The garden of health conteyning the sundry rare and hidden vertues and properties of all kindes of simples and plants, together with the maner how they are to be vsed and applyed in medicine for the health of mans body, against diuers diseases and infirmities most common amongst men. Gathered by the long experience and industrie of William Langham, practitioner in phisicke.
Langham, William.


YSope leaues stripped from the stalkes, may bee kept a yeere. Seethe Ysope in Spring water with figges, honie, and rue, and drinke it for the griefes of the lungs, Page  694 shortnesse of breath, the olde cough comming of Rhewme, whea∣sing, and to kill all manner of wormes in the bellie. 2 Drinke the iuice with oximel to loosen the bellie. 3 Drink the iuice with chesse seedes to loosen the belly gently, and to cause a good colour. 4 Boile Ysope with pure ducks grease, and figs, and apply it to the milt for the swelling therof. 5 Boile Ysope with figges and salt niter, and apply it to the swollen and hard milt, and to the bel∣lie that hath the dropsie, and water betweene the skinne and the flesh. 6 Seethe Ysope in water, and wash the mouth therewith to swage the swolne gummes. 7 Seethe Ysope in wine, & drink it to cleanse the brest. 8 Seeth Ysope in wine with fennel seeds, and drink it for the pains of the stomack, or foment ye stomack with the decoction therof, and apply the herbe, the same foment beneath doeth clense the matrix. 9 Seeth it with figs, & gargle therwith, to help the squincie. 10 Seeth it in vineger, & wash the gums and teeth therwith for the toothach. 11 Drinke Ysope wine for the griefes of the brest, sides, lungs, shortnesse of breath, old cough, to prouoke vrine, to helpe the gripings of the body, to cease the colde shakings of the agew, and to draw down the termes. 12 Seethe Ysope with Iris and Cardamome to purge Choller mightily. 13 Seethe Ysope with rue, hony & figs in water, and drink it for any obstruction of the brest, shortnes of breath, or old cough, or lick in the powder with honie. 14 Take Ysope with syrop of vine∣ger to purge tough and clammie humors, and to kill wormes, and driue thē forth. 15 Apply ye decoction of Ysope to congealed blood & blew bruises, and to al itch, skurf, and maunge. 16 Roste Ysope in the embers, and apply it to the head to stop rhewme. 17 The vapour of Ysope driueth away the winde in the eares, being hol∣den ouer it. 18 The powder of Ysope is good against the drop∣sie, and causeth a good colour, abateth tooth-ache, and killeth wormes. 19 Seethe Ysope in Wine, and drinke it against a∣nie poyson. 20 Seethe it with Sugar and honie in wine, and drinke it against ruptures, burstings, or bruisings, and to expell Melancholy, and for all things that Organie is good for. 21 Vse Ysope in epithimes, foments, bathes, and glisters, for the Chol∣licke. 22 Seethe it in water, and washe all skurfe, skabbes, and pockes. 23 Steepe two handfull of Ysope with one ounce Page  695 of sliced licoras in a gallon of ale when it is cleansed, and vse it af∣ter it is three or foure dayes olde, for the griefes of the lungs and chest. 24 Cough, Seethe a handfull of Ysope well in water, then put in powder of Licoras, drie figges, and raisins, and boyle them againe in redde wine, and drinke it for all kindes of coughes. For all kinds of coughs, take running water a gallon, ly∣coras scraped, one handfull, great raisins, Ysope, barley, and vi∣olet leaues ana one handfull, seethe them all to a quarte, then straine it, and drinke thereof fiue or seuen spoonefull first and last, at euen hote, and at morne colde, nine, eleuen, or thirteene dayes for the purpose aforesayde. 26 To cause deliuerance of a dead childe, Drinke Betonie, Rue, and Ysope in hote water, or drinke the iuice of Ysope in ale. 27 Drinke the de∣coction of Ysope for the Dropsie. 28 For the falling sicknesse, Seethe Ysope and Piretrum in wine, and vse it. 29 For the suffocating of the mother, Applie the iuice of Smallach, Ysope, and Wormewood hote to her nauell, with a cloth dipped there∣in, and shee shall bee whole: Prooued. 30 Plurisie, drinke Triacle with the decoction of Ysope. 31 Iaundies, drinke Ysope water. 