The garden of health conteyning the sundry rare and hidden vertues and properties of all kindes of simples and plants, together with the maner how they are to be vsed and applyed in medicine for the health of mans body, against diuers diseases and infirmities most common amongst men. Gathered by the long experience and industrie of William Langham, practitioner in phisicke.
Langham, William.

¶ Thyme.

THyme: Running Thyme prouoketh the termes and vrine, and stoppeth the distillings of the head proceeding of a colde stomacke being drunke in wine. 2 And helpeth the headach and frensie being sodden in Rose water and applyed. Lethargie, apply it to the head with vineger. 3 Vomiting blood, drinke two drams of the iuice with vineger. 4 Vrine stopt, drinke the seedes with wine. 5 Drinke the herby part daily with wine, to breake and expell the stone, both of the kidneys & bladder. 6 Apply the herbe to the stinging of a Bee, to heale it. 7 Seeth the herbe in wine Page  637 with the iuice of sweete Lycoras, and drinke it, to helpe the cough and purge the breast. 8 Seeth it wt Aniseeds, & drinke it to heate the stomacke, to voyd winde in the Guts, and for the strangurie. Seethe it in vineger and Hony, and drinke a cup-full at once, to helpe the spitting of blood: or drink foure drams of the iuice with vineger, for the same purpose. 9 Seeth it in wine & Hony, & apply it to the squincy, to helpe it. 10 Seeth it in wine and drinke it, to open the stoppings of the liuer and milt, and to prouoke vrine. 11 Drinke three ounces of the distilled water morne & euen, to strengthen & amend the head and braine, and stomacke, and to pro∣uoke appetite, to auoyd rumbling in the belly, to soften the hard∣nesse of the stomacke, to prouoke vrine, to comfort the sight, and to consume the distillation of the head. 12 Drinke ye said water with water of wormewood, to heale the feuer quotidian. 13 Drinke three ounces of the water at once, to amend the cold liuer and milt, and for the exulceration of the guts, to open the stoppings of the nostrels and eares, to restore hearing, to helpe the giddinesse of the head, to stay vomiting, to auoyd the gripings in the belly, to breake the stone, and to prouoke vrine. 14 Apply the water with linnen clothes, to bruises, to heale them. 15 Stampe the herbe with Hony, & apply it to senowes shrunke, or ioynts out. 16 Seeth it in wine and drinke it, for the ach & griefs of the stomake, grauell in the reines, and to increase milke. 17 Drinke it with vineger, to abate lust. 18 Stampe it and apply it to the head, to stop reume. 19 Seeth it in wine or water and drinke it, to driue downe the termes, grauell & stone, and to prouoke vomit, to stop the laske, to oure gripings & cramps, and the drawings or shrinkings of the se∣nowes. 20 Vse it in meates & broths against all poyson & vene∣mous bitings and stingings of serpents. 21 Apply it with oyle of Roses & vineger, to the forehead & temples, to auoyd headach, ra∣uing and frensie. 22 It is called wilde Thyme, running Thyme, Puliol mountaine, and groweth also on banks in fields. 23 The perfume of it driueth away all venemous beasts. 24 Seeth it in wine with Hony, Aniseeds & Lycoras, for the drie clammy cough, to comfort the stomacke, and to helpe the strangury. 25 Vse it for a pot-herbe, as Parsley. 26 Garden Thyme drunke with wine, prouoketh vrine & termes, and purgeth the bowels. 27 Sodden with Hony, it helpeth shortnesse of breath, and most griefes of the Page  638 breast, by spitting out of the corrupt matter. 28 Drinke foure drams of the fine powder with oximell, to purge choler, and to cleanse the bladder. 29 Drinke i. dram of the powder with Mel∣licrate, one spoonefull fasting, to ease the paine of the bowels and loynes. 30 Drinke three drams of the powder, with one spoone∣full of oximell, to auoyd the winde of the breast, sides & flanks: and so it purgeth melancholy humors, and helpeth the dulnesse of the senses comming of melancholy, cleareth the sight, and helpeth the paine of the eyes, being taken fasting. 31 Drinke the powder with wine, for the paine of the gout. 32 Vse not Thime to much, because it is hote, and breedeth choler: the whitest is best, and the blackest the worst. 33 Seeth Thyme in wine, & drinke it against wheasing, straitnesse and shortnesse of breath, small wormes in the belly, bruised blood, to driue downe the flowers, seconds, and dead yonglings, and to resist poyson: vse it in meates & sawses, & for all things that running Thyme serueth for. 34 Apply it with vine∣ger, to bruises, congealed blood & warts: it may be vsed for wilde Thyme or Sauery. 35 Drinke it with vineger & salt, to purge flegme. 36 Seeth it with Hony or Mede, to cleanse the lungs, breast, reines, matrixe & bladder, & to kill wormes: vse the powder in potage, to comfort the eye-sight. 37 The Bees profit most by it, of all herbes, so that plenty of Thyme flowers, bringeth plenty of Hony. 38 Drinke i. ounce of dried Thyme, with iiii. drams of oximell, with an emptie stomacke before dinner or supper, to helpe the stomacke, guts, matrixe and bladder red eyes, and for the gout. 39 Mixe the powder with Hony, and licke it in, to clense the breast. 40 Apply it in a plaster, to new swellings. 41 Take it with vineger, to dissolue lumpes of bruised blood. 42 Apply the tops to hanging warts and kernels. 43 Apply it with wine and parched barley meale, to the sciatica. 44 Gather it when it flow∣eth. 45 Eyes reume, eate Thyme. 46 Chollike and winde in the stomacke, seeth it with Licoras in wine, & drinke it. 47 Liuer, milt, kidneys and bladder, seeth wilde Thyme in wine or ale, and drinke it. 48 Belly ach, seeth it in wine and oyle, and apply it. 49 Chollike, stampe it with saffron and streine it with oyle, and drinke it. 50 Eares dull, (See Camomile.) 51 Stitch, (See Cummin.) Reume, stampe it and apply it to the head. 52 Eyes watrings and teares, seethe wilde Thyme in water, and wash Page  639 therewith. 53 Eyes dimme, eate Thyme. 54 Breath short, seeth it in water, and when it is colde, streine it, & put Mel-rosat to it, and skum it, and drinke thereof to bedward. 55 Gout & sciatica, stampe it with the white of an egge, and apply it: or apply the ashes thereof, with the white of an egge. 56 Fistula and hollow sores, stampe Thyme with salt, and apply it. 57 Stone, (See Parsly.) 58 Knees swollen of colde cause, seeth one handfull in a quart of Malmesie to the one halfe, then put a piece of sweete butter to it, and boile it, and bath therewith to bedward, and also apply it with a cloth. 59 Reines running, (See Parietarie.) 60 Bruises, di∣still wilde Thime in a Limbecke, and apply it with linnen clothes. 61 Spitting blood, seeth wilde Thyme in vineger and Hony, and take foure ounces euery day, or take halfe an ounce of the iuice and vineger. 62 Chin-cough, seeth wilde Thyme in wine, and drinke it. 63 Chollike, stampe a good handfull of vnset Thyme, with three cloues of Garlike, and then streine them with ale, and make a possit, and drinke the ale of it.

