The garden of health conteyning the sundry rare and hidden vertues and properties of all kindes of simples and plants, together with the maner how they are to be vsed and applyed in medicine for the health of mans body, against diuers diseases and infirmities most common amongst men. Gathered by the long experience and industrie of William Langham, practitioner in phisicke.
Langham, William.

¶ Tasell.

TAsell: the roote boyled in wine, and stamped to the thicknesse of an oyntment, healeth chaps, and rifts, and fistulaes of the fundament: but to preserue this oyntment, it must be kept in a copper vessell. 2 The small wormes that are found in the heads worne about the necke or arme in a thin leafe, doe cure the quar∣ten feuer. It is also good for all kindes of warts. 3 The water that standeth betwene the leaues and stalkes doeth the same. 4 Frensie, apply the leaues to the head. 5 Eares wormes, put in the iuice. 6 Vse the distilled water of the leaues for rotten∣nesse of the mouth and gums, and chaps of the fundament, espe∣cially the roote sodden in wine to pappe, and then mixt with waxe and put into a copper vessell, and so it helpeth chaps, fistulaes, and creeping sores, shingles, pimples, and hanging warts. 7 The wa∣ter that standeth in the leaues, is good for red eyes, spots of the Page  633 face, especially vnder the eyes. 8 Dropsie, stampe the rootes of Tasell and Danewurt, and seeth them in wine, and drinke it. 9 Gout, seeth Tasell in red wine, and drinke it morne and euen nine dayes. 10 Spitting blood, seethe Tasell and Planten in raine water, and drinke thereof with suger at morne, noone, and euen. 11 Flowers to stop, drinke two drams of the powder of it with a Poringer full of pease broth, or stampe it and boyle it in vineger, and apply it vnder the Nauell. 12 Wounds moist and hard to heale, stampe it and apply it. 13 Fluxe and excoriations of the belly, drinke powder of it with good wine. 14 Yard kanker, stampe the leaues and apply it often.

  • Chaps 1. 6
  • Dropsie 8
  • Eares wormes 5
  • Eyes red 7
  • Face deformed 7
  • Feuer quarten 2. 3
  • Fistula 1. 6
  • Flowers to stop 11
  • Fluxes 13
  • Frensie 4
  • Fundament griefes 1. 6
  • Gums rotten 6
  • Gout 9
  • Kanker 14
  • Mouth griefes 6
  • Sores 6
  • Spitting blood 10
  • Warts 2. 3. 6
  • Wounds moyst 12
  • Yard kanker 14