The garden of health conteyning the sundry rare and hidden vertues and properties of all kindes of simples and plants, together with the maner how they are to be vsed and applyed in medicine for the health of mans body, against diuers diseases and infirmities most common amongst men. Gathered by the long experience and industrie of William Langham, practitioner in phisicke.
Langham, William.
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¶ Rubarbe.

RVbarbe: the roote is good against the windinesse, wamb∣ling, and weakenesse of the stomacke, and all paine thereof, and it is good against crampes, the griefes of the liuer and milt, gnawing and griping of the belly, kidneis, and bladder, the ache of the breastes and mother, the sciatica, spitting of blood, sobbing, hickit, the blooddy-fluxe and laske, the fittes of Feuers, all stin∣gings and venemous bitings, one dramme, taken in a Feuer with Hydromell for the same purposes: and with Syrupus Acetosus, against the griefes of the liuer and milt. 2 With honied wine a∣gainst the griefes of the breast. 3 And drye without moysture, for the weakenesse and loosenesse of the stomacke. 4 Rubarbe may be taken to purge one dramme with wheye, or any cooling drinke or potion to helpe hote Feuers, obstructions of the liuer and milt, the Iaundies, all issues of blood, inward burstings and bruises, crampes, and shrinkings of the synowes. 5 Being to∣sted and dryed at the fyre, and drunke with the iuice of Planten or thicke red wine, it cureth the bloody-fluxe and all laskes. 6 Eate one scruple of Rubarbe tosted at the fyre fasting euery morning, against spitting of blood. 7 Rubarbe purgeth chol∣ler and flegme from the stomacke and liuer, cleanseth the blood, taketh away obstructions and griefes comming thereof, as the Iaundies, the Dropsie, swelling of the milt, rotten Feuers, and pritching in the sides. 8 The oyle of Rubarbe is good for brui∣ses, and ache, and shrinking of the synowes. 9 Rubarbe may be preserued in good Hony, or in Fleawoort, or in Turpentine and Waxe, or in Waxe alone, or in Millit, or Hyrsse, or in Flaxe seede. 10 It may bee taken with the pap of an Apple or War∣den. It helpeth the Dropsie and Tympanie. 11 Fluxe red, mixe Rubarbe and Sumache with the iuice of Planten, and drinke it. 12 Bloody-fluxe, eate euery morning halfe a dramme of tosted Rubarbe. 13 Take Rubarbe with as much Scamo∣ny with Ale or white Wine to purge the body. 14 Liuer cor∣rupt, stampe Liuerwoort, and seethe it in good strong Ale with some Rubarbe, and vse to drinke thereof. 15 Life and health to preserue, vse to eate Rubarbe dayly.

    Page  544
  • Ache 8
  • Backach 1
  • Bellyach 1. loose 3. bound 4. 7. 13.
  • Bitings venemous 1
  • Bladder griefes 1
  • Blood to clense 7
  • Bloody flux 4. 5. 11. 12
  • Brest griefes 2
  • Brest ach 1
  • Bruise 4. 8
  • Bursten 4
  • Cholicke 7
  • Choller 7
  • Crampe 4
  • Dropsie 10
  • Feuers 1
  • Flegme 7
  • Flowers to stop 4
  • Fluxes 1. 5. 11. 12
  • Health 15
  • Hicket 1
  • Iaundies 4. 7
  • Liuer griefs 1. 4. 7. 14
  • Milt griefs 1. 4. 7
  • Mother griefs 1
  • Obstruct. 4. 7
  • Preseruatiue 15
  • Purgation 4. 7. 13
  • Sinowes shronke 4. 8
  • Sciatica 1
  • Sicknesse gen. 1. 15
  • Side griefs 7
  • Spitting blood 1. 6
  • Stinging 1
  • Stomacke griefs 1. 3. 7
  • Timpanie 10