The garden of health conteyning the sundry rare and hidden vertues and properties of all kindes of simples and plants, together with the maner how they are to be vsed and applyed in medicine for the health of mans body, against diuers diseases and infirmities most common amongst men. Gathered by the long experience and industrie of William Langham, practitioner in phisicke.
Langham, William.
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¶ Centorie.

CEntorie: for wormes that eate ye haires of the head and face, mixe the gall of an oxe or sheepe with Centorie, and boyle them in wine or vineger, and anoint therewith. 2 Eyes red and dull, put in the iuice of it and of hounds tongue. 3 Eares dull, put in the iuice with the gall of an eele with tents. 4 Appetite to cause, seethe Centorie and Planten, and Pepper in wine, and drinke it luke warme three nights to bedward. 5 Teeth wormes, apply the iuice. Breast paine, seethe it in water and drinke it. 6 Coughes drie, seethe it in stale ale and stampe it and seethe it a∣gaine in the same ale, and streine it and put thereto a third part of honie, and boyle it till it be as thicke as honie, and take thereof iii. spoonefull fasting to clense the stomacke from gleete & be whole. 7 Reines griefe, drinke the iuice with vineger: biting or stinging, the iuice with water. 8 To prouoke appetite, and to cleanse the stomacke and breast, and to purge the backe and reines, and heale them, seethe it in water and drinke it. 9 Wormes, seeth it with Wormewood in milke, and drinke it fasting. 10 Braine weake, mixe Centorie, Rue, and Fenell seede, with strong vineger, and drinke it in the mornings, and shaue thy head, and apply thereto a blacke Cocke clouen through the midst foure & twentie houres, and then bleede in the master veine of the head and in the arme likewise. 11 Breast griefes, seethe it in white wine, and stampe it and seethe it againe therein and streine it, and drinke two or three spoonefull with Sugar candie as oft as neede is. 12 Eyes watring, apply Centorie to the nape of the necke. Ague cake, vse to drinke Centorie water. 13 Flegme to breake and voide, seethe it in white wine or ale with Licoras, and streine it and drinke it with Sugar morning and euening, and for horsenesse with Sugar candie. 14 Stinging of a Snake or Adder, steepe it in newe Ale and streyne it and drinke it, and also stampe thereof with gray salt, and apply it to the wounde. 15 Fe∣uer quarten, stampe it and streine it with ale, and drinke it be∣fore the fit. 16 Feuer quotidian, drinke as much powder as one small Walnut with wine, and drinke a little more wine after it to cleanse thy mouth. 17 Feuer of the gall, drinke one dramme of the powder three mornings fasting with white Page  132 wine, it helpeth also digestion, the cough, and costiuenesse. 18 To cleanse the head, cheast, and stomacke, seethe iii. handfull in a gallon of water, to the one halfe, cleanse it, and put thereto one pinte of hony clarified to the one halfe, and drinke two spoone∣full at once first and last. 19 Bitings venemous, drinke it with thine owne vrine. 20 Appetite to cause, vse Centory any way. 21 Dropsie, distill it with Sage and water Cresses, of eache like much, and drinke the water first and last. 22 Eyes dull, or web, eate the seedes. 23 Palsie, seethe it in wine and oyle, and apply it for ache of the backe, and all euils within the body, drinke it with colde water. 24 Spitting matter, seethe it in oyle of Ma∣sticke, and anoint the chest therewith where it is sore. Teethe wormes, put in the iuice. 25 Eyes smarting, put in the iuice with womans milke. Eares wormes put in the iuice of Centory and Leekes. 27 Drinke the iuice against all poyson. 28 Drinke the iuice foure mornings to haue a cleere voyce, and to cleanse the breast meruailously. 29 For all griefes in the stomake, and to cause appetite, stampe two handfull, and seethe it in three quartes of Ale to the one halfe, then put thereto one pinte of hony, and take thereof euery morning three spoonefull. 30 Stampe Gentian one part, Centory two parts, and distill them, and drinke the wa∣ter morning and euening to preserue the bodie from all diseases, to voide all impostumes, to cause a good coullour, to resist the plague, to helpe the ptysicke, to cleanse the stomacke and milte from watrish humors, to breake the stones in the reynes, and to prouoke the flowers, and to purge the belly, voide choller, and cleanse the blood, to heale all inward woundes, to cleare the sight, and cure venemous bitings, but to cure the wounds, put powder of Centory to it, and vse it nine dayes. 