The garden of health conteyning the sundry rare and hidden vertues and properties of all kindes of simples and plants, together with the maner how they are to be vsed and applyed in medicine for the health of mans body, against diuers diseases and infirmities most common amongst men. Gathered by the long experience and industrie of William Langham, practitioner in phisicke.
Langham, William.

¶ Damsons.

DAmsons are most wholesome of all Plums, which eaten be∣fore meate coole the stomacke and loosen the belly, (See Plumtree.) 2 Mouth heate, seethe Damsons, Violets, and a li∣tle Sorell in water, til the Damsons begin to breake, then streine it and seethe the liquour againe with a fewe Barberies & streine it and drinke. 3 To drye them, gather them in Somer, and slice them, and lay them on a boorde in the Sunne, and sprinckle them often with vineger, and let them drie so, then put them in a boxe of wood, and sprinckle them with a litle vineger, and vse to eate of them dayly against the heate of the stomacke. 4 Seeth the leaues or rinde of the roote in wine or water, and wash the mouth there∣with to helpe the tooth-ache, and loosenesse of the gummes and all the mouth without paine. 5 The gumme breaketh and ex∣pelleth the stone. When they be ripe, gather them & slit them, and sprinkle them often with vineger, & drie them in ye sunne xv. daies, then keepe them in a wodden vessel one yeere: for so long they will Page  185 last, then are they good in sharpe feuers for costiuenesse comming of dry choller, if they be new, eat them, if they be old, boyle them in water and drink it for the feuer tertian, stopping of the liuer, the Iaundies, sharp feuers, costiuenes, want of appetite, and many o∣ther griefes. 6 Set i. li. in a pot in an ouen with a batch of bread, then streine it, and put as much hony to it, and so make it in con∣serue. It is good against choller and heat of the stomack and liuer and other hote griefes. 7 Seethe the leaues, bark or root in wa∣ter or wine, and wash the mouth therewith to fasten the teeth, and keepe the mouth from all paine. (See Plum, Prune.)

  • Belly bound 1. 5
  • Feuers sharpe 5. 6. tertian 5. 6.
  • Hote griefes 6
  • Iaundies 5
  • Liuer stopt 5. 6
  • Mouth griefes 2. 4
  • Sicknesse hote 5
  • Stomacke hote 2. 3. 6
  • Stone 5
  • Teeth-ach 4. 7. loose 4. 7.