The sanctuarie of saluation, helmet of health, and mirrour of modestie and good maners wherein is contained an exhortation vnto the institution of Christian, vertuous, honest, and laudable life, very behoouefull, holsome and fruitfull both to highest and lowest degrees of men ...
Lemnius, Levinus, 1505-1568., Kinder, Hugh.

Vnto what persons in humane societie honor and reuerence must chiefely be giuen.

CHAP. 9.

HOnour ought indeed to be giuen to euery man according to his dignitie and order,* as S. Paule commaundeth, but specially to the olde age full of yeares and hoarie haires, to which we all come soone and shortly, this du∣tie must be fulfilled. *So by the ordinance of God doth Moses teach, saying, *Rise vp before the hoarie head, and honour the person of the old man. Lycurgus the Lacedemonians lawmaker appoynted this also to be obserued. He would not haue the rich and mightie men to haue the Page  14 greatest honour, but the old men according to the degree of their age. And surely age not more honoured in any place of the wo•… Amongst this sort and order we must recla•… and repute the Magistrate,*** the dignitie of th Consull or chiefe Iustice, Pretor or Maior, whose wise gouernment, policie and authori∣tie, is a stedfast stay to the safetie of the Com∣mon wealth, by meanes wherof all the realme hath peace and tranquillitie, without any sec∣tion, tumult or rebellion. To these must we adde and accompt men that be of approoued honestie, and well known and well grown in yeares, or Gentlemen and Barons that come of gentle and noble house and auncestrie, or them also that bee excellently furnished with the studies of good learning, and thereby be∣come worthie ornaments of their countrey. But the higher dignitie and more chiefe esti∣mation in this respect,* and in obseruing of this dutie, doo I asscribe and assigne vnto them which labour feruently in the Ministerie and holy functions of the Church or congrega∣tion, and bestowe their studie, labour and tra∣uaile in enforming the mindes, and reform∣ing the depraued manners of men. So doth S. Paule pronounce the Elders,* that is to say, they which giue light and ensample to their flock by sober and discreet behauiour, by sage fatherly wisedome, and integritie of life, and Page  15 doo feede the hungrie multitude with whole∣some doctrine, and with the pure and syncere foode of the word of the Gospell, these, I say,* he affirmeth to be worthie of double honour, and all things requisite must be bestowed on them plenteously and copiously, not only re∣uerence according to their age, but also such necessarie aydes and allowances, as they may therewith moderatly be susteyned, and be fur∣nished and stored with necessarie houshold substance.