A supplicatyon made by Robert Barnes doctoure in diuinitie, vnto the most excellent and redoubted prince kinge henrye the eyght. The articles for which this forsayde doctoure Barnes was condemned of our spiritualtye, are confirmed by the Scripture, doctoures and their awne [sic] lawe. After that he disputeth certayne comon places which also he confermeth with the Scripture, holye doctoures and their awne [sic] lawe.
Barnes, Robert, 1495-1540.
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I Haue added Christen reader a table to th∣is boke to helpe thy memorie and that thou mayste the more easelye finde that thou desirest. wherin I haue also sette out the most notable saynges of doctoures and of the popes lawes whych are alleged in the boke afore / so that this table ys in a maner a summe and shorte reher∣shall of the hole boke. But harken deare rea¦der / thys one thynge I do require off the / that thou wylte compare these sayinges of doctou∣res / holye fathers and of the popes awne lawe vnto the sayinges of the pope and bysshopes yt be nowe / and vnto the practice of thys present worlde / and then geue sentence thy selfe howe they do agre. If they accorde then conclude bol¦dlye that thys ys the same churche that was in their dayes: but yff they agre not / then mayest thou suspecte that yt ys amysse and that the de¦vell hathe transfygured hym selfe in too an an∣gell of lyght and that they are hys mynysters whych notwithstondynge haue faschyoned thē selues as though they were the myny∣sters of rightwisnes whose ende shal be accordinge to their dedes.