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Title:  The advise of a sonne, novv professing the religion established in the present Church of England, to his deare mother, yet a Roman Catholike.
Author: Hungerford, Anthony, Sir, 1564-1627.
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this and telleth vs,Psal. 19.8.That the testimony of God is faith∣full, and giueth wisedome vnto little ones. This wise∣dome my masters of Rome haue found fatall to them, and therefore, although for feare of the peo∣ple, they dare not in plaine tearmes entertaine the holy Scriptures, (when they are encountred with them) with such a greeting, as Ahab that wicked King gaue the Prophet Elias,1. Kin. 21.20Hast thou found vs, o our enemie? Yet is it worthy (deare Mother) of your obsertatiō, to note by what wily sleights & straines of wit they haue practised to depriue the world of all vse of them. First, they like not to have them trā∣slated into the vulgar tongue of euery natiō, where∣by the vnlearned and common sort might come to know them. To this purpose I pray you marke a Ie∣suites language:Azotius. In∣stit. tom. 1. l. 8. c. 26.It is demanded (saith hee) whether the sacred Scriptures may be translated into the mother tongue of every nation, that every one may the better reade & vnderstand them? I answere that Lutherans & Calvinists are in that heresie, that they affirme the sacred Scripture ought to be trāslated into the vulgar language of all nations, against whom the Councell of Trent hath made a solemne decree: and with this Iesuite agrees our countriman Reynolds the Priest.Calvino-tur∣cismus. p. 825.It seemes to me (saith this Seminary) that this prophane revealing of the divine misteries is odiously cōtrary to the will of God, and to the nature of the mysteries themselues.Ibid. p. 831.The ma∣nifold and great mischiefes, which by the translation of the Scripture haue risen against the Maiestie of God, a∣gainst the holinesse of the Scripture it selfe, against the 0