The garden of health conteyning the sundry rare and hidden vertues and properties of all kindes of simples and plants, together with the maner how they are to be vsed and applyed in medicine for the health of mans body, against diuers diseases and infirmities most common amongst men. Gathered by the long experience and industrie of William Langham, practitioner in phisicke.
Langham, William.

¶ Mugwort.

MVgwort: stomacke paine, stamp it wt oile of sweete Almōds and apply it. 2 Ioints ache and shaking, anoint with the iuice, and oyle of Roses. 3 It helpeth also the drawing and shrin∣king of the sinowes. 4 Put it into Beere vessels to keepe it from sowring. 5 Cary it about thee to keepe thee from wearinesse and venemous bitings. 6 Seethe it in oile, till the third part of the oyle be wasted, & anoint any ache or goute therewith to put it a∣way quickely. 7 Seeth it in water & apply it to a womans nauel and thighs whē she is in labour, or apply it raw, that she may haue speedy deliuerance of the childe and seconds, but if it tary long, the matrix will follow. 8 Hands trembling, steepe it in Rose water, & wash therewith. 9 Backe-ache, stampe it with Egrimony, Beto∣ny, olde greace, and vineger or vergis, and apply it iii. or iiii. times. 10 Sit ouer the fume of it, to bring downe the flowers, dead birth; and seconds. 11 Mugwort helpeth ye suffocation & inflammatiō of Page  411 the matrix, breaketh ye stone, prouoketh termes & vrine yt is stopt. 12 Apply it to ye nether part of ye belly to prouoke ye termes, or put it into ye matrix, or ye iuice thereof with myrrhe, or drinke iii. drams of the tops & leaues for the same purpose, and to cleanse ye matrixe. 13 Stampe it & spurge wt oile of sweete Almons, & apply it to the stomacke for ye paine therof, & to bring health. 14 It is good in wo∣mens baths, it comforteth, clenseth, & warmeth the matrix, & brea∣keth the stone. 15 Stampe it with swines grease, & apply it to the ache of ye feete comming by wearines. 16 Drinke ii ounces of the iuice with white wine for the griefe of the bladder & the strangury. 17 Drinke the powder thereof wt honied wine or water to auoide the ache of ye intrales or bowels. 18 Mixe the iuice with swines grease & vineger, & apply it to ye ache of the hips iii. dayes together. 19 The smoke of it maketh children ioyfull, and driueth away the incursions of ye euill. 20 For ache and swelling of the sinowes, stamp it wt oile, & apply it. 21 For great ach of ye feete, eate ye roots thereof with hony, it is scarse to be credited howe great vertue it hath. 22 Anoint with the iuice & oyle of Roses against the feuer. 23 The hearbe being rubbed, smelleth like vnto Laser. Vse it in brothes or sallads for the chollike. 24 The powder thereof and of Horehound strawed on the Emerods, healeth them. 25 Drinke it with wine for the yellowe Iaundies, to comfort the stomacke, and to cause a good colour. 26 Bake wheate flowre with ye iuice of it, and eate it for ye bloody fluxe. 27 To expel grauell & stone, drinke euery day halfe a cupfull of the iuice. 28 Flowers stopt, seeth it in wine, & drinke it, or stampe it and apply it to the nauell & thighes. 29 Feuer quarten, drinke it with oyle iii. dayes. 30 Mixe ye iuice of that which hath but one stalke wt oile of Roses, & anoint ye backe∣bone & pulses therewith to heale the feuer. 31 Wearines, drinke the roote at night. 32 Deliuerance, apply a plaster of Mugwort, to the left thigh, & so vp to the nauell rawe, and also seeth thereof in white wine & drinke it. 33 Leapry, boyle ye iuice wt swines grease, and put thereto some brimstone and anoint. 34 Mother suffocate, sliue great store of it downewards, boyle it to pap in running wa∣ter, and wash therewith from the nauell to the shares and graines as hote as may be suffered, and as often as neede is, but not aboue the nauell, and at thrise doing it will be well. 36 Womens griefes, drink Mugworte with Ale. (See in Egrimony, Betony, Page  412 Cloues, Motherwort, Bursa pastoris &c. 36 Flowers stopt, seeth it in oile, and apply it to the matrix after letting blood, or seethe it in any wine, and drinke it, or stampe it, and apply it greene in the night, or apply it to the nauell. 37 For the strangurie in a colde cause, and paine in the bladder, drinke two drammes of the iuice. 38 For womens griefes after deliuerance, boyle the yolkes of Egs in wine if she hatte no feuer, or else in water, if she haue a fe∣uer, and stampe it with the iuice of Mugwort, and Cumminseede, and applie it: proued. 39 Memory to be good, lay it in wine, and distill it, and drinke it fasting. Breast and ribs griefes gene∣rall, bruise and apply it and be whole in three dayes. 40 Belly ache, stampe it & apply it: or drinke the powder thereof for that griefe, and many others with wine and hony. 41 Backe-ache, see in Egrimonie. 42 Mother suffoc. slip great store of the leaues downewards, and seethe them tender in running water and wash therewith from ye nauell downewardes, but not vpwardes when you goe to bed three nights and be whole. 43 Feete paine, (See Mallowe.) 44 Gout paine, seethe a handfull in sweete oile oliue, till the third part be wasted, and anoint therewith. 45 Chollike, seethe it with Sage and Smallach, of eache like much in good wine, till the third part be wasted, then streine it and drinke 4. or v. ounces at once, as often as neede is. 46 Feete paine, mixe the leaues and flowers with swines grease, and apply it. 47 Feete chafed and skalded with trauell, stampe it & frye it with Barowes grease, and apply it. 48 Deliuerance, drinke it & Sauery with water hote. Feuers hote, anoint the pulses and plants with the iuice. 49 Flowers stopt, stampe it with as much Rue with oyle de Bay, & put it in as a pessary in a linnen bag: proued. 50 Goute, apply the leaues with blacke sope and wheate flower. 51 Stone, seethe it with as much Parietary in a pottell of white wine to the one halfe, and apply it to the nauell as hote as may be suffered. 52 Mugwort is good against al griefs of women. 53 Stampe it wt tallowe & apply it to the ache & sorenesse of the feete. 54 Keepe it in the house, & no wicked spirite shall come there. 55 Stampe it wt running water, & vse it for ye ache of the belly and many other griefs. 56 Stomacke griefes general, drinke ye seedes. 57 Mug∣wort clenseth ye mother, causeth termes & conceptiō. 58 To cause deliuerance of a dead child, stampe it & apply it colde to ye wombe.

