¶Here folowyth the lyfe of saynt An∣thonye Abbot / Whyche fyrste was bro¦ughte in to wrytynge. and sente by sa∣ynt Anathase to the bysshopp of Alex∣andrye / And after by saynt Enagrion preest translated out of Greke in to la¦tyn. and put it to this present boke. whi¦che is made of holy faders / And begyn¦nyth in latyn ¶ Igit{ur} Anthonius. &c. Caplm .xxxvi.
SAynt Anthonye born in Egip¦te was come of ryght noble pa¦rētes. as was of noblesse of lig¦nage. as of holy conuersacyon / He was nourysshed soo solytaryly that he kne∣we noo man of the world / but on̄ly his frendes. ¶ Whan he was a lytyll grete that is to wyte in his Infancye. he wol¦de not goo play with lytyll chyld{er}n. but he went in to the chyrche. herynge ye ser¦uyce of god / And notwythstondynge yt the chyldren of ryche houses had a cus∣tome to be delicyously nourysshed with dyuers metes / Neuerthelesse saynt An∣thonye desyred them neuer / but was cō¦tent wyth suche as men gaaf to hym / ¶After ye deth of his frendes he abode fad{er}les in thage of .xix. or .xx. yere. & wt hȳ dwelled his syster. whom he gouer∣ned & taught in gode dedes & werkes. & th{us} passȳg ye tyme· vi. mōthes. haūting ye chirche. he thouʒt how thapostles left