicked, and by putting his feare in their hearts, calleth them backe from their wickednesse. Hee is also named of the light, wherewith he driueth away the darknesse, the blindnesse, ignorance, and er∣rours of the minde and vnderstanding, and doth illuminate & lighten mens hearts which are full of darknesse, with the light of his trueth and knowledge of him. For so saith our Sauiour, *I am the light of the worlde, hee that followeth mee; walketh not in darkenesse. Of the fire also, wherewith hee enflameth and brenneth the godlie with the loue of his diuine Maiestie, and endueth their mindes with holesome and liuely doctrine. But hee consumeth and vtterlie destroyeth his ad∣uersaries, which neither reuerence, wor∣shippe, nor feare him, and bringeth them to naught, euen as the fire licketh vp drye strawe, or stubble, or such like light nou∣rishments thereof.* Therefore Moses and Saint Paul doe admonish vs, to worshippe GOD reuerentlie and religiouslie, that is, with pure heart and good conscience, that wee may bee accepted before him. For our GOD, saith hee,* is a consuming fire. Where∣fore Page  216 let euery man behaue himselfe lowlie and humblie before him.* GOD hath also a name attributed vnto him of his good∣nesse,* liberalitie, and bounteousnesse, which hee vseth toward his faithfull seruants: whom hee suffereth not to bee oppressed with a∣ny extreame necessitie, or to perish for want of thinges necessarie: but in all things that they haue neede of, he prouideth for them plentifully, and giueth vnto them aboun∣dantly all thinges needfull and profitable, both outward goods, and also tranquillitie of heart, quietnesse of minde, and peace of conscience. And hee is called Father, of his pietie, louing kindnesse, and fatherlie affection, wherewith he embraceth his chil∣dren, and by his bountifull prouidence ca∣reth and prouideth for theyr health, safe∣tie, and commoditie. So the Lorde saith by the Prophet Ieremie, *Thou shalt call mee fa∣ther, and shalt not ceasse to goe after mee. Agayne, *I am become a father to Israel, and Ephraim is my first borne, and I will leae them foorth by the brooke of waters in the right waye, and they shall not fall: That is to saye, they shall followe my steppes, they shall goe with mee, and they shall agree vnto my will, and continue there∣in, and I will keepe them safe in all theyr Page  217 waies, neither shall any harme happen vn∣to them, no iniury, no wrong or despite shall bee done vnto them, no destruction, no ca∣lamity, no misery shalbe brought vpon them. Moreouer the Prophet Esay doth commemo∣rate and recoumpt those goodly, faire, glori∣ous and triumphant titles, which God the Fa∣ther attributeth vnto Christ, that euery man may knowe what Christ hath done for vs by his natiuity, death, and resurrection, and by his ascension into Heauen. For thus the Prophet expresseth the greatnesse of his might and po∣wer, his magnificence, his excellency, his brightnesse, his glory, his honour, his power, his highnesse, his maiesty: Of the which euery one redoundeth vnto our profite and commo∣dity: whereuppon he is called Emanuel, that is to say, **God with vs. A childe is borne vnto vs, and a Sonne is giuen vnto vs, and the principali∣ty is vppon his shoulder, and his name shalbe cal∣led Wonderfull, The giuer of counsail, The migh∣ty God, The Father of the world to come, The Prince of peace.* Innumerable and infinit are the testifications of praise, honour, and glory, which may be applied and ascribed vnto his exceeding, infinite, incomprehensible and sur∣passing maiesty, yea euen which he attributeth vnto himselfe.* So he calleth himselfe the Phi∣sition, because he giueth & assureth the health of soule and body, and cureth, amendeth, and Page  218 healeth both the inward and outward vices & corruption of men. Hee calleth himselfe the Sheepheard,* because he very carefully, diligēt∣ly, and watchfully looketh vnto his flocke, and gathereth together the dispersed and scattere sheepe, and feedeth and refresheth them with the holesome pasture and foode of his holy word. **So Christ calleth himselfe the fruitefull vine, and his Father the husbandman, and vs the braunches growing and abiding in the vine, whom he purgeth and pruneth, and clen∣seth from the vine the vnprofitable stalkes or stemmes, that is to say, cutteth cleane away su∣perfluous lustes