    Page  413
  • Aches gen. 2. 6. 9. 15. 17. 18 20. 21. 43. 44. 46. 50. 53. inward 17
  • Backe-ache 9. 41
  • Belly-ache 40. 55. 17
  • Bitings venom. 5
  • Bladder griefes 16
  • Bewitched 19. 54
  • Bloody-fluxe 26
  • Breast griefes 39
  • Chollike 24. 45
  • Colour ill 25
  • Conception 57
  • Dead childe 58
  • Deliuerance 7. 10. 32. 48
  • Drinke to keepe 4
  • Emerods 24
  • Feete-ache 15. 21. 43. 46 47. 53
  • Feuers 22. 30. 48. quar. 29. 30
  • Flowers stopt 10. 12. 28. 36. 49. 57
  • Goutes 44. 50
  • Grauell 27
  • Hands shaking 2. 8
  • Iaundies 25
  • Ioynts-ache 2
  • Leapry 33
  • Memory 39
  • Mirth 19
  • Mother suffoc. 11. 14. 34. 42. clensing. 12. 14. 57. infla∣med 11. 14
  • Ribs griefes 39
  • Sciatica 18
  • Sinowes shronke 3 ache 20
  • Seconds 7. 10
  • Shaking 2. 8
  • Skabs 33
  • Sickenes gen. 13. 17. 55. 56
  • Stomacke bad 25. 56. paine 1. 13. 17
  • Stone 11. 14. 27. 51
  • Strangurie 16. 37
  • Vrine stopt 11. 16. 37
  • Wearinesse 5. 15. 31. 47
  • Womens griefes 14. 35. 38. 52