The garden of health conteyning the sundry rare and hidden vertues and properties of all kindes of simples and plants, together with the maner how they are to be vsed and applyed in medicine for the health of mans body, against diuers diseases and infirmities most common amongst men. Gathered by the long experience and industrie of William Langham, practitioner in phisicke.
Langham, William.

¶ Angelica.

ANgelica is good against all poyson and venemous bitings, so that it is better to haue it & Magistrantia, Louage, Gen∣tian, Elecampana, Aristolochia, & Petasites, then al Arabike and forraine wares. 2 It is called the roote of the holy Ghost, and of all heale: it expelleth poyson and rotten blood, and warmeth the body. 3 Halfe a dramme of the roote, with one dramme of Tri∣acle drunke with three or foure spoonefull of the water thereof, and the body well couered to sweate, and forbearing other things three houres after it, driueth foorth the plague, and deliuereth the sicke body, if no Treacle can be had, take a whole dramme of the powder of the roote. 4 The roote smelled vnto being steeped in vineger, and a little of the vineger drunke fasting now and then in the plague time, preserueth the body from the plague. 5 The water or powder of the roote deliuereth the body from torments comming of colde, the pluresie, ruptures, griefes of the lunges, whereof come grieuous coughes, the dropping of the vrine, the Page  26 strangurye, the stopping of the flowers, swellings and windines, and such like, and so doeth decoctions and potions made with the roote thereof sodden in wine or honie. 6 Put the water into hol∣lowe teeth for their ache, and into the eares for their ache. 7 Put the iuice or water into the eyes to cleare them and sharpen the sight, and to take away the webs & mystinesse: put the iuice, wa∣ter, or powder into olde and deepe vlcers, to couer the bare bones with flesh. 8 Apply the water to the goute, sciatica, or any ache or bruises, to dissolue humors that are gathered together: mixe the powder with pitch, and apply it to all venemous bitings. 9 The seedes haue the same vertues that the rootes haue: the rootes, seede or water, is excellent good against all inward diseases: it scowreth the gatherings of the plurisie when it beginneth: it hel∣peth corrupt lungs, it is good against the chollike and strangurie, it prouoketh termes, it helpeth inflamations and swellings. 10 Drop the iuice of the roote into the eyes to quicken the sight, and to clense them from all filth, and put it into teeth that ake to auoide the ache. 11 The water or powder is excellent good a∣gainst rotten vlcers and kankerous sores to clense and heale them: put a piece of gold into the iuice of Limons 24. houres, and drinke it with a little wine and powder of the roote of Angelica, to helpe the plague though all hope were past. 12 The roote taken fa∣sting, or but holden in the mouth, preserueth the body from all in∣fection of the plague or poyson. 13 If any be infected, let them drinke one dram of the powder straightwayes in Winter with wine, and with water of Scabious, or of Carduus benedictus in Sommer, or with Rose water, and couer him well to sweate both for the plague and poyson. 14 The leaues stampt with Rue and Honie, are very good for the bitings of mad dogs, serpents, and vipers, if shortly after the hurt taken, the partie drinke of the wine wherein the leaues or roote haue beene sodden. 15 For the pesti∣lence, any sudden pestilent ague, or too much sudden sweating, drinke halfe a dramme of the pouder of the root with one dram of Treacle, and iii. or iiii. spoonefull of water of the roote, and couer thee well to sweate iii. houres. 16 It is good for all inward di∣seases, especially such as come of colde cause, and for women in trauell, it expelleth winde. 17 The roote or seede may be sodden in wine or water as the disease requireth, and so it healeth all in∣ward Page  27 vlcers, bruses, and congealed blood, and strengtheneth the stomake. 18 The powder of the roote is good against all swoo∣ning passions of the heart, it is gathered in Autumne, and kept two or three yeeres, it cleanseth the lungs, breast, guts, reines and bladder. 19 The hearbe sodden in water, healeth all inwarde wounds, strengtheneth the heart, and dryeth vp all superfluous moysture, as the dropsie and tympany. 20 It helpeth against vo∣miting and weakenesse of the stomake, and being sodden with Rue, hony and wine, it deliuereth from the bitings of serpents, snakes, &c. and also any pricke or wound. 21 It quencheth all carnall rage of youthfull lust, if one eate halfe a dramme of it: it hath many other vertues, for the which fewe hearbes are to be compared vnto it. 22 Tooth-ache put in a peece of the roote, breath stinking of garlike chawe it, it may be vsed for like purpo∣ses as Carduus benedictus. 23 Powder of the leafe or roote cleanseth and healeth rotten vlcers, kankers and sores, and coue∣reth the bones with flesh, (See Blessed thistle.)

Swooning and all passions of the heart, drinke two ounces of Angelica water, with a little Cinamom water, and one scruple of powder of the roote sundry mornings.

  • Ache 8
  • Backe 19
  • Belly ach 5. 16. 10 swolne 6. 19
  • Bitings venemous 1. 8. 14. 20
  • Bladder griefes 6. 10. 18
  • Breast griefes 5. 10. 19
  • Breath stinke 22
  • Bruses 2. 8. 17
  • Bursten 17
  • Chollike 5. 10. 6. 16
  • Colde griefes 16
  • Cough colde 6
  • Deliuerance 16
  • Dropsie 19
  • Eares ache 6
  • Eyes dull 7
  • Flesh to growe 7
  • Feuers, (see Plague)
  • Flowers stopt 6. 10
  • Goute 8
  • Heart weake 18. 19
  • Inflammations 10
  • Kanker 11. 13
  • Lungs griefes 5. 10. 19
  • Lust to auoide 12
  • Mad dogge bit 14
  • Plague 3. 4. 11. 12. 13. 15
  • Plurisie 5. 9
  • Poyson 1. 2. 12. 13. 15
  • Prickes 20
  • Preseruatiue 4 see Plague
  • Reines griefes 19
  • Sciatica 8
  • Serpents 20
  • Sicknesse generall 6. 9. 16
  • Snake 20
  • Page  28Sores olde 7. 11. 23.
  • Stingings. (see Bite) 14
  • Stomake weake 17. 20
  • Strangury 6. 10
  • Swellings 10
  • Swooning 18
  • Teeth-ache 6. 10. 22
  • Timpany 19
  • Venom 18. 14. 20
  • Vlcers olde 7. 11. 23
  • Vomiting 20
  • Vrine stopt 6. 10
  • Windinesse 6. 16
  • Wounds 20 inward 19. 20