The garden of health conteyning the sundry rare and hidden vertues and properties of all kindes of simples and plants, together with the maner how they are to be vsed and applyed in medicine for the health of mans body, against diuers diseases and infirmities most common amongst men. Gathered by the long experience and industrie of William Langham, practitioner in phisicke.
Langham, William.

¶ Nutmegs.

NVtmegs doth heate and strengthen the stomacke that is cold and weake, especially the mouth of the stomacke: it maketh asweete breath, withstandeth vomiting, & taketh away the Hicket howsoeuer it be taken. 2 It is good against the paine and windi∣nesse of the belly, and stoppings of the Liuer and milt, and being parched or dried at the fire, it stoppeth the laske, especially being ta∣ken with red wine. 3 It is good for the mother, kidnies & bladder: it helpeth the griefs that stop the vrine in them that pisse by drops, especially when the disease commeth of colde cause: it is good for other secret griefes, both in men and women. 4 It breaketh and expelleth grauell, especially being first steeped or soked in oyle of sweete Almonds. 5 It is vsed in cordials and wholesome re∣ceipts against coldnesse of the Liuer, cardiaks, stopping of the milt, the dropsie, vomiting, headach, swellings, bloody fluxes: it comforteth the muskles and veines of colde and olde people, it maketh the breath sweete, and putteth away trembling of the heart. 6 The powder thereof mixt with oyle of Mints, and the forehead and temples anoynted therewith, is good against the coldnesse of the head or dulnesse of memorie. 7 It is wholesome in Plasters for the stomacke, quilted in leather and silke. 8 It is good in stewed brothes for them that are long sicke. 9 The oyle comforteth the stomacke that is colde. 10 But it is not good for sanguine men to vse Nutmegs much, because it will adust the blood, and maketh the face seeme as a visor of Corall. 11 The best Nutmegs are red, fat, and heauie: the worst are blacke, light, and drie. 12 It taketh away fumes of the stomacke, stoppeth the belly, digesteth meate, expelleth winde, & comforteth the stomacke and liuer, and is good for freckles in the face, and ringwormes: it minisheth the greatnesse of the milt, it softeneth impostumes of the Liuer, and is good for the colde diseases of the Matrixe. 13 Bruise fresh Nutmegs and heate them in a panne and presse them, and there will come out a salt oylish thing like waxe, called Page  436 of some, oyle of Nutmegs: which is precious for al cold griefs of the ioynts and senowes, and of diuers other parts, and is good for colde husbands that would haue children. 14 Nutmegs comfort the braine, sight, liuer, milt, and mouth of the stomacke. 15 And taken last at night in a cawdell of Almonds or of Hempseede pro∣cureth sleepe. 16 It is the best spice for students of all other, ta∣ken in drinke. 17 Nutmegs condyted, as they may be had at the Apothecaries, are excellent. 18 Head ache, drinke powder of Nutmegs with Betony water. 19 If any man be wounded and bleede inward, take the heauiest Nutmegs that can bee gotten, wash them, wipe them, and pare them, and let him eate them, and he shall deliuer the blood outward, and also by his ordure, & make him as cleane as euer he was, so that the wound be kept well, and the same vsed till he hath recouered the state of health. 20 Sto∣macke feeble and colde, eate halfe a Nutmeg in the morning. 21 Boyle them in wine and drink it for coldnesse of the stomacke, and to helpe digestion: or boyle Nutmegs and Masticke in wine, and drinke it for the griefs of the stomake & bowels, and to breake winde and to restore strength after sickenesse. 22 Smell to a Nutmeg, to comfort the braine & spirituall members. 22 Sto∣macke cold, seeth Nutmegs, Maces, Fennel seede and Dill seede in wine and drinke it. 24 It is much of the nature of Cloues. 25 Mouth stinke, vse powder of Nutmegs and Cloues, and for∣beare meates of euill digestion, and rawe fruites.

  • Belly ach 2 (See stone.)
  • Bloody Fluxe 5
  • Braine weake 14. 21. 22
  • Breath ill 1. 5. 25
  • Consumption 8. 21
  • Digestion 21
  • Dropsie 5
  • Bladder griefe 3
  • Eyes dull 14
  • Face deform. 12
  • Fluxe 2 Freckles 12
  • Grauel 4
  • Hart trembling 5 griefs 5
  • Headach 5. 18. cold 6
  • Hicket 1
  • Ioynt griefes 13
  • Impost. 12
  • Kidneys griefes 3
  • Liuer stopt 2. 5. 12
  • Lust to cause 13
  • Matrixe griefes 3. 12
    • cold griefs 12
  • Memory 6
  • Milt stopt 2. 5. 12
  • Ringworme 12
  • Senowes griefes 13
  • Sleepe to cause 15
  • Stomacke colde 1. 7. 9. 20
  • Swellings 5
  • Vomiting 1. 5
  • Vrine stopt 3
  • Windinesse 2
  • Wounded 19