The garden of health conteyning the sundry rare and hidden vertues and properties of all kindes of simples and plants, together with the maner how they are to be vsed and applyed in medicine for the health of mans body, against diuers diseases and infirmities most common amongst men. Gathered by the long experience and industrie of William Langham, practitioner in phisicke.
Langham, William.

¶ Violets.

VIolets: gather them in March, and drie them in a shadowy place in the ayre. 2 Stomacke windy, drinke the flowres. 3 Squincie, gargle with the decoction of the flowres. 4 Swel∣lings hote, apply the iuice of the hearbe. 5 Flowers stopt, drinke two drams of the seedes with wine. 6 Milt swolne and the hote goute, seethe the roote in wine and apply it. 7 Dead childe to ex∣pell, and to cleanse the matrix, and voide the swelling of it, boyle white Violets and apply them. 8 Matrix to clense and to pro∣uoke the termes, foment with the decoction of it. 9 Head-ache hote and to cause sleepe, apply Violets to ye forehead. 10 Syrupe of Violets helpeth the head-ach, causeth sleepe, softneth the breast and throte, and helpeth the falling of the Pallat and the Squincie. Head-ache, smell to Violets. 11 Milt swolne and for the goute, seethe the roote in Vineger, and drinke it and apply the roote. Page  663 12 Cough in children, boyle the hearbe and roote and apply it. 13 Eares paine, drop in oyle of Violets. 14 Head-ache, anoint with the oyle. 15 Belly wormes, mixe the oyle with Worme∣seede, and anoint. 16 The Syrupe helpeth the burning Feuer, looseth the belly, and qualifieth the hote liuer. 17 The purple Violet drunke in water looseth the belly, quencheth choller and thirst, helpeth inflammations, and putteth away the Iaundies, and so doeth the Conserue of Violets. 18 Cut off the greene part of the flowers, and pun them small, and put thereto twise so much Sugar, but to all other flowres thrise so much Sugar, and keepe it in a gally pot, it will last one yeere, and is very good for a hote stomacke and liuer, it cooleth the head, procureth sleepe, and tempereth the heart, and all other partes of the body: the leaues in brothes are good for the same purposes. 19 The decoction of Violets is good against all hote Feuers, and all inward inflam∣mations, and driueth out by siege hote chollerike humors, and so doeth the syrupe, and conserue, and iuice. 20 The syrupe is good against the inflammation of the lungs and breast, the plurisie and cough, and also against Feuers, especially in children: it cureth all inflammations and roughnesse of the throte being holden in the mouth, and so doeth the sugar of Violets, or the conserue, or iuice. Eares running, drop in the iuice. 21 Head vlcers and sores, stampe the leaues with hony and anoint therewith. 22 Frensie and watching, make a suppository of oyle of Violets and Opium, and vse it. 23 Stampe Violets alone or with oyle, and apply it to the extreame ache of the head and to abate the heate, to prouoke sleepe: for melancholly, to moysten the braine. 24 Stame Vio∣lets with Barley meale, and apply it to hote apostumes and car∣buncles, inflammations of the eyes, hote vlcers and inflammati∣ons that come with the falling downe of the fundament. Drinke the seedes with wine or water against the stingings of Serpents or Scorpions. 25 The yellowe which is in the middest of the flowers boyled in water and gargled, is good for the Squin∣cie and swelling in the throte, and is good to bee drunke of children for the falling sicknesse. 26 The hearbe or plant is very good against all hote Feuers, the inflammation of the liuer, and to loosen the belly. 27 Take two or three sponefull of the Syrupe to take away sharpe Feuers, to soften impostumes, and Page  664 to strengthen the heart for the plurisie & all hote griefes. 28 The syrupe taken with spring water, is good to quench thirst. 29 The oyle, water, and vineger of Violets applied, is good for the head ache and inflammation of the liuer. 30 Violet water and Sallet oyle of eache one ounce drunke, cleanseth rotten matter in the lungs and stomacke, and helpeth cough and paine of the lungs. 31 The broth of Violets is giuen from iiii. ounces to viii. ounces. 32 The syrupe from ii. ounces to iiii. ounces, the conserue from one ounce and a halfe to iii. ounces to purge the body. 33 Drinke one dram of the powder of Violets with the broth of a Capon, or of peason before meate to purge the belly. 34 Seethe Garden Violets, and stampe them and apply them to the bottome of the belly, against the stopping of the vrine in a feuer. 35 For hote aches of the head or else where, apply Violets. Tongue wheales, (See Roses.) 36 Eies blasted, stampe the rootes with Myrrhe and Saffron, and apply it at night. 37 Head wounded, stampe the leaues with vineger and hony, and apply it. 38 Sleepe to cause in sicknesse, seethe it well in water, and soke well thy feete therein to the ancles when thou goest to bed, and binde the herbe to thy temples. 39 Eyes sore, ache, and swelling, stampe Violets with Myrrhe and Saffron, and apply it. 40 The water is good for the apoplexia. 41 Sleepe to cause when choller is the cause, seethe the leaues in water, and wash thy head therewith. 42 Breast suppuration or mattering, vse the syrupe. 43 Cough of hote cause and for thirst, and roughnes of the throte, drinke the syrupe with a litle water blood warme. 44 Head pushes, stampe the leaues with hony and apply them. 45 Eares running, put in the iuice with clarified hony. 46 Teeth-ache, seethe Violets in wine, and hold them in thy mouth. 47 Nose bleeding, gargarise with the iuice of the rootes.

  • Aches hote 3. 5. 6. 11
  • Apoplexia 40
  • Apostume 24. 27
  • Belly bound 33
  • Breast griefes 10 inflamed 20. 42
  • Carbuncle 24
  • Conserue 18
  • Cough 20. 30. 43. 12
  • Dead childe 7
  • Eares paine 13 run. 20. 45
  • Eyes blasted 36 inflamed 24 sore 39 vlcers 24
  • Falling euill 25
  • Feuers hote 16. 19. 20. 26 27. 34
  • Page  665Flowers stopt 5
  • Fundament griefes 24
  • Frensie 22
  • Gout 6. 11
  • Heart griefes 18. 27
  • Headach 9. 10. 14. 18. 23. 29. 35
    • sores 21. 44 wounds 37
  • Heate inward 29
  • Iaundies 17
  • Inflammation 17
  • Liuer hote 16. 17. 18. 26. 29
  • Lungs griefes 20. 30
  • Mad 22
  • Matrixe griefes 7. 8
    • swolne 7
  • Melancholy 23
  • Milt swolne 6. 11
  • Nose bleeding 47
  • Plurisie 2. 7. 20
  • Purgation 19. 31. 32. 33
  • Sickenesse generall 18
  • Sleepe to cause 9. 10. 18. 23. 38. 41
  • Squincy 3. 10. 25
  • Stinging 24
  • Stomacke hote 18 windy 2
  • Swellings hote 4
  • Teeth ach 46
  • Thirst 17. 28. 43
  • Throte griefs 10 rough 43 swollen 25
  • Tongue blisters 35
  • Venom 24
  • Vrine stopt 34
  • Vuula fallen 10
  • Windinesse 2
  • Wounds 15