The sanctuarie of saluation, helmet of health, and mirrour of modestie and good maners wherein is contained an exhortation vnto the institution of Christian, vertuous, honest, and laudable life, very behoouefull, holsome and fruitfull both to highest and lowest degrees of men ...
Lemnius, Levinus, 1505-1568., Kinder, Hugh.

How and by what meanes it may be brought to passe, that death be not terrible to a man of lewd and naughtie nature.

CHAP. 56.

COnsidering that in humane estate there is nothing permanent, nothing sure & sted∣fast, but all things, yea euen the best commen∣ded & most approued, are momentanie, fraile,* transitorie, and doe soone faile and fall: there is no cause why a man should greatly loue, like, extoll, and esteeme the same, and be de∣lighted withall more then is meete: but ra∣ther erect and lift vp his minde and heart vnto the heauenly habitations, and regarde, consider, meditate, and muse vpon thinges perfect, sure, and eternall. For whosoeuer fixeth in his heart vndoubted trust in GOD the father by Christ Iesus, and thereupon Page  180 groundeth the sure hope and expectation of immortalitie,* he need not feare any imminent chaunces and endammagements, he hath 〈◊〉 cause to dread sicknesse, calamities, daungers, no nor finally death, whereof those men spe∣cially be sore afrayd, who are destitute of the Spirit of God, & not endued with any know∣ledge of the deitie. For they which put the confidence in GOD, being strengthened and supported with his holy spirit, doe boldly and manly, without any feare or discouraging, stand and abide against all aduersities. For as S. Paule saith, *We haue not receiued the spirit of bondage, or of feare, but the spirit of adoption, of power, and of loue, by whom we boldly cry Ab∣ba, father. Herein, saith S. Iohn,* is the loue per∣fect with vs, that we should haue trust in the day of iudgement. There is no feare in loue but per∣fect loue casteth out all feare, for feare bringeth painfulnesse or trembling dread. Therefore to the end we may shake off all feare, and driue out of our minds all dread of death, and what∣soeuer it be that causeth trembling horror, let vs cast all our care on our bountifull father; and referre and erect all our thoughts, our hope,* our prayers, and our whole trust and confidence vnto him, and vnto Iesus Christ, who hath purged, cleansed, and cleared vs with his bloud,* and hath deliuered vs and set vs at libertie from sinne, and from the tyran∣nie Page  181 of death, and hath blotted out, rased, and quite cancelled the obligation or handwri∣ting which was against vs,* wherewith wee were bound, and as it were indebted to the diuell. Moreouer, Christ our Sauiour, to the end he might comfort and fortifie mens feare∣full minds, and declare that all our hope and trust consisteth and resteth in him, saith thus, *Be of good comfort, I haue ouercome the world. Now is the Prince of this world iudged, that is to say, he which brought in death, is repulsed by my death, and condemned in iudgement, and deposed from his power to doe hurt, whereof hee is depriued. *The Prince of this world commeth, and hath not any thing in mee. By the comfort of which words he sheweth manifestly, that Satan,* and those which in this world by sinne are his confederates, hath no power against Christ or his members which cleaue vnto him,* and bee graffed in him by faith. These holesome and liuely sermons worke this effect in the mindes of those men which leane and trust vnto his defence, that casting away the feare of death, they lustily, cheerefully, and couragiously enuirone and fortifie themselues against any assaults, or in∣uasions of troubles, or calamities whatsoeuer, and declare their inuincible magnanimitie, and with great confidence breake forth into these words: *Myne eyes are euer looking vnto Page  182 the Lord, for he shall plucke my feete out of the nette. *The Lord is my light, and my saluation, whom then shall I feare? The Lord is the defen∣der of my life, of whom then shall I be afrayed▪ If an hoast of men were layed agaynst me, yet shall not my heart bee afrayed: *I will not feare thousands of people that compasse mee about. If there rise vp warre agaynst mee, yet my hope is in him. *Though I walke in the middest of the shadowe of death, I will feare no euill, for thou art with mee. *Though hee kill mee, I will put my trust in him: that is to say, If he cast vpon mee the horrour of death, and if I must b•… spoyled of my life, yet for all that I will trust in him, who by his prouidence will make a way and vse meanes to saue mee. *The Lord is my helper, I will not feare what flesh shall do vnto mee. And that saying of Ieremie. *Behold, say they, where is the word of the Lord? Let 〈◊〉 come. And I was not troubled, following this the sheepeheard, and thou knowest, I haue not desired the day of man: that is, *I looke not for helpe of any other, but of thee, so that I re∣gard not a whit, neither doe I feare them which threaten my death. Be not thou a terror vnto mee, O my hope, in the day of my affliction. Let them be afeard, but let not me feare.

