The garden of health conteyning the sundry rare and hidden vertues and properties of all kindes of simples and plants, together with the maner how they are to be vsed and applyed in medicine for the health of mans body, against diuers diseases and infirmities most common amongst men. Gathered by the long experience and industrie of William Langham, practitioner in phisicke.
Langham, William.

¶ Almonds.

1 ALmonds taken before meate, stop the belly, & nourish but 2 litle especially blaunched. Bitter Almonds doe open the stoppings of the lungs, liuer, milt, kidneys, & all other inner parts and are good against the cough, shortnesse of winde, inflamation, Page  14 and exulceration of the lungs being mixed with Turpintine and licked in. 3 Almonds are good for them that spit blood taken in with fiue amill. Bitter Almonds taken in with sweete wine, as Bastard, or Muscadele, prouoke vrine, & cure the hardnesse of the same, and painefulnesse in making thereof, and are good for the grauell, and stone. 4 Eate fiue or sixe bitter Almonds fasting to withstand drunkennesse that day, Apply them with oyle of roses and vineger to the headach, apply them with hony to corrupt and spreading sores, and the bytings of mad dogs. 5 They clense the skinne & face from all spots, pimples, & lentiles. 6 Blaunch Almonds and Peach kernels in hote water, and stampe them and streine out the oyle, and vse it for the thicknesse of hearing, with tents of fine linnen cloth new made euery day, and keepe them in 24. houres foure or fiue dayes. 7 Bitter Almonds in a pessarie bringeth downe the termes, with wine they are good for wheales and little sores, the same eaten take away ache, soften the belly, cause sleepe, prouoke vrine, & stop vomiting of blood. 8 Drunke with water, or licked in with hony and milke as an electuarie, as much as a hasell nut, they are good for the liuer, the cough and the windy colick. 9 Sleepe to cause take blaunched Almonds, one quart, Hempseede halfe a pound, thrise washt in faire water, Dates 16. stamp them together with one ounce of Poppyseede bruised, and steepe them in good ale three or foure houres, then seethe it and streine it, and drink thereof. The gum drunk is good against vomiting of blood with vineger, it healeth the skirfe and skab of the skinne, drunke with sweete wine, or Malmesey, it helpeth the stone. 10 Sweete Almonds doe increase the sub∣stance of the braine, cause pleasant sleepe, and scoure the passages of the vrine and are good for leane folke, the oyle of them is good for a dry cramp. 11 The oyle of bitter Almonds is fittest for the wormes, running and deafnesse of the eares. Almonds eaten with figs clense the breast and lungs, and doe helpe shortnesse of winde. Almond milke is temperate in hote diseases. 12 Almond caw∣dels comfort the principall partes of the body, and cause sleepe. Almond butter is delicate for a stuffed breast. 13 Almond milke will cut, clense and scoure grosse humours, and may be made in the decoctiō of hens, partridges, or chickins, to strengthen nature, or with cold herbs, as Cycory, Endiue, Violet leaues, &c. to cause Page  15 sleepe. 14 To clense the reines stamp Almonds with fine Ve∣nice Turpentine cleane washt, & eat it for the collick, strangury, and stone: quench gold, siluer, steele, or flints in Almond milke, wherein is put powder of Rice, and drinke it to stop the flixe. 15 Almond brothes or cullisses, helpe shortnesse of breath, the cough, griefes of the lungs, liuer, milt, & kidneys. With Almonds and amill is made march payn, fitter for sicke folks then for night bankets. 16 Almonds in meates are good for a rawe stomacke, the iliake and the stone: The iuice of bitter Almonds is good for the sciatica. 17 The oyle is good for the griefes and ache of the eares, head, hips, and kidneys. 18 Stamp one pound and strein them with a pinte of water warme, and as much white wine, and halfe an ounce of Camphire, and one pynt of Magerom water, and keepe it in a close glasse, and wash the face therewith for the heate thereof. 19 Put oyle of rosted Almonds into a red onyon and rost it, strein it, & put three drops into the eare cold as often as need is against deafenesse. For the blooddy flixe, seethe German∣der in red wine, and drinke it often dayly, and eate parched Al∣monds after it. 20 For the Sciatica fill pigs cleyes with Al∣monds and burne altogether on a hote stone, and mixe the powder with Vnguentum Genistae, and anoynt therewith. 21 Stamp one pound of blaunched Almonds, & streine them with a pottell of Muscadell, & the yolks of eight egs newlaid, & put in good store of Sugar, & seethe it a walme or two, & take thereof foure spoone∣fuls morning and euening to helpe the consumption. 22 For the stone drink two ounces of oyle of Sweete Almonds, with asmuch Aqua vitae. 23 To make oyle of Almonds or of Nuts, blaunch them, and put them into a pot full of holes in the bottome, and set it ouer a pot of seething water, and streine out the oyle and vse it. 24 Vse Almonds in medicines for the cough and the lungs, and for the heate of the plague, consumptions, and weaknesse of the backe. 25 Matrix to clense, stampe Bitter Almonds and put them in as a pessary, the same in like sort helpeth the mother. To stop a fluxe seethe Almonds in hony till they be blacke, and eate them. 26 Stampe Almonds with their skinnes, and make thereof Almond milke with water of hulled Barley sodden, and eate it with Sugar, and powder of the ryndes and scorches of a Pomegranate for the blooddy flixe. 27 For the cough of children Page  16 blaunch Sweet Almonds & dissolue them in Fennell water, and distill them through a limbeck, & put Sugar to it, and boyle it till it be thicke, and let them eate it. 28 For the burning sores of the matrix in women with childe, stamp Sweete Almonds and boyle them in water with the marow of an oxe, and put a little meale to it, and anoynt therewith colde, and after wash with the decoction of myrtels. 29 For the griefes of the head and necke, mixe oyle of sweet Almonds three ounces, with meale of March mallowes an ounce & an halfe, and a sufficient quantitie of waxe: make it an oyntment at the fire, and anoint therewith warme. 30 For the cough and shortnesse of winde of colde cause in children, anoynt their breasts with the oyle of Almonds and of Lillies mixed toge∣ther. 31 For hart burning eate seuen or eight Almonds. 32 For wormes in children put in a suppositer of bombast dipt in oyle of Bitter Almonds, for their cough and reume, giue them milke of blaunched Almonds well sodden in Fennell water. 33 For the swelling of their nauill after cutting of it, seethe Spike celtike in oyle of Almonds, and a litle Turpentine and dip well therein and apply it. For the ruggednesse, roughnesse and hardnesse of the skinne and chaps of their lips and handes, anoynt with oyle of Sweete Almonds.

