The garden of health conteyning the sundry rare and hidden vertues and properties of all kindes of simples and plants, together with the maner how they are to be vsed and applyed in medicine for the health of mans body, against diuers diseases and infirmities most common amongst men. Gathered by the long experience and industrie of William Langham, practitioner in phisicke.
Langham, William.

¶ Reede.

REeede called Poole Reede or Canes. 2 Prickes, stampe the roote small and apply it with vineger, it swageth the paine of the ioynts that are out. 3 The greene tender leaues finely stampt and applied, doe heale cholorike inflammations or wilde fire, and hote swellings and impostumes. If the downe thereof happen to get into the eares, it causeth such deafenesse as can hardly be cured. 4 The roote applied with vineger, swageth paine of the Reines or Loines. 5 The ashes of the barke with vineger healeth the falling of the haire. 6 Tongue hurt, seethe it with Hony, & vse it, (See pricks in Elecampana.) 7 Stampe the rootes with Hony and apply it to pricks. 8 And with earth wormes to the ach of the ioynts and shrinking of the synnowes.

  • Ach 2. 4
  • Apost. 3
  • Backe ach 4
  • Haire falling 5
  • Inflammation 3
  • Ioynts ach 28
  • Ioynt out 2
  • Loines ach 4
  • Pricks 2. 7
  • Synowes shrunke 8
  • Tongue hurt 6
  • Wilde fire 3