Saint Paule being inflamed with the same feruent and ardent zeale of faith, and trusting vnto the ayde and protection of GOD, pro∣nounceth Page  183 assuredly, and boldly, that there is nothing in the world so dreadfull or horrible, that can put godly mens mindes in feare, of plucke them away from the loue of GOD and sure trust reposed in him. For I surely perswade my selfe, saith he,* that neither death, neither life, neither angels or inuisible spirites, neither principalities or powers, neither things now at hand, nor things to come, neither any o∣ther creature, shall be able to separate vs from the loue of GOD which is in Christ Iesus our Lord.

*So S. Paule doth constantly shewe, that he which is graft in GOD the father by Christ, doth valiantly, fearing nothing, stand and a∣bide agaynst all manner terrours, how or whence soeuer they happen, agaynst the in∣uasions, furious rage, and raging noyse of ene∣mies, agaynst the horrour of death,* which either enemies or foes doe threaten, or which sicknesse accelerateth, or the lawe of nature bringeth.* Seeing therefore that there is no∣thing more effectuall to deliuer mens minds from the feare and great dread of death, then sure and stedfast trust in GOD through Christ our leader, guide and Captaine, whereby we conceiue most sure and vndoubted hope of resurrection, and most assured expecta∣tion of euerlasting life: vnto this most sure Page  184 refuge let all men make all speede possible▪ and bend all their endeuour, let euery one of vs embrace, accept, loue, and imprint in his heart this holesome and heauenly doctrine▪ herewith let all men comfort, stay, and streng∣then themselues in all daungers, distresse, and imminent extremities: herewith let them ap∣pease and quiet their conscience, and with the meditation hereof let them put away all sorowe of heart, and shake off heauinesse and mourning, which they conceiue, when they are depriued either of parents or of children Hereunto belongeth that liuely consolation of the Apostle, wherewith he comforteth the Thessalonians with cōstant expectation of the resurrection & sure hope of eternall life, and willeth them to refraine from weeping, and not to mourne and make lamentation for their friends departed and taken away from amongst the liuing, as the Ethnickes or hea∣then vse to doe. I would not brethren, saith he,* that yee should bee ignorant concerning them which are fallen a sleepe, (being brought to rest as it were with, sleepe, and not with death) *that yee sorrowe not nor take griefe, as other doe which haue no hope of returning to life againe. *For if wee beleeue that Iesus dyed and liued a∣gaine, euen so them also which are fallen a sleepe by Iesus, God will bing with him. And a∣gaine, Page  185 when he withdraweth the Philippians from worldly things, and reduceth them to thinges sure, incorruptible and perfect, hee saith, *Our conuersation is in heauen, out of the which wee looke for the Lord Iesus Christ, who will transfigure our base bodie, and make it in fashion like vnto his glorious bodie, according to the mightie working whereby he is able to sub∣due all things to himselfe. *In which wordes Saint Paule admonisheth them, to comfort, strengthen and fortifie themselues in all their afflictions, with the loue and longing desire of eternitie, and in the conflict of this life to bee afrayd of nothing that may withdrawe or call vs away from that farre better life, to the which Christ hath opened vs the way by the power of his resurrection.