The garden of health conteyning the sundry rare and hidden vertues and properties of all kindes of simples and plants, together with the maner how they are to be vsed and applyed in medicine for the health of mans body, against diuers diseases and infirmities most common amongst men. Gathered by the long experience and industrie of William Langham, practitioner in phisicke.
Langham, William.

¶ Housleeke.

HOusleeke or Sengreene: drinke the decoction or iuice a∣gainst the bloody Fluxe and all other fluxes of the belly, and against biting of fielde Spiders. 2 Headach, apply the iuice with parched Barley meale and oyle of Roses. 3 Eyes infla∣med, drop in the iuice or bruse the herbe and apply it. 4 Flowers to stop, put in the iuice with Wooll or Cotton. 5 For the hote Goute and inflammations, bruise the herbe alone with parched Page  301 Barley meale and apply it. 6 The iuice made into an oynt∣ment with soote, oyle and waxe, healeth burnings, the heate of the head and Liuer. 8 Apply the bruised hearbe by it selfe or with Barley meale parched, to Saynt Antonyes fire, hote burning and fretting sores or vlcers, skaldings, burnings, and all hote griefes. 8 Eyes sore and hote, applie the iuice with Honie and the white of an Egge with Flaxe hurdes. 9 Eyes burning and pricking, droppe in the iuice foure or fiue nights. 10 Goute hote or colde, stampe it with as much Garlike and apply it, to ease it much. 11 Drinke three or foure spoones full of the distilled water against all burning Feuers, Bloody Fluxes, and other fluxes. 12 Drinke the iuice to kill wormes, apply the water or iuice to all inflammations, heate of the eyes, inflammations of the Liuer, Kidneys and Ioynts, the hote Goute, Burnings, and the Frensie. 13 With the iuice of So∣latrum, and the eyes of Poplar tree sodden with swines greace and streined, it is much better then Poplar. 14 The leaues layde to by themselues or with parched Barley meale, are good for burning heate of swelled places, and all inflammations. 15 Stonecrop is of the same nature: it quencheth hote Apo∣stumes, Byles, Fellons, Skaldings, Burnings, the hote Goute, &c. especially with oyle of Roses, Vineger and parched Barley meale. 16 Liuer chaft, stampe Housleeke with Cum∣min, and seethe them in Vineger and applye it to the side as hote as may bee suffered as often as neede is. 17 Abhorring meate, grinde Housleeke and Penywurt with oyle of Violets, and apply it warme to the stomacke. 18 Eares dull, boyle the iuice with Cummin in an Onion, and streine it, and put it in, and prouoke Sneesing. 19 Eares griefes, boyle it with a Rammes Gaule and the greace of an Eele, and vse it. 20 Stampe the leaues of Housleeke, Sparewort and Peach leaues, and put the iuice into the one eare, till it runne out of the other, to restore hearing, if it be curable. 21 Frensie, shaue the head and apply the iuice of Housleeke to the molde of the head and mids of the forehead, or anoint the forehead and temples, and ioynts of the Armes with the iuice of it. 22 Headach of heate, apply the iuice of Housleeke, Morell, and Lettuse with vi∣neger, or anoint the forehead and temples with the iuice of it, and Page  332 womans milke that suckleth a boy. 23 The same with the white of an Egge applied to the forehead and temples, is good in a hote feuer to auoid the ach, and to cause steepe. 24 Apostumes, stampe Housleeke, Planten, & Night-shade, and apply them. 25 Liuer apostumed, apply the iuice of Housleeke, Night-shade, and such like. 26 Mad, seeth Housleeke in water, and apply it warme to the head. 27 Nose bleeding, stampe Housleeke, Planten, and Ribwort with Barley meale & apply it to the necke. 28 Pissing much, apply Housleeke or the iuice thereof. 29 Madnesse with great heate in the head, stampe Housleeke and Roses of eche like much with womans milke, and apply it to the forehead & temples. 30 Stingings of Bees, Anoynt with the iuice of Housleeke. 31 Eares running, roste the iuice in an Onyon or Skallion and streine it, and put it into the Eare. 32 Legs ach and swelling, seeth Otemeale and the iuice of Housleeke in milke with sheepes tallowe and apply it. 33 Feuer hote and the Plague, mixe the iuice with Wheate flower and the white of foure Egs, and apply it to the sides. 34 Heate & burning of Gunpowder, anoint with the iuice and gleers of Egs. 35 Eyes dull, put in Euphorbium with the iuice of Housleeke. 36 Lust to voyd, anoynt the Yard with the iuice of Housleeke, great Morell & Vineger. 37 Liuer greefe and swelling, apply the iuice of Housleeke and Morell with Barley meale and Vineger. 38 Apostumes generall, seeth it with Egrimony and Fiue leafe in red wine, and apply it hote. 39 Rubbing and chafing, apply the iuice with Rose water and the white of an Egge, but most of the iuice. 40 Kanker and fester, mixe Housleeke with Garlike and Orpiment, and apply it. 41 Sores generall, put in the iuice of Housleeke and Celondine, and apply the herbe: prooued. 42 Face swolne or scorched, rub it twise or thrise a day with the iuice of Housleeke. 43 Eares dull, put the iuice of Housleeke, oyle Oliue, the iuice of a Leeke, and the milke of a woman that suckleth a boy, into a Viall three dayes, and let it stand open, and vse it. 44 Eares deafe, boile the iuice with as much Eeles greace, a little, and put it into the Eare nine nights: proued. 45 Eyes heate and pricking, clarifie the iuice in an Egge shell, and keepe it in a glasse, and vse it foure nights: prooued. 46 Warts, pill off the skin, and apply it foure dayes or more morne and euen. 47 Face swollen or inflamed, Page  333 anoynt with the iuice. 48 For the hardnesse of the brawnes of the feete, dip them in hote Pisse till they be soft, then launce them about, and apply the iuice of Housleeke, and it will be well on the morowe. 49 Rankling and heate in any place, stampe it with Vineger and Flaxe hurds, and apply it.

  • Abhorring meate 17
  • Apostume 15. 24. 38
  • Backe heate 12
  • Bitings venemous 1. 30
  • Bloody fluxe 1. 11
  • Burnings 6. 7. 15. 34
  • Chafings 39
  • Eares dull 18. 19. 20. 43. 44
    • running 31
  • Eyes dull 35
    • heate 3. 8. 9. 45
  • Face swollen 42. 47
  • Feete hard 48
  • Fellons 15
  • Feuer hote 11. 23. 33
  • Flowers to stop 4
  • Fluxes generall 1. 11
  • Frensie 12. 21
  • Goute 5. 10. 12. 15
  • Headach 2. 22. 23
  • Hote griefes 7. 12. 14. 49
  • Inflammations 5. 7
  • Ioynts heate 12
  • Kanker 40
  • Legs ache 32
    • swolne 32
  • Liuer griefes 37
  • Apostume 25. 37
    • hote 6. 12. 16
  • Lothing 17
  • Lust to voyd 36
  • Mad 26. 29
  • Nosebleeding 27
  • Oyntment 13
  • Pissing much 28
  • Plague 33
  • Rankling 49
  • Sant fire 7
  • Scalding 7
  • Skin off 39
  • Sleepe to cause 23
  • Sores generall 41
    • hote 7
  • Stingings 30
  • Swellings 14. 42. 47. 32.
  • Warts 46
  • Wormes 12