The garden of health conteyning the sundry rare and hidden vertues and properties of all kindes of simples and plants, together with the maner how they are to be vsed and applyed in medicine for the health of mans body, against diuers diseases and infirmities most common amongst men. Gathered by the long experience and industrie of William Langham, practitioner in phisicke.
Langham, William.
Page  573

¶ Sagapenum or Serapinum.

SAgapenum, or Serapinum: drinke one dram to purge tough and slimie humours, and all grosse flegme and choller. 2 It is also good against all olde and colde diseases that are hard to cure, it purgeth the braine, and is good against all griefes of the head, the Apoplexia and falling sicknesse, cramps, palsies, shrinkings of the sinewes, taken in the same sort, and for shortnes of breath, the cold, and cold cough, paine in the side and breast, and cleanseth the breast of all cold humours: it cureth the hardnesse, stoppings and windi∣nesse of the milt, being also applied outwardly in oyntment or pla∣ster: and is good against the shaking off old and cold feuers drinke it with honied water to prouoke termes, and to expell the dead birth. 3 Drinke it with wine against all venemous bitings and stingings. 4 Smell to it against the strangling of the mother. 5 Soke it in vineger to scatter and dissolue all harde, old and colde swellings, tumours, botches, hard lumpes, &c. about the ioyntes. 6 Mixe it with all oyntments and plasters that are made to molli∣fie and soften. 7 It cleareth the sight, and at the beginning it ta∣keth away the haw or web, and all spots or blots in the eyes, being dropped in with the iuice of rue, and for their bloodshooting & dim∣nesse, comming by grosse humours. 8 It is a precious gumme, the best shineth through darke in colour yellow without and white within.

  • Apoplexia 2
  • Apostumes 5
  • Bytings venimous 3
  • Braine griefes 2
  • Breast griefes 2
  • Breath short 2
  • Botch 5
  • Colde 2
  • Cough 2
  • Crampe 2
  • Dead childe 2
  • Eyes griefes 7
  • Falling euill 2
  • Feuers colde 2
  • Flowers stopt 2
  • Hardnesse 5. 6
  • Ioynts griefes 2
  • Milt griefes 2
  • Mother suffocat. 4
  • Obstruct. 2
  • Purgation 1
  • Sinewes griefes 2
  • Side griefes 2
  • Swellings 5
  • Windinesse 2