  • Ach, (See Gout, Sciatica.)
  • Appetite 11
  • Apost. (See swelling.)
  • Backe ach 16. 29. 36
  • Belly ach 8. 11. 13. 19. 29. 38. 48. (See Chollike.)
  • Bitings venemous 20
  • Bladder griefes 28. 36. 38. 47. (Se Strangury.)
  • Breast stopt, to cleanse 7. 39
    • griefes 27. 33. 36
  • Breath strait 27. 33. 54
  • Bruised 14. 33. 34. 41. 60
  • Choller 28
  • Chollike 30. 46. 49. 63
  • Chin-chough 62
  • Cough dry 24
  • Crampe 19
  • Dead childe 33
  • Eares deafe 13. 50
  • Eyes dull 11. 30. 36. 53
    • red 38 reume 45. 52
  • Feuer quotidian 12
  • Fistula 56
  • Flanke griefes 30
  • Flegme 35
  • Flowers stopt 1. 19. 26
  • Fluxe 19
  • Frensie 2. 11. 21
  • Giddinesse 13
  • Gout 31. 38. 55
  • Grauell 16. 19
  • Head ach 2. 11. 21 giddy 13
  • Ioynts out 15
  • Knees swollen 58
  • Kernels 42
  • Liuer cold 13
    • stopt 10. 47
  • Lungs griefes 1. 7. 36
  • Lust to voyd 17
  • Matrixe to cleanse 36. 38
  • Mad 21
  • Page  640Melancholy 21. 30
  • Milt cold 13 stopt 10. 47
  • Milke to cause 16
  • Nose stopt 13
  • Poyson 20. 33
  • Purgation 26. 28. 30. 35
  • Reines running 59
  • Reume 1. 11. 13. 18. 45. 51
  • Sciatica 43. 55
  • Seconds 33
  • Senowes griefes 15. 19
  • Sickenesse general 11. 30. 33
  • Side griefes 30
  • Sores 56
  • Spitting blood 8. 61
    • matter 27
  • Squincie 9
  • Stinging 1. 6. 20
  • Stitch 51
  • Stomacke ach 16. 24
    • cold 18. 11
  • Stone 5. 13. 16. 19. 57
  • Strangury 8. 24
  • Swellings 40
  • Venom 23
  • Vomiting 13 to cause 19
  • Vomiting blood 3
  • Vrine stopt 1. 4. 10. 11. 13. 26
  • Windinesse 8. 33. 46
  • Warts 34. 42
  • Wormes 33. 36