32 Lunges cough, and consumption, with payne in the left side, and about the breast, take foure oun∣ces of Licoras, Anniseedes, and Ysope ana one handfull, seethe them in a quarte of water, and straine it, and put thereto fiue or sixe ounces of Sugar, and drinke thereof, but if thou hast anye great heate, drinke milke. 33 Haire not to fall, seethe the ashes of Ysope in strong lee, and washe therewith. 34 Breast, (See Figges. 35 Cough, and stoppings, make pow∣der of Ysope, Ginger, Annniseeds, and Licoras, with honie, and vse it. 36 Breast paines, stampe Ysope, Parsley and Sage, and apply them. 37 Breast and lungs griefes, seethe Ysope and so∣thernwood in wine and sugar it, and drinke it, (See Barley.) 38 Bellie great, See Arsmart. 39 For the griefes of the sto∣macke, Liuer, and Lunges, to kill woormes, to comfort the sight, and to cause a good colour, Drinke the iuice of Y∣sope fasting. Receiue Ysope, Sage-royall, and water Cresse, of eache two handfull, bake their iuice in Wheate paste, and then breake it into two gallons of Ale, and drinke it daylie, Page  696 but keepe it close. 40 For the host and stopping of the breast-seethe the iuice of Parietarie, Ysope, and Planten with swines greace, and streine it, and anoynt the chest. 41 Breast flegme, seethe Ysope, fat figges, and licoras, with barley in water, and drinke thereof. 42 Reines impostume, seethe the roots of lillies and leekes, with Ysope in milke, and drinke it. 43 Breast pains, and short winded, anoint with the iuice of Ysope and hony, or drink the iuice of Ysope, horehound, and bull-foote, with some sugar, or seethe a handfull of Ysope in a pottel of good white wine to the one halfe, then straine it, and put sugar candie to it, and drinke thereof at euen hote, and at morne colde daily. 44 Cough, drinke the iuice of Ysope with syrop of licoras, and fine sugar, or boyle halfe a pinte of licoras water, with three stickes of lycoras and su∣gar candie, and drinke thereof morne and euen daily. 45 Mouth stinking, make a syrop with the iuice of Ysope and mints, and take thereof morne and euen. 46 Stomacke colde griefes, seethe Ysope in white wine, and streine it, and put sugar candie to it, and drinke thereof at euen hote, and at morne colde. 47 Bellie wormes, incorporate Ysope with honie and niter, and vse it. 48 Eares ach, put in ye iuice withoile blood warme. 49 Squin∣cie, seethe it in vineger, and gargarise therewith: if the pallat bee fallen, apply the powder of the flowers with thy finger, or dippe wool in the decoction of Ysope with oile and apply it. 50 Drop∣sie, Seethe it in wine and drinke it. 51 The iuice of Ysope hol∣den in the mouth, healeth all the euils thereof, it slayeth wormes, and looseth the bellie. 52 Breast ptisicke, frie the iuice of Ysope, planten, and parietarie with swines grease, and streine it, & anoint therewith the chest. 53 Ysope, (See Bursa pastoris, Figges.) 54 Dropsie, seethe it with staueseacre in wine and drinke it. 55 Swelling of toothach, seethe a good handfull in a pint of vine∣ger to the one halfe, then streine it, and seethe it a little more, and holde thereof often in thy mouth. 56 Stampe Ysope with ho∣nie and niter to kill woormes in the bodie. 57 Cough in chil∣dren, seethe Ysope in wine with Serpillium, or sauerie, and drink it with sugar candie, 58 Ysope, (see Figges.) 59 Gummes pu∣trified, seethe Ysope in water, and wash therewith, and bee whole. 60 Ysope, (see Fenegreke, Horehound.)

    Page  697
  • Agewe cold 11
  • Belly bound 2. 3. 51
  • Belly great 38
  • Blood congealed. 15
  • Breath short 1. 11. 13. 43
  • Breast griefes 7. 11. 13. 23. 36. 37. 40. 43
  • Bruises 15. 20
  • Choler 12
  • Chollike 20
  • Cough 1. 11. 13. 24. 25. 35. 44. 57
  • Colour 3. 18. 39
  • Deliuerance to cause 26
  • Dropsie 5. 18. 27. 50. 54
  • Eares ach 48 windy 17
  • Falling sickenesse 28
  • Flegme 41
  • Gummes swollen 6. 59
  • Haire not to fall 33
  • Humors euill 14
  • Iaundies 31
  • Itch 15
  • Liuer griefes 39
  • Lungs griefes 1. 11. 23. 32. 37. 39
  • Melancholy 20
  • Milt swollen 4. 5
  • Mother 29
  • Mouth stinking 4. 5. 51
  • Pocks 22
  • Poyson 19
  • Plurisie 30
  • Ptisicke 52
  • Reines impostumed 42
  • Reume 16
  • Ruptures 20
  • Sight to comfort 39
  • Skabs 22
  • Skurfe 22
  • Stomake paines 8. 39. 46
  • Stoppings 35
  • Squincie 49
  • Termes to come downe 11
  • Tooth ach 10. 18. 55
  • Wormes in the belly 1. 14. 18. 39. 47. 51
  • Wormes in the body 56