31 Wormes, seethe it in water to the third part, and drinke it. 32 Eyes griefes, anoint with the iuice and hony. 33 Wound swelling, stampe it and apply it. 34 Feuers colde, anoint the pulses and plants with the iuice. 35 Blood casting, drinke the iuice of it and Cheruile with Pease broth. 36 Breath stinking, belching, and losse of appetite, and to cleanse the chest and stomacke, seethe it in wine or water, and drinke it. 37 Backe ache, drinke it & Yarrow with vineger. 38 Thirst continuall, stampe it with the roote of Louage, & drinke them with wine or water iii. nights to bedward. Page  133 39 Eies to be cleare, put in the iuice of Centory the greater with hony. 40 Drinke the iuice or powder with wine to helpe all ve∣nemous bitings, but with vineger for inward poyson. 41 Anoint the sores of the bitings with the iuice of it. 42 Eares dull, put in the cleare iuice of it. 43 To open a wound, stampe it well, and applie it. 44 The water of it helpeth the griefes of the liuer and milt, causeth appetite, and is good for the wormes, and salsflegme. 45 Centory must be gotten betweene our Lady dayes. 46 Brest flegme, and the stomake, steepe the tops of greene Centory in ale or beere all night, & drinke it fasting, but in winter take the roote with white wine. 47 Breast to clense, seethe Centory & Hysope in white wine, and drinke it iii. dayes. 48 Seeth it in water or wine to purge downeward chollerike, flegmatike, and grosse hu∣mors, & for the sciatica, purge therewith till the blood come. 49 It is very good against the stopping of the liuer, the Iaundies, and hardnesse of the milt. 50 The decoction drunke, killeth and ex∣pelleth wormes, and is good for the crampe, and all diseases of the sinowes. 51 The iuice applied in a pessarie, prouoketh termes, and expelleth the dead birth. 52 Stampe the hearbe greene, and apply it to heale fresh and newe wounds, and olde vlcers that are hard to cure. 53 The pouder thereof in plasters and oyntments, powders & such like, filleth vp hollowe fistulaes, & sores with flesh, and doeth molifie all hardnesse. 54 Drinke the syrupe thereof with a litle vineger and salt to clense the body. 55 The leaues and flowres sodden and drunke, is good against all rawe humors of grosse flegmes watrie or windie, it doeth clense blooddy matter within the body of man or woman. 56 The powder in a pessarie draweth foorth the dead birth. It is holsome against the plague in the Winter time. 57 The decoction of it is good in glisters for the sciatica. 58 The iuice put in with wooll, draweth downe the termes. 59 The iuice drunke healeth the griefes of the sinowes. 60 Centory is good against the stopping of the milt and liuer, the chollike, the ache of the mother, spitting blood, and to kil wormes. 61 And applied to the region of the milt, it doeth soften it. 62 The iuice may be streyned out and dryed against the Sunne for all griefes aforesaid in this wise: gather it when it is redy to seede, steepe it fiue dayes in water and seethe it, till the better halfe be wasted, then streyne it, and seethe it againe to the thicke∣nesse Page  134 of hony, and so keepe it: the like may be done with any herbe or flower. For the Balme of it (See in Betony.)

  • Ague cake 12
  • Appetite 4. 8. 20. 29. 36. 44
  • Backe-ache 7. 37. 23. 30
  • Belching 36
  • Belly-ache 60. bound 17
  • Bitings venom. 14. 19. 40. 41
  • Blood casting 35. clen∣sing 30.
  • Braine weake 10
  • Brest cleansing 8. 18. 28. 36 46. 47. paine 5. 11.
  • Breth stinking 36 see breast clense
  • Bruised 55
  • Choller 30
  • Chollike 60
  • Consumption 30
  • Cough drie 6. 17
  • Cullour bad 30
  • Crampe 50. 59
  • Dead childe 51. 56
  • Deliuerance 51. 56
  • Digestion 17
  • Dropsie 21
  • Eares dull and noyse
  • Eyes dull 2. 22. 30. 32. 39. red 2. watring 12. web 22
  • Face deformed 44
  • Feuers cold 34 of the gall 17 quotidian 16 quarten 15
  • Fistula 53
  • Flegme 13 see purg.
  • Flowers stopt 51. 58
  • Hardnesse 53
  • Head bad 10 cleansing 18
  • Haire fallen 1
  • Hoarsenesse 13. 28
  • Iaundies 49
  • Impostume 30
  • Liuer griefes 44. 49. 60
  • Memorie 10
  • Milt griefes 30. 44. 49. 60. 61
  • Palsie 23
  • Plague 30. 56
  • Poyson 27. 40
  • Preseruatiues 30
  • Ptisike 30
  • Purgation 6. 18. 30. 48. 54. 55
  • Sicknesse generall 23. 30
  • Sciatica 48. 57
  • Sinowes greefes 50. 59
  • Sores 52. 53
  • Spitting blood 60 matter 24
  • Stinging 14
  • Stomake clensing 6. 8. 18. 29. 36. 46. griefes gener. 29. 30
  • Teeth wormes 5. 24
  • Thirst continuall 38
  • Voyce to be cleare 28
  • Wormes 1. 9. 31. 44. 50
  • Wounds inward 30. 43. 52 outward 30 swelling 33