The garden of health conteyning the sundry rare and hidden vertues and properties of all kindes of simples and plants, together with the maner how they are to be vsed and applyed in medicine for the health of mans body, against diuers diseases and infirmities most common amongst men. Gathered by the long experience and industrie of William Langham, practitioner in phisicke.
Langham, William.
Page  587

¶ Sanicle.

SAnicle: The iuice drunke, maketh whole and sound all inward and outward wounds & hurts, so that he that hath Sanicle, nee∣deth no Surgeon. 2 Boile it in wine or water, & drinke it to stop the spitting of blood, the bloody flixe, & to cure the vlcerations and hurts of the kidneys. 3 The same or the iuice thereof drunke, cureth burstings, the herb also being applied, either raw or sodden. 4 The leaues & root boyled in water and Hony, & drunke, healeth the perished lungs, and all malignant vlcers, & rotten sores of the mouth, gums and throte, being often washed therewith: it hath in maner the same vertues that Tormentill hath. 5 Being sodden in wine or water & drunke, it helpeth ruptures and inward wounds, spitting of blood, griefs of the kidneys, torments of the backe and belly, & the bloody fluxe, both in men & women, & is good for all in∣ward griefes, as Tormentil is. 6 The herbe gleweth vp greene wounds, & is to be vsed amongst wound medicines, especially the root therof, as also ye roots of Comfery, (See Tormentile, Com∣fery.) 7 Apply Sanicle hote to any swelling, to asswage it spee∣dily. 8 it stoppeth ye immoderate running of the reines. 9 Drinke it with Pimpernell & Bugle, to heale wounds: drinke it with any liquor, to heale all ruptures. 10 Ladies mantell doth the like. 11 The iuice of Sanicle bindeth al loosenesse of ye belly. Wounds to heale without salue, stampe it with Yarow & Buglosse, of ech like much, & streine it with wine, & drinke it daily, at morne, noone and euen. 12 Sanicle healeth, Yarowes cureth, & Bugle keepeth the wound open, (See Planten, Ladies mantel. 13 Horse stung with an Adder or Snake, stampe three hands full, & streine it with new milk, & giue it him wt a horne. 14 Cattel, horses, or kine, brui∣sed or wounded, let them drinke the iuice, & apply ye herb to ye place.

  • Backe griefes 5. 8
  • Belly griefs 5 loose 11
  • Bitings venemous 13
  • Bloody fluxe 5
  • Bursten 3. 9. 10
  • Cattell hurt 13. 14
  • Horse stinged 13
    • wounded 14
  • Kidneys griefs 2. 5. 8
  • Lungs wasted 4
  • Mouth griefes 4
  • Reines running 8
  • Sickenesse generall 5
  • Spitting blood 2. 5
  • Stingings 13
  • Swellings generall 7
  • Throte griefes 4
  • Woūds gen. 1. 5. 6. 9. 11. 12. 14