* Wherfore whē we come to the last day of our life, and when death is euen hard at hand, which euery man feareth, vnlesse he consolate and corroborate himselfe in Christ, or when any meditation hereof commeth into the minds of them that be sound and well in health, or if pouertie, or sicknesse, or miserie, or any other daungers and perills of this life doe oppresse and af∣flict vs: let vs then, and at all times,* referre all our petitions, hope, and desires vnto Christ Iesus, who by his death hath payed the penal∣tie, and suffered the punishment that was due Page  186 to vs,* who hath forgiuen vs all our sinnes who is the propitiation for our offences, who is our aduocate, as Saint Iohn saith,* our inter∣cessor and spokesman vnto GOD the father, who is the reconciler of GOD and man, and who, as Saint Paule saith, *hath giuen and offe∣red vp himselfe a redemption, raunsome, offe∣ring, and sacrifice for all men. In him onely consisteth our saluation, life, and resurrection. *By him wee haue accesse and entraunce in one spirit vnto the father. *By his bloud shed wee haue obtayned redemption and remission of si•…. Because it well pleased the father that in him should all fulnesse dwell, and by him to reconcile vnto himselfe all things being pacified by his bloud. Seeing therefore that wee haue such a great, such a worthie, and such an excellent high Priest, as saith the author to the Hebrewes,* who hath pierced the heauens, euen Iesus the sonne of God, who being tempted by all me 〈◊〉 without sinne, feeleth and hath compassion on our infirmities: *Let vs come with trustie bold∣nesse vnto the throne of grace, that wee may ob∣taine mercie to helpe in time of our neede. For wee being succoured with the defence and protection, and stronglie enuironed and fenced with the garde of such a renowmed Captaine, doe valiantly withstand and con∣stantly Page  187 abide against all monstrous mischiefes of diuels,* which forthwith vanish away as∣soone as the light of the trueth ariseth; a∣gaynst sinne, death, and hell: and so wee are brought out of the daungerous watch and watchfull warfare of this life vnto that desired and happie hauen, and most blessed habita∣tion in heauen. Wherefore if any dammage, detriment, in conuenience, misfortune, or mi∣serie shall come to a man in the swift running course of this life,* if any man happen to be cast or brought into any daunger of his life, to bee pinched with pouertie, to bee afflicted with sicknesse, to bee vexed of enemies, if desolation and calamitie fall vpon him, if his wickednesses and iniquities abound, if the innocent and giltlesse be oppressed and killed, if sounde and holesome doctrine bee contemned, if heresies and pernicious sects and opinions growe vp, if peruerse errours bee sowne abroad on euery side: in all this so great confusion and troublous tumult of worldlie affayres,* let euerie man betake and committe himselfe vnto Christ, and seeke the assurance of saluation at and of him onelie, rest and trust whollie in him and vpon him, staye and strengthen him∣selfe on him as on the sacred anchor, and Page  188 finally eftsoones meditate and ruminate in his minde that constant profession of Dauid *I will set the Lord alwayes in my sight, for hee is on my right hand, so that I shall not bee mooued nor troubled. In which wordes hee sheweth that hee hath his eyes still continually fixed on GOD, and that he trusteth in his defence, and that by his helpe hee abideth stedfast in daungerous and doubtfull matters, and wa∣uereth not, nor is carried about with any winde of doctrine,* but is stable and con∣stant, and is not mooued away from that trust which hee hath reposed in GOD, euen for this cause onely, because he findeth God fauourable and inclined to mercie,* and to assist him in all things; so that boldlie hee breaketh foorth into these wordes: *Behold the Lord is my helper, and my heart hath tru∣sted in him, and I am helped, and my flesh hath flourished much in him, and willingly and gladly will I confesse vnto him.