and couetous desires, to the end they may bring forth more fruit. But those whome he findeth vnfruitefull and voide of yearely profite and increase (by which Meta∣phor he meaneth them which bring foorth no fruite of Faith) hee adiudgeth and appointeth them to the fire, as vnprofitable and dry wi∣thered shragges that haue no iuice, but are vt∣terly fruitelesse. **Saint Paul also vseth a like Me∣taphor deriued of diligence in husbandry and industry of building. For, priuie hatred, vari∣aunce, and strife being repressed & abolished, wherewith the Corinthians were at discord a∣mong themselues, and were puffed vp and swelled one against another, in the behalfe of their Doctors and Teachers, (as we see men do oftentimes euen now in these our daies) he ad∣monisheth Page  219 and warneth euery one of them, that if they haue gotten any holesom learning, they doe not attibute it to the Ministers, but ascribe it vnto GOD the author of all good thinges. *Wee, sayeth he, are helpers, and as it were hired workemen. Wee doe Gods businesse, to him doe wee approue our industry, for him do we take all this paines. Ye are Gods husbandrie, and as it were his ground, soile or land, which we til, and make more apt for fruit, with sowing the seed of holesome doctrine. Yee are Gods building and workemanship, which ariseth and is erected vppe vnto his glory. But as concerning the great highnesse, honour, and Maiesty of God, no∣thing can be inuented or deuised, nothing can be thought, mused, or conceiued in the mind, so high, so magnificke, so renowmed, so excel∣lent, so glorious,* so surpassing faire and good∣ly, finally so perfect in euery respect, and in al kinde of vertues, but the same ought worthyly to be referred and attributed vnto the essency or substaunce of God, or applied and ascribed vnto him. **His wisedome being the ruler and gouernour of all things, wherewith he preser∣ueth, supporteth, and sustayneth the whole v∣niuersal world by his counsaile & prouidence, is incomprehensible, inexplicable; vnspeake∣able, and infinite, so that the order and orderly continuance of all thinges from time to time so wonderfully, doth draw all men into admi∣ration Page  220 and loue of the Creator, inflaming and prouoking them to extoll and magnifie him for his excellent and marueylous workes. **He might, strength, and power, wherewith hee casteth down and ouerthroweth his enemies, and wherewith he helpeth and maintayneth the godly, is inexpugnable and inuincible, & cannot be resisted. For there is nothing which doth not giue place vnto his strength. *No ca∣stles, no towres, no fortifications, no defences, no fortresses or bulwarkes, how strong soeuer they be, can withstād his puissance. *His Iudge∣ment and Iustice, wherwith he distributeth to euery man that which is due, conuenient, and requisite for him, and adiudgeth and rendreth rewardes to euery man according to his wor∣thinesse and desertes,* is right, lawful, holy, sin∣cere, pure,* laudable, and of excellent equity, so that no man (vnlesse hee bee of depraued iudgement) hath any cause to complain of the same.* His mercy, compassion, pitty, clemen∣cy, and mildnesse, which euery one of the Pro∣phets doe greatly commend and highly extol, is exceeding, and excelleth and surpasseth all his vertuous. For all men which feare his Iu∣stice flee vnto his Mercy as vnto a sure sanctu∣arie, and doe humbly desire his helpe and suc∣cour. This taketh away despaire and distrust out of mens fearefull hartes and consciences. With this the holy Spirit the Comforter doth Page  221 comfort, strengthen,* and raise vp them that suddainly fall, and grafting and fixing in their harts assured hope and trust to obtaine salua∣tion, maketh thē come boldly vnto the throne of grace, to obtaine mercy and receiue remis∣sion of sinnes,* so that there is nothing which may be imputed vnto them, there is none that can accuse, appeach, or condemne them to be guiltie of death. Saint Paul hauing good proofe and experience of this mercy of God, and being of a persecuter chosen and admit∣ted to be an Apostle, doth support, stay, com∣fort, and strengthen the doubtfull and waue∣ring mindes of men, and prouoketh and allu∣reth them vnto the mercy of God, euen by his owne notable and excellent example, with these wordes: Whereas before, sayeth he,* I was a persecuter, a blaspemer, a