  • Ache 16
  • Aches 16. 17. 29
  • Backache 17
  • Bellyache 7
  • Belly hard 7
  • Blooddy flixe 19. 26
  • Blood spitting 9
  • Breast clensing 11. 12
  • Breath short 1
  • Chaps 33
  • Clensing 26
  • Collick 9. 14. 16
  • Consumption 22
  • Cough 19. 15. 24. 27. 30. 32
  • Cramp 10
  • Drunkennesse 4
  • Eares dull 6. 11. 19
  • Face deformed 5
  • Fat to be 10
  • Flowers stopt 7
  • Fluxes 14. 25. 19. 26
  • Grauell 3
  • Griefes 1. 15
  • Hartburning 31
  • Headach 4. 17. 29
  • Hotegriefes 11
  • Ilyake pas. 16
  • Inflamed 28
  • Kidneysach 17
  • Leannesse 10
  • Liuer griefes 1. 9. 15
  • Lungs griefes 2. 11. 15. 25
  • Page  17Mad dog 4
  • Miltgriefes 1. 15
  • Mother 26
  • Nauill swollen 33
  • Neckgriefes 29
  • Obstructions 1
  • Plague 24
  • Sciatica 16. 17. 20
  • Shortwinded 11. 15. 30
  • Sleepe to cause 7. 10. 12. 13
  • Skabs 9
  • Skinnefoule 5. 33. rough 33
  • Skurfe 9
  • Sores 4. 7
  • Spitting blood 3. 7. 9
  • Stomak raw 16. weake 13. 16
  • Stone 3. 9. 14. 16. 29
  • Strangurie 14
  • Vrine stopt 3. 10
  • Vomiting blood 9
  • Wheales 7
  • Windinesse 9
  • Wormes 32

Of the vse of Oyles dissolue Sugar in water of Violets, Ro∣ses, or Cynamom, and put thereto a drop or two of some oyle that you meane to trie, and make tables either square or round there∣of, and minister them artly.

OYle of Almonds or of Nuts, blaunch them,* and put them into a pot with holes in the bottome, and set it ouer a vessell of seething lyquor, and presse out the oyle, the presse must haue two strong cheekes, and betweene them two plates of iron, hote, but not burning, and the Almonds in a bag of canuas, but if the things to be pressed be of a dry substance, they must be sprink∣led with Aqua vitae and first made hote in an earthen pan, as take Almonds doe off the pilles with a knife, stamp them well in a marble morter, and sprinkle them with the best Aqua vitae, and Rose water of each an ounce, and heate it so that your hand may not be holden in it, & then presse out the oyle into a porringer, and wash it if you will in an earthen pan, with raine water till it be white, this cleareth and beautifieth the skinne in any place. Take Almonds clensed well, powder of red Sanders sixe ounces,* Cloues one ounce, White wine foure ounces, Rose water three ounces, let them lye close beaten in a morter well couered ten dayes beating them ouer once euery day, then heate it and presse out the oyle as before, it causeth a comely, red, & beautifull skinne. Take Sandrac, white Mastick ana three ounces,* gum Draga∣gant two ounces, whites of new layd egs two ounces, scraped Al∣monds beate them well together, and couer them close sixe Page  18 dayes, beating it, and stirring it about once euery day, then heate it, and presse out the oyle, it cleareth the skinne, and maketh it white and comely, and smooth without danger. Steep powder of Cloues,* or Cinnamom, or Muske, or Amber, or Storax, or Ben∣iamine, or Maces in Rose water, vntill it hath receiued their strength, and dry it againe, and steepe it of new foure or fiue times, then put thereto foure times so many scraped Almonds stamped, then presse out the oyle, and set it in the sunne to purifie for a time. The oyle of Cloues it selfe, hath all the vertues of Balme, it hea∣leth fresh and greene wounds, it staieth the issues of blood and wa∣ter in wounds, it comforteth within the natural partes, it purgeth melancholy blood, it comforteth the heart and head, especially it helpeth the giddinesse of the head, and weaknesse of sight, three or foure drops taken fasting in a spoone with some pleasant syrrop, daintie thing, or wine, with the broth or cullis of a Capon, it hel∣peth the collick and suffocation two or three drops taken at once. In tables or lozinges taken morning and euening, strengtheneth the head, & stoppeth reume, it healeth wounds without stitching.