The garden of health conteyning the sundry rare and hidden vertues and properties of all kindes of simples and plants, together with the maner how they are to be vsed and applyed in medicine for the health of mans body, against diuers diseases and infirmities most common amongst men. Gathered by the long experience and industrie of William Langham, practitioner in phisicke.
Langham, William.
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¶ Elecampana.

ELecampana is good for all griefes of the breast, lungs and heart. 2 Breast & lungs griefes, boyle it & lycoras in pouder ana like much, with good store of hony, & put one ounce of ginger to it after it is sodden thick & vse it. 3 Scabs generall, seethe it tender, & put thereto sheeps tallow, & tye them in a cloth & anoynt therewith by the fire. 4 Eares wormes, put in the iuice of Ele∣campana, Rue & Wormwood. 5 Cough dry, vse powder of Ele∣campana & Comfery with hony. 6 Scabs generall, slise the root and seethe it to pap & stamp it, & strein it with swines grease, and put thereto some mortified quick siluer & anoynt. 7 Itch, seethe it in running water, & wash therewith thrise. 8 Scabs, seethe the root to pap, & mix it with oyle oliue & anoynt. 9 Mother suf∣foc. seethe powder of Elecamp. & pepper wt wine or ale & drink it: prooued. 10 Frensy wt paine of the stone, seethe ye leaues in wine and apply them. 11 Pricks, stamp the root with reed roots hedg∣hogs grease, & hony and apply it. 12 Elecampana fastneth loose teeth, prouoketh vrin, causeth deliuerance of a dead child, & is good for the cough. 13 Hoarcenes, eate powder of Elecamp. & Com∣fery wt hony fasting. 14 Face falseflegme, seethe iiii. ounces of E∣lecamp, in white wine, & stamp it & strein it, & put thereto powder of Sulphur half an ounce, of Mercury an ounce, & mix them wt as much swines grease & stir it wel, & keep it in bores, being first boy∣led & cooled and vse it. 15 Scabs & pilling of the skin & nailes, seethe the root in water to pap, & grind it with oyle or grease, and anoynt & be whole. 16 Canker, to destroy it, anoynt with the iuice of Elecamp. & Radish with wheat flower, and the white of an eg. 17 Dropsy, drink Elecamp. with wine iiii. daies to driue it down∣wards. 18 Belly & guts freting, seethe the roots of it & Burres in wine & drink it morne and euen. 19 Conserue of Elecamp. is made wt the pap of the root, & ii. or iii. times so much sugar, it com∣forteth the stomack & nourishing members, it looseth tough flegm, marueilously, and consumeth it by seege. 20 Fistula to heale, stamp the root of Elecampana and Lignum vitae, and seethe them in white wine and vse it with a syrindge. 21 Itch, put powder of Elecampana, brimstone, and bay alt ana like much into a bag, and dip it in falles oyle; and rub any itch therewith warme, or do the like with Elecamp. bay salt & oyle of Iris, which also helpeth Page  212 the colde cramp. 22 Chincough, seethe the roote with as much Ginger in water to the one halfe, and take the pap thereof with a third part of hony boyled & scommed and make it an electuary and vse it v. or vi. dayes morne and euen, a good quantitie at once. 23 Stomack to clense, seethe Elecampana and Radish ana halfe an handful in a quart of water, & a pint of hony, & a farthing worth of brused Licoras, & drink thereof first & last. 24 Child bursten, distill the root in a limbeek, & drink iii. ounces of the water. 25 Bruses within the flesh, apply the leaues & roots. 26 Loyns paine, drink two drams of the root in wine. 27 Ruptures in the body, distil the root from Iuly to September, the leaues in the end of May, and drinke an egshel full of the water morne and euen. 28 Dead child to expell, drink ii. or iii. ounces of ye water of the root. 29 Coughs cold, make an electuary of the powder or pap and Licoras & vse it. 30 Scab and itch, stamp the root with swines grease and anoint. 31 Blood to stop, stamp the leaues and apply them. 32 Fluxes to stop, stamp it with as much of the kernels of nuts, & seethe them in∣to an electuarie and vse it. 33 Fistula to heale, stamp the leaues with salt & apply them. 34 Vse Elecampana to comfort ye heart-root, & spirituall members, & for the sinewes to clense them, the breast & lungs, & for all euil humors in the stomack, stopping of the liuer & milt, & for all cold griefes and windines. 35 Bursten, vse the iuice of Rue & Elecampa. 36 Coughs & stopping of the brest, mix powder of Elecampana & Licoras with twise so much sugar and vse it. 37 Consumption, boyle powder of Elecampana and Tormentil with hony and vse it. 38 Health to preserue, eate it in pottage one or twise a weeke. 39 The decoction thereof drunke, prouoketh vrin & termes, & is good for inward burstings & draw∣ing together of any part. 40 The root taken with hony in an ele∣ctuary, clenseth the breast, voydeth tough flegme, & is good for the cough & shortnes of breath. 41 Bitings and stingings venemous, drink the powder of it. 42 The confects of it are good for the sto∣mack & to help digestion. 43 Sciatica, boyle the leaues in wine & apply them. 44 It is good against poyson & comforteth the heart. 45 The wine therof doth clense the lungs & breast. 46 The pow∣der with hony easily to spet & break wind. 47 Seethe it with Rue and vse it against the windy chollick & ruptures that come of the wind. 48 Vse it in baths to wash & clense the body from filth, itch, Page  213 and scabs, and to keep the body warme, and to make them red that were pale. 49 Teeth loose, chew the root. 50 The oyle thereof helpeth the torments, wind of the guts, & is good for the sinewes. 51 Spetting blood, drink the root. 52 The powder of the root mixt with sugar and hony, is a blessed medicine against shortnesse of breath, sighing, and coughing, it clenseth the breast, and healeth the impostumes of the lungs, matrix and other partes, or intralls. 53 Bitings venemous, and inflammations, and swellings of the secrets both of men and women, stamp the greene leaues and ap∣ply them. The roots, and all other roots must be gotten at the fall of the leafe.

  • Ache 26
  • Backache 18. 50. 26
  • Bellyache 18. 50
  • Bitings venemous 41. 53
  • Bleeding 31
  • Breast griefes 1. 2. 34. 36. 40. 45. 52.
  • Breath short 52
  • Brused 25
  • Bursten 24. 27. 35. 39. 47
  • Chollick 47. 50
  • Cods swollen 53
  • Chincough 22
  • Cough 12. 29. 36. 40. dry 5
  • Consumption 37
  • Colour bad 48
  • Digestion 42
  • Dead child 12. 28
  • Dropsie 17
  • Eares wormes 4
  • Face salsflegme 14
  • Fistula 20. 33
  • Flegme 19
  • Frensie 8
  • Flowers stopt 39
  • Fluxes 32
  • Heart griefes 1. 34. 44
  • Health to keepe 38
  • Hoarsenesse 13
  • Impostume 52
  • Itch 7. 21. 30. 48
  • Kanker 16
  • Liuer stopt 34
  • Lungs griefes 1. 2. 34. 45. 52
  • Milt stopt 34
  • Mother griefes 52. suffoca. 9
  • Poyson 44
  • Pricks 11
  • Priuities griefes 53
  • Purgation 19. 23. 34
  • Sciatica 43
  • Sinewes griefe 34. 50
  • Sighing 52
  • Scabs 3. 6. 8. 15. 30. 48.
  • Skin pilling 14
  • Spetting blood 51
  • Stomack bad 19. 23. 42
  • Stone 10
  • Swellings 53
  • Teeth loose 12. 49
  • Vrine stopt 12. 39
  • Windinesse 34. 46. 47