violent tyranne: I obtayned mercy, because I did it ignorauntly through vnbeleefe. That is to say, voyd of faith, and not knowing the counsaile, purpose, and determination of God. For he supposed, when he persecuted the Christians, that hee did God good seruice. And further, to the end that all men may haue good consideration and care∣full regard of their saluation, and that euery mā may assuredly know that his sinnes are purged and cleansed away by the bloud of Christ,* Saint Paul with assured protestation and af∣firmance pronounceth these wordes to them Page  222 that trust in him. *This is a sure saying and by all meanes worthy to bee receiued, that Iesus Christ came into the world to saue sinners, of whē I am chiefe. *But for this cause I obtayned mer∣cy, that in me he might first shewe all clemency, to declare an ensample vnto them, which should beleeue on him vnto euerlasting life, that is to say, with hope and constant expectation of the kingdome of heauen. And because this be∣nefite ought wholly to be ascribed vnto our heauenly Father, and that he ought not to be robbed of his due prayse, not defrauded of the testification and percelebration of his infinite goodnesse, hee immediatly annexeth these wordes: Vnto the immortall King of Worlde, vnto the inuisible, and onely wise God be honour, prayse, and glory for euer, Amen. Saint Peter also for the mystery of our redemption, attri∣buteth the like prayse **Vnto God and the Fa∣ther of our Lord Iesus Christ, who according to his aboundant mercy regenerated vs vnto a liue∣ly hope, by this that Iesus Christ rose again from the dead, to an inheritance immortall, vndefiled, and that cannot fade nor perish, laid vp in hea∣uen towardes vs: that is to say, for the loue of vs and for our sakes. *For after that the kinde∣nesse, and loue and humanity of God our Sauiour towards man appeared, not for any of our deserts, nor for the workes of righteousnesse which wee wrought, but according to his mercy he saued vs Page  223 by the fountaine of regeneration and renewing of the holy Spirite, which hee hath shed foorth richly by Iesus Christ our Sauiour, that wee be∣ing iustified by his grace, might be made heires according to the hope of euerlasting life: which saying is certaine true and vndoubted, and to bee infixed and surely kept by all meanes in euery mans minde. Seeing therefore that the loue & ready kindnesse of God is so great, his fauor, charity, his fatherly deare and tender affection towardes mankinde is such, that hee hath not onely giuen vs the vse and commodity of all thinges, but also (which farre exceedeth these benefites) hath bestowed euen his onely belo∣ued Sonne for the redemption of man, that by the death & resurrection of Christ, man might obtain reconciliation and grace: it is meet and decent, and both equity, and thankefulnesse for such a benefite bestowed on vs, doth re∣quire, that euery one of vs do put al our whole hope, trust and confidence in him,* and magni∣fie him with most high and excellent prayses, and endeuour to approue our conuersation, & lead our liues acceptable before him, & please him with Faith, not an idle and vaine Faith,* but that which is susteyned, declared, enuironed, and accompanied with the workes of charity: and denying and forsaking vngodlinesse, and reiecting carnal lusts and worldly desires, con∣secrat our selues wholly vnto him, and liue so∣berly, Page  224 righteously, and godly in this present world, *Looking for the blessed hope and appearing of the glory of the great God and our Sauiour Ie∣sus Christ, who gaue himselfe for vs, to redeeme vs from all iniquity, and to purge vs a peculiar people vnto himselfe zealous and feruent follo∣wer of good workes: For by framing our liues and ordering our conuersation after this man∣ner, and by the operation and consolation of the holy Spirite the Comforter giuen vnto vs and dwelling in vs,* peace, tranquility, and sure safety shalbe nourished and stablished in our hartes and consciences, and dread & feare of death being shaken off and driuen away, Christ being our leader and guide, our captain and forerunner, we shall enter into immorta∣lity, and the blessed and euerlasting mansions. And indeede death is not the destruction of the body,* but the renewing of it. It is not the extinguishment or perishing of nature, but it is the porche and doore of the other farre bet∣ter life to come, and the very gate and first en∣try vnto the heauenly Cittie, and the entrance and way vnto euerlasting life. Of the certain∣ty whereof no man hath cause to doubt, or mi∣strust the promises of God, when as the trueth it selfe, which is infallible and neuer falleth or deceiueth, doth faithfully perfourme that which it hath promised. *For God is true, and e∣uery man is a lyer, that is, God saileth no man, Page  225 deceiueth no man, nor disappointeth any man of his hope and expectation.