The garden of health conteyning the sundry rare and hidden vertues and properties of all kindes of simples and plants, together with the maner how they are to be vsed and applyed in medicine for the health of mans body, against diuers diseases and infirmities most common amongst men. Gathered by the long experience and industrie of William Langham, practitioner in phisicke.
Langham, William.

¶ Bursa pastoris.

BVrsa pastoris, blood to staunch, hold thy hands full of it: nose∣bleeding, bind it about thy necke, and hold thereof in thy hand, and also vse it in thy meates, and apply vineger and water to the Page  108 secret partes. 2 Spetting blood, seethe it with Planten, and Knotgrasse in raine water, and streine it and drinke thereof with Sugar, at morne, noone, and euen. 3 Blood to stop, apply the iuice with powder of Antimonium, or dip an Elderne pith in the iuice, and cast on powder of Sinnach, and put it in. 4 Cha∣fing in the flanks, wash or bath with the decoction thereof, or of Planten, or Horsetaile, or Knotgrasse. 5 Feuer hote, stamp one handfull with as much Smallach, and as much Frankincense as a wall nut, and as much Bay salt, and apply them to the wrists two houres before the fitt. 6 Nosebleeding, apply the iuice with Bol armoniake to the temples with the white of an egge. 7 Or mixe powder of Bursa pastoris with the iuice thereof, powder of Camphire, and Nettleseedes, and make little tentes thereof and put them in, or put in powder of the flower, rynd, and kernels of a Pomegranate with the iuice of Bursa pastoris. 8 Teeth ache, stamp a good handfull, and apply it to the soles of thy feete. 9 For one that is newe bursten, seethe Bursa pastoris, Mugwort, Rib∣wort, and Polipody ana, one handfull in a pottell of strong Ale to a quart,, then streine it, and drink three spoonefuls fasting warme dayly. 10 Blood to stop, holde thy hands full of it, and looke to the sunne, and be not straite girded. 11 Flowers to stop, put in a pessarie of the iuice, and Goats doung. 12 Vrine fluxe, vse it in thy meates. 13 Bloody fluxe, drinke the iuice, or bake cakes of wheate flowre with the iuice of it and of Yerrow and Planten ana like much in the embers, and eate them hote, and drinke the iuice of them with Red wine warme three dayes: prooued. 14 Teeth ach, grind it with Sage and Mints ana like much, and put it in a linnen bag, and hold it to thy teeth, and shut thy mouth while one may say three Pater nosters, then open thy mouth and let out the glutt, and doe so as often as neede is. 15 Bloody fluxe, drink it with Red wine, or milke, or drinke the iuice with twise so much Red wine when thou goest to bed, to heale the flixe speedily. 16 The decoction thereof drunke, stoppeth the laske, the bloody flixe, spetting blood, pissing blood, the flowers, and all other issues of blood, most excellently well howsoeuer it be taken, but especially with Red wine or Planten water. 17 Stamp it with vineger and fresh Swines grease, to quench all inflamations or heate of the body, as shingles, &c. 18 The iuice alone doeth heale a newe Page  109 wound, and stoppeth blood. 19 Nothing is better to stop the flowers, then to make a fomentation or moyst bath thereof, and to sit ouer it close, and to drinke of the same clarified in Red wine. 20 Seethe the dryed herbe in Red wine, or raine water wherein hote steele hath bene often quenched, and drinke it to all kindes of fluxes both white and red, the termes and all other gnawings of the bowels. 21 Nose bleeding put in the iuice with a tent, and the like into wounds warme. 22 Eares running, put in the iuice. 23 Vse it in plasters for the sores of the head. 24 Drink the iuice for straitnesse of breath, the strangurie, to stop reume, and prouoke vrine. 25 Drinke it with wine against venemous bytings. 26 Seethe it in wine and hony to cure wounds. Vse it in pessaries to stop termes. 27 It helpeth ache of the eares. 28 It preuenteth the fitts of the Feuers being taken one houre before the fitt. 29 It cureth creeping and running sores, fistulaes, spetting of blood and matter, the holy fire, swellings and hardnesse, shingles, heate of the stomake, new wounds, hote apostumes, & reumatike sores and vlcers of the eares, and all kindes of fluxes.

  • Bytings venemous 25
  • Blood to stop 1. 3. 6. 10. 18. 21
  • Bloody flixe 13. 15. 16. 20
  • Breath straite 24
  • Bursten 9
  • Chafing or galling 4
  • Eares ache 27. running 22. vlcers 29.
  • Feuers hote 5. 28
  • Fistula 29
  • Flowers to stop 11. 16. 19. 20. 26.
  • Fluxes 15. 16. 20
  • Head sores 23
  • Holy fire 29
  • Inflamations 17
  • Nose bleeding 16
  • Pissing blood 16
  • Reume 24. 29
  • Shingles 17. 29
  • Sores creeping 29
  • Spetting blood 2. 16. 29
  • Stomake hote 29
  • Strangurie 24
  • Swellings 29
  • Teeth-ache 8. 14
  • Vrine fluxe 12
  • Vrine stopt 24
  • Whites 20
  • Wounds 18. 21. 26. 29