* He is no vaine promiser nor vnfaithful promis-keeper, as men vse to be, which dissolue leagues and alliance, breake couenants, and with a kind of old craf∣ty subtilty, winde themselues out of the bonds of their promises, and slip from their word, but he is constant, stedfast, sure, and very faithful∣ly performeth and accomplisheth that which he hath promised, and which he hath vnderta∣ken to bring to passe. But euery man is a lyer, that is to say, deceitfull, slippery, light, incon∣stant, mutable, doubtfull, wauering, variable,* fraudulent, vaine, crafty, slie, vnfaithfull, and which speaketh one thing standing, and ano∣ther sitting, so that no mā may safely trust him. Which vices are very farre from the Maiesty of God, yea so far as cannot be expressed, be∣cause that no humane affections can bee inci∣ent vnto him. Therefore we must with most assured confidence trust, leane, and cleane vn∣to him, specially and principally, and direct & refer all our praiers requests, hope,* and desires nto him onely, whensoeuer either dangers or calamities are imminent, or when death and our extreame conflict is euen at hand. For by his fauour, presence, & present helpe, al things are mittigated, and made mild, easie and tol∣lerable, and al things are of sowre, grieuous & bitter, made sweete, delectable, and pleasant. Page  226 By sure trust in him the feare of death is driue away, and al terror and trembling is abolished out of our harts. For the loue of him wee con∣temne & despise the fawning delights & flat∣tering pleasures of this life. By the power and helpe of him wee endure and patiently suffer miseries, dammages, and inconueniences, which compasse, besiege, and assaile vs euery moment. With firmely stablished hope in him and constant expectation of immortality we being supported and comforted, doe willing∣ly, gladly, and chearefully flit and depart from the prison of this life and short time of our abi∣ding here, and by Christ our guide and leader we are conducted and brought vnto those e∣ternall and blessed dwelling places. And with lesse griefe and greater ioy, are wee separa•… from the society of the body, and from the course and standing place of this life: And our last conflict and wrastling with death, (in which for the most part mistrust and despaire assaileth the consciēce) maketh vs to haue the lesse carefulnesse, heauinesse, and perplexity, because we are sure,* that redēption & grace i obtained for vs by the merit of Christ. *For the Mediator between God and man Iesus Christ hath reconciled vs vnto his father, and with his bloud hath washed away our sinnes, and by the power of his resurrection hath giuen 〈◊〉 righteousnesse: *For Christ was deliuered for our Page  227 sinnes, as Saint Paul sayeth. *And was raised for the iustification of vs. *So that wee being con∣firmed and assured by the resurrection of Christ, as by a sure pledge, doe trust that wee shalbe saued and raysed vp by his power. For he, as the Apostle testifieth,* Wil transforme our vile body, and make it of like fashion vnto his glo∣rious body, according to the mighty working whereby hee is able to subdue all thinges to him∣selfe. For although, according to the doctrine of Saint Paul, *This our earthly mansion of this tabernacle must be destroyed, euen as a ruinous house, which is dissolued, when the ioints and enons are loosed, and the framing together of the afters is plucked asunder: yet that buil∣ding which we haue of God, is not made with handes, but eternall in heauen. For God which hath raised up the Lord Iesus, shall raise vs vppe also by him, and shall make vs partakers of the common resurrection; Which most certaine hope bringeth this to passe, that we being lesse depriued, naked, or destitute doe suffer our selues to be withdrawen and remoued from hence.